HELPLIB.HLB  —  LDAP  Introduction  64-bit Addressing Support, Implementation
    The OpenVMS LDAP library uses 64-bit pointers internally and is
    capable of dealing with data structures allocated by the caller
    from 64-bit address space.

    Applications that use 32-bit pointers will use the 32-bit
    function entry points in the library. This means they can pass
    arguments that are based on 32-bit pointers and can assume that
    any pointers returned by the library will be 32-bit safe.

    While the mapping performed by LDAP.H is designed to be
    transparent, there may be occasions where it is useful (for
    example in debugging) to understand the consequences of having
    both 32- and 64-bit support in the same library.

1  –  Library Symbol Names

    The symbols exported by the LDAP$SHR OpenVMS run-time library
    differ from those specified in the IETF C LDAP API specification.

    The header file LDAP.H maps user references to LDAP API function
    names to the appropriate LDAP$SHR symbol name. Therefore, any
    application wishing to use the OpenVMS LDAP API must include the
    version of LDAP.H that ships with OpenVMS.

    All of the functions in the OpenVMS LDAP library are prefixed
    with the facility code "LDAP$".

    For those functions where the caller's pointer size is
    significant, the name of the 64-bit entry point will have a "_
    64" suffix, while the name of the 32-bit jacket will have a "_32"
    suffix. Functions that are not sensitive to pointer size have no
    special suffix.

    For example, the function ldap_modify() is sensitive to the
    caller's pointer size (because one of its arguments is an
    array of pointers). Therefore, the library exports symbols for
    LDAP$LDAP_MODIFY_64 and LDAP$LDAP_MODIFY_32. For the function
    ldap_simple_bind(), which is not sensitive to the caller's
    pointer size, a single entry point, LDAP$LDAP_SIMPLE_BIND, exists
    in the library.

    Because OpenVMS imposes a 31-character limit on the length of
    symbol names, certain functions in the library have names which
    are abbreviated versions of the public API name. For example,
    in the case of the function ldap_parse_sasl_bind_result(), the
    library provides two entry points, namely LDAP$LDAP_PRS_SASL_

2  –  LDAP Data Structures

    The LDAP API defines various data structures which are used to
    pass information to and from a client application. Some of these
    structures are opaque; that is, their internal layout is not
    visible to a client application. In such cases, the API may
    return a pointer to such a structure, but the only use of such
    a pointer to a client application is as a parameter to subsequent
    library calls.

    Some structures are public. Their contents are defined by the
    API, and client applications may allocate and manipulate such
    structures or use them as parameters to LDAP functions.

    All data structures used by the API are defined with "natural"
    alignment; that is, each member of a data structure will be
    aligned on an address boundary appropriate to its type.

    Opaque Data Structures

    The following data structures are opaque. Applications should
    not make any assumptions about the contents or size of such data

        typedef struct ldap

        typedef struct ldapmsg

        typedef struct berelement

    Public Data Structures

    The following data structures are described in the IETF documents
    relating to the LDAP API, and definitions are provided for
    them in LDAP.H. Applications may allocate and manipulate such
    structures, as well as use them in calls to the LDAP API.

        typedef struct berval { .. }

        typedef struct ldapapiinfo { .. }

        typedef struct ldap_apifeature_info { .. }

        typedef struct ldapcontrol { .. }

        typedef struct ldapmod { .. }

    Note that the pointer size in effect at compilation time
    determines the layout of data structures, which themselves
    contain pointer fields. Since all of the public data structures
    listed here contain one or more pointers, their size and layout
    will differ depending on the pointer size.

    For example, in the case of the structure berval, the API
    provides the following definition:

     struct berval {
          ber_len_t      bv_len;
          char           *bv_val;
     } BerValue;

    (where ber_len_t is equivalent on OpenVMS to an unsigned 32-bit

    The following code would therefore work correctly regardless of
    pointer size:

         #include <ldap.h>
           char       *buff;
           BerValue   val;
           buff = (char *)malloc(255);
           val.bv_len = 255;
           val.bv_val = buff;
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