HELPLIB.HLB  —  CRTL  clearok
    Sets the clear flag for the window.


      #include  <curses.h>

      clearok  (WINDOW *win, bool boolf);

1  –  Arguments


    The entire size of the terminal screen. You can use the windows
    stdscr and curscr with clearok.


    A Boolean value of TRUE or FALSE. If the argument is TRUE, this
    forces a clearscreen to be printed on the next call to refresh,
    or stops the screen from being cleared if boolf is FALSE.

    The type bool is defined in the <curses.h> header file as

    #define bool int

2  –  Description

    Unlike the clear function, the clearok function does not alter
    the contents of the window. If the win argument is curscr, the
    next call to refresh causes a clearscreen, even if the window
    passed to refresh is not a window the size of the entire terminal
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