Executes one or more DCL command strings from the same command
    line. The PIPE command enables you to perform UNIX style command
    processing, such as command pipelining, input/output redirection,
    and conditional and background execution.


      PIPE  command-sequence [separator command-sequence]...

1  –  Parameters


    A DCL command, a pipeline, or a subshell:

    o  DCL command

       A DCL command string, which can include qualifiers,
       parameters, keywords, and values.

    o  Pipeline

       A pipeline is a sequence of pipeline-segment commands
       connected by pipes, represented by the vertical-bar (|)
       separator. A pipeline-segment command is a DCL command that
       appears in a pipeline. The pipe connects the SYS$OUTPUT of one
       pipeline-segment command to the SYS$INPUT of the next command.
       The format of a pipeline is as follows:

       pipeline-segment-command | pipeline-segment-command [|...]

    o  Subshell

       A subshell is one or more command sequences separated by
       separators and enclosed in parentheses. The format of a
       subshell is as follows:

       (command-sequence [separator command-sequence]...)

    Input/output redirection is allowed in a command sequence. The
    command before an angle bracket (> or <) redefines its SYS$INPUT,
    SYS$OUTPUT, or SYS$ERROR during execution. You cannot use angle
    brackets (<>) to represent a directory specification in a PIPE
    command because the PIPE command interprets angle brackets as
    input/output redirection syntax.


    Determines the processing action of the command sequences
    specified in a PIPE command. The valid PIPE separators are
    described in the following table.

    Separator  Action

    |          Key pipe separator. The pipe connects the SYS$OUTPUT of
               one pipeline-segment command to the SYS$INPUT of the
               next command.
    ;          Sequential execution. The command sequence following
               the semicolon (;) is executed after the preceding
               command sequence is completed. You must precede
               this separator with a blank space; otherwise, it is
               parsed as the Record Management System (RMS) file
               specification version number delimiter.
    &&         Conditional execution (upon success). The command
               sequence following the double ampersand (&&) is
               executed only if the preceding command sequence
    ||         Conditional execution (upon failure). The command
               sequence following the double vertical bar (||) is
               executed only if the preceding command sequence fails.
    &          Background execution. All command sequences that
               precede the ampersand (&) are executed asynchronously
               in a subprocess environment. The & separator is similar
               to the SPAWN/NOWAIT command.

               Note: Any ampersand that precedes a character string
               without spaces in between is parsed as a conventional
               DCL symbol substitution expression rather than the
               background execution syntax.
    @TEE       Command file, TEE.COM. Used for redirecting output to
               two targets (for example, one output is directed to
               the next stage in pipeline, and the other to a file).
               See the Examples section for an example of how to use

    In a PIPE command line, the "&" has the highest precedence,
    followed by "|", ";", "&&", and "||", which have equal

2  –  Description

    The PIPE command allows you to perform UNIX style command
    processing by executing multiple DCL commands in a single command
    line. You can use the PIPE command to execute DCL commands in a
    number of ways:

    o  Multiple command execution

       Multiple DCL commands are specified in a single PIPE command
       and executed sequentially. The syntax for multiple command
       execution is as follows:

       PIPE   command-sequence ; command-sequence [; command-sequences]...

    o  Conditional command execution

       A command sequence is executed conditionally depending on the
       execution result of the preceding command sequence.

       Using the following form, command-sequence2 executes if, and
       only if, command-sequence1 succeeds:

       PIPE   command-sequence1   &&   command-sequence2

       Using the following form, command-sequence2 executes if, and
       only if, command-sequence1 fails:

       PIPE   command-sequence1   ||   command-sequence2

    o  Pipeline command execution

       A pipeline is formed by connecting DCL commands with pipes as

       PIPE pipeline-segment-command | pipeline-segment-command [|...]

       Each pipeline-segment command runs in a separate subprocess
       with its SYS$OUTPUT connected to the SYS$INPUT of the next
       pipeline-segment command. These subprocesses execute in
       parallel; however, they are synchronized to the extent that
       each pipeline-segment command, except the first, reads the
       standard output of its predecessor as its standard input. A
       pipeline finishes execution when the last pipeline-segment
       command is done.

       It is very common to use filter applications in a pipeline.
       A filter application is a program that takes data from
       SYS$INPUT, transforms it in a specific way, and writes it
       to SYS$OUTPUT.

    o  Subshell execution

       Command sequences can be executed in a subprocess environment
       by using the subshell execution form:

       PIPE   ( command-sequence [separator command-sequence]... )

       The command sequences in a subshell are executed in a
       subprocess environment. DCL waits for the subshell to complete
       before executing the next command sequence. The ( ) separator
       is similar to the SPAWN/WAIT command.

    o  Background execution

       Command sequences can be executed in a subprocess environment
       by using the following form:

       PIPE  command-sequence [ separator command-sequence]...  &

       DCL does not wait for the command sequences to finish. Control
       passes back to DCL once the background subprocess is created.

    o  Input/output redirection

       A command sequence can redirect its SYS$INPUT, SYS$OUTPUT,
       or SYS$ERROR to a file during execution of the command as

       To redirect SYS$INPUT:

          PIPE    command-sequence < redirected-input-file

       To redirect SYS$OUTPUT:

          PIPE    command-sequence > redirected-output-file

       To redirect SYS$ERROR:

          PIPE    command-sequence 2> redirected-error-file

       A pipeline-segment command can also redirect its SYS$INPUT,
       SYS$OUTPUT, or SYS$ERROR; however, SYS$OUTPUT redirection
       is allowed only for the last pipeline-segment command, and
       SYS$INPUT redirection is allowed only for the first pipeline-
       segment command.

    You can interrupt a PIPE command by pressing Ctrl/Y. If the
    PIPE command is executing in a pipeline or a subshell command
    sequence, the command sequence and the PIPE command are deleted.
    In this case, a CONTINUE command entered immediately after the
    interrupt will not resume the execution of the PIPE command.

    If the PIPE command is executing a command sequence other than
    a subshell or a pipeline command sequence, DCL behaves as if the
    command sequence were entered as a DCL command without the PIPE
    command verb and interrupted by Ctrl/Y. See the OpenVMS User's
    Manual for more information on the Ctrl/Y interrupt.

    Each command sequence sets the global symbol $STATUS with a
    returned value after it finishes execution. The return status
    of the PIPE command is the return status of the last command
    performed in the last segment. If all segments fail with some
    kind of error and the last segment returns with success, the
    status returned to DCL is the success.

    When a PIPE command is executed in a command procedure with the
    ON condition processing, the conditional execution of command
    sequences (&&, ||) takes precedence over the action previously
    specified by the ON condition statement.

2.1  –  DCL Command Restrictions

    The PIPE command creates a special execution context for its
    command sequences. The following DCL commands either do not work
    or exhibit new behavior in this context:

    o  PIPE - Nested PIPE commands in the same command procedure
       level are not allowed. There can only be one PIPE command
       context for each command procedure level; however, nested
       PIPE commands at different procedure levels are allowed. For

        $ TYPE FOO.COM
        $ ! FOO.COM
        $   :
        $ PIPE   ...
        $ :
        $ PIPE    @FOO.COM ; ...

       In this example, the PIPE command inside FOO.COM is allowed
       because it is executed at a different command procedure level.

    o  GOTO and EXIT - These two commands, when executed as PIPE
       command sequences, delete the PIPE command context before
       the GOTO or EXIT command is executed. Any command sequences
       following these two commands in a PIPE command are flushed.

    o  STOP - The STOP command, when executed after a PIPE command is
       interrupted by Ctrl/Y, deletes the PIPE command context.

       DCL labels - These commands cannot execute as PIPE command
       sequences because it is not possible to realize their
       functions in a PIPE command context.

2.2  –  Improving Subprocess Performance

    A PIPE command can generate a number of subprocesses during
    execution. Often, the applications invoked by command sequences
    do not depend on the process logical names and symbol names.
    In this case, the spawning of subprocesses can be accelerated
    by using the /NOLOGICAL_NAMES and /NOSYMBOLS qualifiers, which
    suppress the passing of process logical names and symbols to the
    subprocesses created by the PIPE command.

2.3  –  Input Output Redirection

    DCL users can use the DEFINE or ASSIGN command to redirect
    SYS$INPUT, SYS$OUTPUT, or SYS$ERROR. Such redirection can be
    created as either the user-mode (using the /USER_MODE qualifier)
    or supervisor-mode (using the /SUPERVISOR_MODE qualifier)
    redirection. A user-mode redirection only affects the environment
    of the next user-mode image.

    In a PIPE command, redirection can be achieved by using the
    redirection syntax. A PIPE command redirection is quite different
    from that created by the DEFINE or ASSIGN command, as follows:

    o  Redirections are created in supervisor mode. This means that
       both user-mode applications and DCL commands are affected by
       the redirections.

    o  The redirected environment only applies to the command
       sequence or the pipeline-segment command that specifies
       the redirection syntax. After the execution of the command
       sequence or pipeline-segment command, the original process
       input/output environment (that is, SYS$INPUT, SYS$OUTPUT, and
       SYS$ERROR) is restored before command execution continues.

    When SYS$OUTPUT is redirected, the redirected output file is
    always created, whether or not the command sequence actually
    writes to SYS$OUTPUT. If a version of a file with the same name
    as the redirected output file already exists, a new version of
    that file is created. (This behavior is the same as using the
    DEFINE or ASSIGN command to redefine SYS$OUTPUT in supervisor
    mode.) Note that the redirected file is created before the
    command sequence is executed. If the redirected file is also
    used in the command sequence, the operation may fail, as in the
    following example:


    %SEARCH-W-OPENIN, error opening TRANS.LOG;2 as input
    -RMS-E-FLK, file currently locked by another user

    In this example, a new version of TRANS.LOG is created and opened
    for write access; the SEARCH command then tries to get read
    access to the most recent version of TRANS.LOG instead of the
    expected previous version.

    When SYS$ERROR is redirected, the redirected error file is
    only created when the command sequence actually writes to the
    SYS$ERROR during execution, and there is no existing file with
    the same name as the redirected error file. If a file with the
    same name as the redirected error file already exists, that
    file is opened as the redirected error file. The error output
    generated by this command sequence is then appended to the end
    of the redirected error file. (This behavior is the same as using
    the DEFINE or ASSIGN command to redefine SYS$ERROR in supervisor

2.4  –  Pipelines and TEEs

    This section describes aspects of DCL that function differently
    in the context of a pipeline.

    Some of the following constructs are used in the implementation
    of a TEE.

2.4.1  –  Using SYS$COMMAND

    The SYS$COMMAND of a subprocess is normally the same as its
    SYS$INPUT (if no command procedures are involved). In a
    pipeline, however, the SYS$COMMAND of a subprocess is set to
    the SYS$COMMAND of the parent process instead of to the preceding
    pipe (which is the SYS$INPUT of the pipeline-segment command).

2.4.2  –  Using TEEs and SYS$PIPE

    In most cases, input from the pipe can be obtained by reading
    the data from SYS$INPUT; however, when a command procedure is
    invoked as a pipeline segment command, SYS$INPUT is redirected to
    the command procedure file. To obtain data from the pipe inside a
    command procedure, the logical SYS$PIPE can be used.

    The following is an example of a pipeline DCL application

     $ ! TEE.COM - command procedure to display/log data flowing through
     $ !           a pipeline
     $ ! Usage: @TEE log-file
     $ OPEN/WRITE  tee_file 'P1'
     $ LOOP:
     $  WRITE SYS$OUTPUT LINE !Send it out to the next stage of the pipeline
     $  WRITE tee_file LINE  ! Log output to the log file
     $  GOTO LOOP
     $ EXIT:
     $  CLOSE tee_file
     $  EXIT

    The PIPE command to use TEE.COM can be:


    The command procedure TEE.COM is used to log the data flowing
    through the pipeline. It reads in the data from SYS$PIPE instead
    of SYS$INPUT.

2.4.3  –  Image Verification in a Pipeline

    In a pipeline, image verification is turned off by default, even
    when the command SET VERIFY=IMAGE is executed before the PIPE
    command is entered. This prevents duplication of data records
    going through the pipeline.

    To turn on image verification in a pipeline, an explicit SET
    VERIFY=IMAGE command must precede the pipeline segment command.
    You can use a subshell to do this, as follows:

    $ PIPE ... | (SET VERIFY=IMAGE ; ...)  | ...

2.4.4  –  File Access Methods in a Pipeline

    A pipeline segment command can only use the RMS sequential file
    access method to read and write to the pipes. Certain OpenVMS
    utilities may access their input and output files using methods
    other than sequential access. These operations are not supported
    in a pipeline, and will fail, as in the following example:


    %SEARCH-F-RFAERR, RMS error using RFA access
    -RMS-F-RAC, invalid record access mode

    In this example, the /WINDOW qualifier for the SEARCH command
    requires the relative file access method.

3  –  Qualifiers


       /LOGICAL_NAMES (default)

    Copies process logical names and logical name tables to the
    subprocess of a command sequence. By default, all process logical
    names and logical name tables are copied to the subprocess except
    those explicitly marked CONFINE or created in executive or kernel



    Determines whether the subprocess inherits the current
    process's current or authorized privileges as its authorized
    privileges. By default, the authorized privilege mask for
    the subprocess is taken from the current privileges of its
    creator. (This corresponds to /PRIVILEGES=CURRENT.) If the
    /PRIVILEGES=AUTHORIZED qualifier is specified, the subprocess's
    authorized privileges are taken from the creator's authorized

3.3    /SYMBOLS

       /SYMBOLS (default)

    Determines whether global and local symbols (except $RESTART,
    $SEVERITY, and $STATUS) are passed to the subprocess. $RESTART,
    $SEVERITY, and $STATUS symbols are never passed to the

3.4    /TRUSTED


    Indicates that the PIPE command input originates in a trusted
    command procedure. PIPE commands are not allowed in CAPTIVE
    accounts. The /TRUSTED qualifier provides a way for properly
    written captive command procedures to perform PIPE operations
    when the command input originates in the captive command
    procedure where it can be trusted. For more information about
    trusted command procedures, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System

4  –  Examples


      This example uses the pipeline function to identify all
      hibernating processes on the system in one command.


      This example uses the pipeline function to run a test, sort
      the result, and compare the result to the benchmark file in
      a single command without generating unnecessary intermediate


      This example shows one way a subshell can be specified as a
      pipe segment command in a pipeline.

    4.$ more :== TYPE/PAGE=SAVE SYS$INPUT
      $ PIPE    ANA/RMS PAGE.TXT | more

      Check RMS File Integrity                26-DEC-2001 16:12:00.06  Page 1


          File Spec: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TEST]PAGE.TXT;2
          File ID: (4135,58220,0)
          Owner UIC: [PIPE]
          Protection:  System: RWED, Owner: RWED, Group: RE, World:
          Creation Date:   26-NOV-2001 16:08:50.05
          Revision Date:   26-NOV-2001 16:09:09.06, Number: 1
          Expiration Date: none specified
          Backup Date:     none posted
          Contiguity Options:  none
          Performance Options: none
          Reliability Options: none
          Journaling Enabled:  none


      RETURN/SPACE=More, PREV/NEXT=Scroll, INS/REM=Pan, SELECT=80/132, Q=Quit

      This example shows the use of the /PAGE qualifier within a
      pipeline. The /PAGE function exists in a number of other DCL
      commands as well, and can be used similarly in conjunction with
      the PIPE command to form other useful tools.

    5.$ ! TEE.COM - command procedure to display/log data flowing through
      $ !           a pipeline
      $ ! Usage: @TEE log-file
      $ OPEN/WRITE  tee_file 'P1'
      $ LOOP:
      $  WRITE SYS$OUTPUT LINE ! Send it out to next stage of the pipeline
      $  WRITE tee_file LINE  ! Log output to the log file
      $  GOTO LOOP
      $ EXIT:
      $  CLOSE tee_file
      $  EXIT

      This is an example of a pipeline DCL application TEE.COM.

      The PIPE command to use TEE.COM can be:

        $ PIPE  SHOW SYSTEM | @TEE showsys.log | SEARCH SYS$INPUT LEF

      The command procedure TEE.COM is used to log the data flowing
      through the pipeline. It reads in the data from SYS$PIPE
      instead of SYS$INPUT.

      $ BACK  :== SET DEF 'SAVE_DIR'
      $ CD_WORK  ! Switch to working directory
      $     :
      $     :
      $ BACK     ! Switch back to home directory

                  F$EDIT(RECORD, "COMPRESS, TRIM")
      $ LOOP:
      $ GET_RECORD
      $    :
      $    :
      $ GOTO LOOP
      $ CLEAN_UP:
      $    :

      This example shows two simple uses of multiple commands with
      symbol definitions to build useful tools in command procedures.

    7.$ PIPE cc foo.c && link foo

      If the compilation does not generate any error, the object
      file is linked to produce an executable image. If the program
      compilation generates an error, the linking step is skipped.

      $   :
      $  :
      $ EXIT
      $ CLEAN_UP:
      $ :
      $  :

      Using conditional command execution, it is easy to set up
      simple error handling control flow in a command procedure.
      If the image COLLECT_DATA fails, control is directed to CLEAN_

    9.$ PIPE COPY LARGE_FILE.DAT REMOTE"user password"::[DESTINATION]*.*  &

      This PIPE command creates a background process to handle the
      copying of the large file.


      The subshell command sequence is done in a subprocess. This
      means that changing a process-specific characteristic (for
      example, the default directory) will not affect the current
      process after the subshell is finished. In this example, the
      save set is restored in a subdirectory to provide the necessary
      data to run the program FOO.



        "SYS$COMMAND" = "_NODE$MPA24:"
        "SYS$ERROR" = "_BG9930:"
        "SYS$INPUT" [super] = "_BG9930:"
        "SYS$INPUT" [exec] = "_NODE$MPA24:"
        "SYS$OUTPUT" [super] = "_BG9930:"
        "SYS$OUTPUT" [exec] = "_BG9930:"
        "SYS$PIPE" = "_NODE$MPA24:"
        "TT" = "_MPA24:"

      This example shows how SYS$PIPE and SYS$OUTPUT might differ.
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