Performs a series of checks on your CMS library to confirm that
    the library structure and library files are in a valid form.


          VERIFY  [element-expression]

1  –  Restrictions

    o  You cannot specify the /RECOVER and /REPAIR qualifiers on the
       same command line.

    o  You cannot specify an element expression parameter when you use
       the /RECOVER qualifier.

    o  The /FILE_ATTRIBUTES and /WARN_ON_REPAIR qualifiers are only valid
       with the /REPAIR qualifier.

2  –  Command Parameters


    Specifies one or more elements to be verified. If you do not
    supply an element expression, CMS verifies every file in the
    library. You cannot specify an element expression parameter if
    you use the /RECOVER qualifier. An element expression can be an
    element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of
    these separated by commas.

3  –  Description

    The VERIFY command performs a series of consistency checks on
    your library. If you issue VERIFY under normal conditions, the
    command executes successfully, indicating that the information
    in your library is correct. However, if the data in the library
    is invalid, the command returns an error message indicating that
    there is an error in the verification of the library. You can
    use the /RECOVER and /REPAIR qualifiers on the VERIFY command to
    correct some of the errors discovered by VERIFY.

    Recovery and repair transactions are marked as unusual occurrences
    in the library history.

4  –  Qualifiers

4.1    /CONFIRM (D)

    Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation prior to
    deleting any invalid reference copies during a VERIFY/REPAIR
    operation. In some cases, however, if CMS finds invalid reference
    copies (for example, if there is one valid reference copy and the
    remaining reference copies are invalid), it automatically deletes
    the invalid copies without prompting for confirmation.

    If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1, CMS executes the transaction. If
    you type NO or QUIT or press RETURN, no action is performed. If
    you type any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you
    type an acceptable response.

    CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


    Specifies that, for element data files and reference copies, only
    problems with file attributes are to be repaired. By default all
    problems are repaired.

    This qualifier is particularly useful when files are reported as
    not closed by CMS, for example because file protection has been
    changed in OpenVMS, but there may also be more significant
    problems, such as duplicate or incorrect files. By using this
    qualifier, the less significant problems can be fixed, enabling
    any other problems to be more easily identified.

4.3    /LOG (D)

    Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
    on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
    successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
    /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
    warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
    of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.

4.4    /OCCLUDE[=option,...]

    Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
    object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
    search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
    associated with the name of the object. The options field can
    contain the following keywords:

       ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, OTHER)
       ELEMENT (D)
       GROUP (D)
       OTHER (D)
       NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOOTHER)

    You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
    [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]OTHER keywords.

    If you do not specify an element expression on the VERIFY command,
    the default is /OCCLUDE=NONE. If you do specify an element
    expression, the default is /OCCLUDE=ALL.

4.5    /OUTPUT=file-specification

    Directs CMS to write to the specified file. If an incomplete file
    specification is given, unspecified parts are provided from the
    default filename VERIFY.LOG in the default directory.

4.6    /RECOVER

    Controls whether the VERIFY command cancels an incomplete
    transaction. You use the /RECOVER qualifier when a transaction
    with the library is incomplete and the rollback mechanism does not
    automatically cancel the command.  For example, you must use
    the /RECOVER qualifier if the OpenVMS system fails while a
    CMS command is updating the library.

    If a CMS command is terminated and the library is left in an
    inconsistent state, CMS recognizes that the last transaction
    was incomplete and automatically initiates command rollback
    to return the library to a valid format.

    If you have set up a restrictive protection scheme and a system
    failure occurs during a CMS transaction and leaves your library
    in an inconsistent state, the VERIFY/RECOVER command should be
    executed by the same person who was using CMS at the time of the
    system failure or by a person with sufficient privileges.

4.7    /REPAIR

    Controls whether or not the VERIFY command repairs the CMS
    library and files in the CMS library. You should use the /REPAIR
    qualifier if VERIFY issues a message concerning one of the
    following conditions:

    o  The CMS library has inconsistencies that CMS indicates are
    o  Element data files in the library were not closed by CMS.
    o  The checksum of elements in the library is invalid.
    o  Generations in the library have invalid maximum record size.
    o  A data block was not found on pass 1.
    o  The reference copy for an element is missing.
    o  A reference copy is found for an element with the /NOREFERENCE_
       COPY qualifier.
    o  There are duplicate reference copies for an element.
    o  The reference copy of an element is invalid.

    If reference copies need repairing, VERIFY/REPAIR creates or
    deletes files as necessary to correct the information in the
    reference copy directory.

    If a file was not closed by CMS, VERIFY/REPAIR repairs the OpenVMS
    RMS file header so that the file can be successfully verified. If
    the checksum of a file does not correspond to the contents of the
    file, VERIFY/REPAIR recalculates the checksum so that the library
    can be verified.

    If any of these conditions exist, data may have been changed in
    the library by methods other than the normal updating of the
    library with CMS commands. For example, a file may have been
    opened and modified with a text editor. You may want to find out
    why the files could not be verified.


    Specifies that messages indicating that problems have been repaired
    should be output as warnings. By default, these messages are
    informational messages. When used with the /NOLOG qualifier, only
    messages indicating successful repairs and errors will be displayed.

5  –  Example

    %CMS-I-VERCLS, class list verified
    %CMS-I-VERCMD, command list verified
    %CMS-I-VERELE, element list verified
    %CMS-I-VERGRP, group list verified
    %CMS-I-VERRES, reservation list verified
    %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
    %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
    %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
    %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
    %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
    %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
    %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
    %CMS-I-VERARC, archive control block verified
    %CMS-I-VER2, internal contiguous space verified
    %CMS-I-VERCON, control file verified
    %CMS-I-VEREDFS, element data files verified
    %CMS-I-VERIFIED, library DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB] verified

      This example indicates that the library is in a consistent
      format. If VERIFY reports errors, see the description of the
      error message in Appendix A.
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