The DELETE/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command accesses the FTAM deletion utility, which allows you to delete one or more files to which you have delete access on any FTAM system within an OSI network.
1 – Format
DELETE/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM [/qualifier(s)] file-spec[,...] The following table describes the variables in this format state- ment: __________________________________________________________________ Variable Explanation __________________________________________________________________ /qualifier An RMS qualifier of the DELETE command. For a full description of supported qualifiers, see individ- ual qualifier subtopics; for a summary, see the "Qualifier" subtopic. file-spec A file specification for a local or remote file. [,...] One or more additional local or remote file specifica- tions, each of which is separated from the preceding file specification by either a comma (,) or a plus sign (+). __________________________________________________________________
2 – Wildcards
Wildcards provide a method for generalizing a file designation to encompass a set of local files. Standard DCL wildcard techniques work for both local (RMS) files and remote files for those remote FTAM systems that support the NBS-9 document type. If using wildcard techniques with remote FTAM systems does not work, you should complete the file designation. The supported wildcard characters include an asterisk (*) to represent a text string, a percent sign (%) to represent a single character, or empty brackets ([ ]) to represent all files in the local default RMS directory.
3 – Qualifiers
Any DELETE command qualifier that is unlisted here is accepted as a null qualifier, which produces no effect on the outcome of the DELETE/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command.
/CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM This qualifier controls whether a request is issued before each delete operation asking you to indicate whether to delete that file. The local sytem prompts you by asking, "Delete filename? [N]." Issue one of the following responses: o To affirm deleting a specific file: Yes, True, or 1 o To prevent deleting a specific file: No, FALSE, 0, or <RET> o To continue deleting without further confirmations: ALL o To stop all deleting: Quit or <CTRL/Z> Abbreviations and any combination of upper- and lowercase letters are acceptable. Default value: Unconfirmed
3.2 /LOG
/LOG /NOLOG This qualifier controls whether the FTAM deletion utility displays the file specification of each file it deletes. Default value: No logging
4 – Examples
1. $ DELETE/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM /CONFIRM - _$ AMIGUITA::"/MAIN/SUB/FILE/EXT" <RET> Delete AMIGUITA::"/MAIN/SUB/FILE/EXT"? [N] <RET> This command allows you to review your deletion request(s) before they are executed. In this example, confirmation is denied and the file is undeleted. 2. $ DELETE/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM /CONFIRM /LOG - _$ FREUNDE::"^VOL>MAIN>FILE", TEST.DAT;4 <RET> Delete FREUNDE::"^VOL>MAIN>FILE.EXT"? [N] Y<RET> %DELETE-I-FILDEL, FREUNDE::"^VOL>MAIN>FILE" deleted (1 block) Delete TEST.DAT;4? [N] N<RET> This command requests conformation about deleting the command deletes the remote file ^VOL>MAIN>TEST.DAT on FREUNDE and, receiving a positive response (Y), deletes that file. The command then requests conformation about deleting the local file TEST.DAT;4 and, receiving a negative response (N), leaves that file intact.