/CARRIAGE_CONTROL /NOCARRIAGE_CONTROL Determines whether carriage control or line feed characters or both are prefixed to the prompt string of the subprocess. The default is the current setting of the parent process.
2 /CLI
/CLI[=cli] /NOCLI Specifies an alternate command language interpreter (CLI) for the subprocess to use. The CLI you specify must be located in SYS$SYSTEM and have the file type .EXE. The default is the CLI the parent process uses.
/INPUT=file-specification Specifies an input file containing one or more commands for the spawned subprocess to execute. If you specify a command with an input file, the command is processed before the commands in the input file. The subprocess terminates when processing is complete. You cannot use wildcards in the file specification.
/KEYPAD (D) /NOKEYPAD Determines whether DCL keypad symbols and the current DCL keypad state are copied from the DCL keypad in the parent process to the subprocess. Use the /NOKEYPAD qualifier if you do not want the key settings to be copied.
/LOGICAL_NAMES (D) /NOLOGICAL_NAMES Determines whether the system passes process logical names and logical name tables to the subprocess, except those marked CONFINE or created in executive or kernel mode.
/NOTIFY /NONOTIFY (D) Determines whether a message is sent to the terminal to notify you that the subprocess has completed or aborted. Do not specify /NOTIFY unless you also specify the /NOWAIT qualifier.
/OUTPUT=file-specification Specifies the output file to which the output of the SPAWN operation is to be written. The default is to direct the output to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. When you specify /NOWAIT, you should use /OUTPUT to specify an output other than SYS$OUTPUT to prevent the terminal from being used by both processes simultaneously.
/PROCESS=subprocess-name Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default is USERNAME_n (where n denotes a unique number).
/PROMPT[=string] Specifies the DCL-prompt string for the subprocess. The default is to copy the current prompt string from the parent process. If you specify /PROMPT but do not specify a string, the default prompt is displayed.
/SYMBOLS (D) /NOSYMBOLS Determines whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols to the subprocess.
11 /WAIT
/WAIT (D) /NOWAIT Controls whether the system waits until the subprocess is completed before enabling more commands to be issued to the parent process. The /NOWAIT qualifier enables you to enter more commands while the specified subprocess is running. When you specify /NOWAIT, you should also specify /OUTPUT to direct output to a file (rather than to the screen). This prevents the terminal from being used by both processes simultaneously.