HELPLIB.HLB  —  PASCAL  Expressions
  VSI Pascal expressions consist of  one  or  more  operands  that
  result  in a single value.  If the expression contains more than
  one operand, the operands are separated by operators.   Operands
  include  numbers,  strings,  constants,  variables, and function
  designators.  Operators include arithmetic, relational, logical,
  string, set, and typecase operators.

  VSI  Pascal  recognizes  two  forms  of  expressions:   constant
  expressions  and  run-time  expressions.   Constant  expressions
  result in a value at the time you compile your  program.   These
  expressions   can   include   constants,  constant  identifiers,
  operators, and some predeclared functions.  Run-time expressions
  can only result in a value at the time you execute your program.
  These expressions can include variables, predeclared  functions,
  user-declared   functions,   and   everything  that  a  constant
  expression cannot contain.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference Manual"  for  restrictions
  on   constant  expressions  and  information  on  evaluation  of
  expressions in statements.


    simple-expression [[ {<> | < | <= | = | > | >= | IN}
    simple-expression ]]

1  –  simple_expression

  The syntax for a simple expression is:

       {+ | -} term [[ {{+ | - | OR | OR_ELSE} term}...]]

2  –  term

  The syntax for a term is:

       primary [[ {{* | / | DIV | REM | MOD | AND
                                | AND_THEN} primary}... ]]

3  –  primary

  The syntax for a primary is:

       factor [[ {** factor}... ]]

4  –  factor

  A factor in a run-time expression can be any of the following:

       array-type-identifier array-constructor
       constructor of schema type or of types containing
          schema components
       (expression) [[ :: type-identifier ]]
       function-identifier [[ actual-parameter-list ]]
       NOT factor
       record-type-identifier record-constructor
       schema discriminant
       [[ set-type-identifier ]] set-constructor

  A factor in a compile-time expression cannot include the following:

       call to user-defined functions
       call to EOF and EOLN predeclared functions
       constructor of schema type or of types containing
          schema components
       schema discriminant

5  –  Examples


  A variable can be in an expression:

       foo           -'foo' is a predefined variable of some type
       new[1]        -the first position of array 'new'
       rec.field     -a field of record 'rec'
       pointer^      -the pointer variable of the pointer type 'pointer'
       cast::INTEGER -the variable 'cast' type cast as an integer


  A string constant can have the following forms:

       {name-string ({constant-expression},...)}... [[name-string]]

  The 'name-string' is a quoted sequence of spaces, tabs, and  any
  other  printing  characters.   An apostrophe is expressed as ''.
  For example, 'hello there' is a name-string.

  The '{name-string ({constant-expressions},...)}... [[name-string]]'
  is a sequence that makes up a name-string.   For  example,  when
  the  list  ('bell  ' (7) 'character') is output to the terminal,
  you will see the string 'bell character' and the bell will  ring
  (as indicated by the constant expression '(7)').

  Additionally, VSI Pascal allows string constants  to  be  formed
  with  double  quotes.   Inside  of  these  double-quoted  string
  constants, VSI Pascal is able to  recognize  special  characters
  that are specified with a backslash, as follows:

   o  "\a" (Alert (bell) character)

   o  "\b" (Backspace character)

   o  "\f" (Forfeed character)

   o  "\n" (New line or line feed character)

   o  "\r" (Carriage return character)

   o  "\t" (Horizontal tab character)

   o  "\v" (Vertical tab character)

   o  "\\" (Backslash character)

   o  "\"" (Double quotation mark character)

   o  "\'" (Single quotation mark character)

   o  "\nnn (Character whose value is nnn, where nn  is  an  octal
      number from 00 to 377.)

   o  "\xnn"  (Character  whose  value  if  nn,  where  nn  is   a
      hexadecimal number from 00 to FF.)


  A constant identifier is an identifier of a  type  that  can  be
  determined  at  compile  time.   The  following  are examples of
  constant identifiers:

         Foo = 3;
         Exp = 8 * 9;
         Func = MAX( 3, 2, 4 );


  An  expression  identifier  is  an  expression  in   parentheses
  optionally followed by a type cast structure.  Examples are:

       ( a + b ) - 'a' and 'b' are predeclared variable identifiers

       ( Foo ) :: INTEGER - expression 'Foo' type cast as an integer


  A function identifier is the name of a predeclared function.  If
  the function has formal parameters, the function identifier must
  be followed by one actual parameter for  each  formal  parameter
  listed.  For example:

       FUNCTION Foo ( VAR n : INTEGER; start : Boolean ) : REAL;

  A call to function 'Foo' could look like the following:

       Foo( bar, TRUE )

  Function 'Foo' returns a REAL value.

6  –  Operators

  Pascal provides several classes  of  operators.   You  can  form
  complex  expressions  by  using  operators to combine constants,
  constant identifiers, variables, and function designators.

6.1  –  Arithmetic Operators

  An  arithmetic  operator  usually   provides   a   formula   for
  calculating  a value.  To perform arithmetic operations, numeric
  operands are  combined  with  one  or  more  of  the  arithmetic

  Arithmetic Operators:

     operator  |  example  |  result
        +          A + B      Sum of A and B
        -          A - B      B subtracted from A
        *          A * B      Product of A and B
        **         A ** B     A raised to the power of B
        /          A / B      A divided by B
        DIV        A DIV B    Result of A divided by B,
                              truncated toward zero
        REM        A REM B    Remainder of A divided by B
        MOD        A MOD B    Modulus of A with respect to B

6.2  –  Relational Operators

  A  relational  operator  tests  the  relationship  between   two
  ordinal,  real,  DOUBLE,  or QUADRUPLE expressions and returns a
  Boolean value.  If the relationship holds, the result  is  TRUE;
  otherwise  the  result is FALSE.  You can also apply some of the
  relational operators to string operands and to set operators.

  Relational Operators:

     operator  |  example  |  result
        <>         A <> B     TRUE if A is not equal to B
        <          A < B      TRUE if A is less than B
        <=         A <= B     TRUE if A is less than or equal to B
        >          A > B      TRUE if A is greater than B
        >=         A >= B     TRUE if A is greater than or equal to B

6.3  –  Logical Operators

  A logical operator evaluates one or more Boolean expressions and
  returns a Boolean value.

  Logical Operators:

     operator    |  example       |    result
       AND           A AND B         TRUE if both A and B are TRUE

       OR            A OR B          TRUE if either A or B is TRUE,
                                     or if both are TRUE

       NOT           NOT A           TRUE if A is FALSE, and
                                     FALSE if A is TRUE

       AND_THEN      A AND_THEN B    TRUE if both A and B are TRUE
                                     (forces left-to-right evaluation
                                      order with short-circuiting)

       OR_ELSE       A OR_ELSE B     TRUE if either A or B is TRUE,
                                     or if both are TRUE
                                     (forces left-to-right evaluation
                                      order with short-circuiting)

6.4  –  String Operators

  A  string  operator  concatenates,   compares   character-string
  expressions,  or  tests string inclusion in another string.  The
  result is either a string or a Boolean value.

  String Operators:

    operator | example |    result
       +       A +  B   String that is the concatenation of strings

       <>      A <> B   TRUE if strings A and B have unequal ASCII

       <       A <  B   TRUE if the ASCII value of string A is less
                        than that of string B

       <=      A <= B   TRUE if the ASCII value of string A is less
                        than or equal to that of string B

       >       A >  B   TRUE if the ASCII value of string A is greater
                        than that of string B

       >=      A >= B   TRUE if the ASCII value of string A is greater
                        than or equal to that of string B

       IN      A IN B   TRUE if the string A is contained in string B
                        (This is identical to INDEX(B,A) <> 0)

       NOT IN  A NOT IN B
                        TRUE if the string A is not contained in string B
                        (This is identical to INDEX(B,A) = 0)

6.5  –  Set Operators

  A set operator forms the  union,  intersection,  difference,  or
  exclusive-OR of two sets, compares two sets, or tests an ordinal
  value for inclusion in a set.  Its result is either a set  or  a
  Boolean value.

  Set Operators:

       operator  |  example  |    result
          +         A + B      Set that is the union of sets A and B
          *         A * B      Set that is the intersection of sets A
                               and B
          -         A - B      Set of those elements in set A that are
                               not also in set B
          <>        A <> B     TRUE if set A is not equal to set B
          <=        A <= B     TRUE if set A is a subset of set B
          >=        A >= B     TRUE if set B is a subset of set A
          IN        C IN B     TRUE if C is an element of set B
          NOT IN    C NOT IN B TRUE if C is not an element of B

6.6  –  Type Cast Operator

  The type cast operator changes the context in which  a  variable
  or an expression of a certain data type can be used.  The actual
  representation of the object being cast is not  altered  by  the
  type  cast operator.  VSI Pascal overrides the type only for the
  duration of one operation.  It has one of the following forms:

     variable-identifier :: type-identifier

     (expression) :: type-identifier

  The type cast operator (::) separates the name of  the  variable
  or  an  expression in parentheses from its target type, the type
  to which it is being cast.

        F_Float = PACKED RECORD
                  Frac1 : 0..127;
                  Expo  : 0..255;
                  Sign  : Boolean;
                  Frac2 : 0..65535;

        A : REAL;

     {In the executable section:}
     A :: F_Float.Expo := A :: F_Float.Expo + 1;

  The  record  type  'F_Float'  illustrates  the  layout   of   an
  F_floating  real  number.   The  real  variable 'A' is cast as a
  record of this type, allowing access to  the  fields  containing
  the  mantissa, exponent, sign, and fraction of 'A'.  Adding 1 to
  the field containing the exponent would give the same result  as
  multiplying 'A' by 2.0.
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