Transfers output data from internal storage to external records
  that are sequentially accessed.

1  –  Formatted

  Translates data from binary to character format as specified by f.
  Statement format:

     PRINT f[,iolist]

     f       Is a format specifier not prefaced by FMT=.

     iolist  Are the names of the variables from which the
             data is transferred, listed in the order of transfer.

2  –  List-directed

  Translates data from binary to character format according to the
  data types of the variables in the I/O list.  Statement format:

     PRINT *[,iolist]

     *       Specifies list-directed formatting.

     iolist  Are the names of the variables from which the data
             is transferred, listed in the order of transfer.

3  –  Namelist

  Translates data from binary to character format according to the
  data types of the list entities in the corresponding NAMELIST
  statement.  Statement format:

     PRINT n

     n  Is a namelist group name not prefaced by NML=.
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