The .DISPLAY ELEMENTS command allows you to specify the form that
    sequential numbering or lettering of items in a list will take.
    This command does not change any values; it affects only the way
    the values are displayed. (See also .LIST, .END LIST, and .NUMBER


      .DISPLAY ELEMENTS  ["x",] y [,"z"] (or ['x',] y [,'z'])

    Abreviated format

      .DLE  ["x",] y [,"z"] (or ['x',] y [,'z'])

1  –  Parameters


    A character, such as a left parenthesis or bracket, that you can
    specify to precede the number or letter. You must enclose the
    character in quotation marks (" ") or apostrophes (' ').


    One of the following one- or two-letter codes:

    Code  Form of Sequence and Case

    D     Decimal numbers
    O     Octal numbers
    H     Hexadecimal numbers
    RU    Roman uppercase numerals
    RL    Roman lowercase numerals
    RM    Roman mixed case numerals - only first numeral is uppercase
    LU    Letters, uppercase
    LL    Letters, lowercase
    LM    Letters, mixed case - only first letter is uppercase


    A character, such as a right parenthesis or bracket, that you
    can specify to follow the number or letter. You must enclose the
    character in quotation marks (" ") or apostrophes (' ').

2  –  Default

    A space for x, decimal numbers for y, and a period (.) for z
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