HELPLIB.HLB  —  PASCAL  Predeclared Routines, Arithmetic
  Arithmetic routines perform mathematical  computations.   Actual
  parameters  to the arithmetic functions can be of any arithmetic

1  –  ABS

  The ABS function returns a value (of the same data type  as  the
  specified   parameter)   that  is  the  absolute  value  of  the


     ABS( x )

  The parameter 'x' can be of any arithmetic type.

2  –  ARCTAN

  The ARCTAN function returns  a  real  value  that  expresses  in
  radians the arctangent of the specified parameter.


     ARCTAN( x )

  The parameter 'x' can be an integer or REAL type.

3  –  COS

  The COS function returns a real value that represents the cosine
  of the specified parameter.


     COS( x )

  The parameter 'x' can  be  an  integer  or  REAL  type,  and  is
  expressed in radians.

4  –  EXP

  The EXP function  returns  a  real  value  that  represents  the
  exponent of the specified parameter (it represents e**x).


     EXP( x )

  The parameter 'x' can be an integer or REAL type.

5  –  LN

  The LN function returns a real value that represents the natural
  logarithm of the specified parameter.


     LN( x )

  The parameter 'x' can be an integer or REAL type.  The value  of
  'x' must be greater than zero.


  The LSHIFT and LSHFT predeclared functions return a value of the
  same  type  as its first parameter.  The return value represents
  the value of the  first  parameter  after  the  bits  have  been
  shifted to the left.



  The parameters are two integer or unsigned  values.   The  first
  parameter  represents  a  value  to shift.  The second parameter
  represents the number of bits to shift the first  value  to  the
  left.   LSHIFT  and  LSHFT  insert zero bits on the right as the
  bits shift left.

  Note that shifting integers is not equivalent to multiplying  or
  dividing  by  a  power  of  two when the value of the integer is

  If the number of bits shifted is larger than the natural integer
  size of the target platform, the result is undefined.

7  –  MAX

  The MAX function returns a value (the same type as that  of  the
  parameters)  that  is  the  maximum value of a specified list of


     MAX( x1,...,xn )

  The parameters can be any arithmetic type, but must  all  be  of
  the same type.

8  –  MIN

  The MIN function returns a value (of the same type  as  that  of
  the parameters) that is the minimum value of a specified list of


     MIN( x1,...,xn )

  The parameters can be any arithmetic type, but must  all  be  of
  the same type.


  The RSHIFT and RSHFT predeclared functions return a value of the
  same  type  as  its  first  parameter.  The value represents the
  value of the first parameter after the bits have been shifted to
  the right.



  The parameters are two integer or unsigned  values.   The  first
  parameter represents a value to shift; the second represents the
  number of bits to shift the first value.  The RSHIFT  and  RSHFT
  functions insert zero bits on the left as the bits shift right.

  Note that shifting integers is not equivalent to multiplying  or
  dividing  by  a  power  of  two when the value of the integer is

  If the number of bits shifted is larger than the natural integer
  size of the target platform, the result is undefined.

10  –  SIN

  The SIN function returns a real value that represents  the  sine
  of the specified parameter.


     SIN( x )

  The parameter 'x' can  be  an  integer  or  REAL  type,  and  is
  expressed in radians.

11  –  SQR

  The SQR function returns a  value  (of  the  same  type  of  the
  parameter)   that   represents   the  square  of  the  specified


     SQR( x )

  The parameter 'x' can be of any arithmetic type.

12  –  SQRT

  The SQRT function returns  a  real  value  that  represents  the
  square root of the specified parameter.


     SQRT( x )

  The parameter 'x' can be of an integer, unsigned, or REAL  type.
  If the value of 'x' is less than zero, an error occurs.

13  –  UAND

  The UAND function returns an unsigned value  that  represents  a
  binary  logical AND operation on each corresponding pair of bits
  of the specified parameters.


     UAND( u1,u2 )

  The parameters 'u1' and 'u2' must be unsigned.

14  –  UNOT

  The UNOT function returns an unsigned value  that  represents  a
  binary  logical  NOT  operation  on  each  bit  of the specified


     UNOT( u1 )

  The parameter 'u' must be unsigned.

15  –  UOR

  The UOR function returns an unsigned value of a  binary  logical
  OR  operation on the corresponding pair of bits of two specified


     UOR( u1,u2 )

  The parameters 'u1' and 'u2' must be unsigned.

16  –  UXOR

  The UXOR function returns an unsigned value of a binary  logical
  exclusive-OR  operation on the corresponding pair of bits of two
  specified parameters.


     UXOR( u1,u2 )

  The parameters 'u1' and 'u2' must be unsigned.

17  –  XOR

  The XOR function returns a  value  (of  the  same  type  as  the
  parameters)  of  a  binary logical exclusive-OR operation on two
  specified parameters.


     XOR( p1,p2 )

  The 'p1' and 'p2' parameters must be of the same type  and  must
  be of either the BOOLEAN or SET types.
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