The RENAME/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command accesses the FTAM renaming utility, which allows you to rename any combination of files to which you have access on any FTAM system within an OSI network. You can change the directory specification, file name, file type, or file version of an existing file.
1 – Format
RENAME/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM [/qualifier(s)] input-file- spec[,...] output-file-spec The following table describes the variables in this format state- ment: __________________________________________________________________ Variable Explanation __________________________________________________________________ /qualifier An RMS qualifier of the RENAME command. For a full description of supported qualifiers, see individual qualifier subtopics; for a summary, see the "Qualifier" subtopic. input-file-spec A file specification of an input (source) file, which can be either local or remote. [,...] A file list containing file specifications for one or more additional input files. Within a file list, you must precede each additional file spec- ification with either a comma (,) or a plus sign (+) with or without a space. To end an input file list, either omit the comma or plus sign between the last input file specification and the output file specification or press <RET>. Input files can be from the same or different FTAM systems. output-file- The name of an output file. Because FTAM spec always creates only one output file, the RENAME/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command ac- cepts only one output-file specification. For local output files, renaming a file to a local directory is controlled by the same rules that control the RMS renaming utility. If you specify no directory, the utility places the output file in your default directory. If you specify another local directory for which you have write privileges, the utility places the output file in that directory. For remote output files, always specify the file designation. For information on where a remote FTAM system places an output file that is created remotely using FTAM, see the documentation of the remote system. __________________________________________________________________
2 – Wildcards
Wildcards provide a method for generalizing a file designation to encompass a set of local files. Standard DCL wildcard techniques work for both local (RMS) files and remote files for those remote FTAM systems that support the NBS-9 document type. If using wildcard techniques with remote FTAM systems does not work, you should complete the file designation. The supported wildcard characters include an asterisk (*) to represent a text string, a percent sign (%) to represent a single character, or empty brackets ([ ]) to represent all files in the local default RMS directory.
3 – Qualifiers
Any RENAME command qualifier that is unlisted here is not sup- ported.
/CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM This qualifier controls whether a request is issued before each rename operation asking you to indicate whether to rename that file. The local sytem prompts you by asking, "filename -> filename ? (Y,N,Q,All):." Issue one of the following responses: o To affirm renaming a specific file: Yes, True, or 1 o To prevent renaming a specific file: No, FALSE, 0, or <RET> o To continue renaming without further confirmations: ALL o To stop all renaming: Quit or <CTRL/Z> Abbreviations and any combination of upper- and lowercase letters are acceptable. Default value: Unconfirmed
3.2 /LOG
/LOG /NOLOG This qualifier controls whether the FTAM renaming utility displays the file specification of each file it renames. Default value: No logging
4 – Examples
1. $ RENAME/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM /CONFIRM - _$ AMIGO::"/MAIN/SUB/FILE/EXT" AMIGO::"NEW/FILE" <RET> AMIGO::"/MAIN/SUB/FILE/EXT" --> AMIGO::"NEW/FILE" ? (Y,N,Q,All): Y<RET> This command allows you to review your renaming request(s) before they are executed. In this example, the remote file /MAIN/FILE/EXT is renamed to the remote file /NEW/FILE on the same system after the positive response (Y) is received. 2. $ RENAME/APPL=FTAM /CONFIRM /LOG FREUND::"^VOL>MAIN>FILE" - _$ TEST.DAT <RET> FREUND::"^VOL>MAIN>FILE.EXT" --> TEST.DAT ? (Y,N,Q,All): Y<RET> %RENAME-I-RENAMED, FREUND::"^VOL>MAIN>FILE" renamed to TEST.DAT This command requests conformation about renaming the remote file ^VOL>MAIN>TEST.DAT on FREUND and, receiving a positive response (Y), renames that file to TEST.DAT. The informational message is displayed because the /LOG qualifier is used.