1    /APPEND

    Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
    file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
    file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
    an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
    the output is appended to SYS$OUTPUT.

2    /BEFORE=date-time

    Lists current reservations that were executed prior to the
    specified time. The date value can be an absolute, delta, or
    combination time value, or one of the following keywords: TODAY,
    TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. By default, CMS displays all existing


    Lists only concurrent reservations and concurrent replacements.

4    /GENERATION[=generation-expression]

    Lists reservations for a specific generation or set of generations
    in a class.


    Indicates that concurrent replacements are not to be displayed.

6    /OCCLUDE[=option,...]

    Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
    object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
    search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
    associated with the name of the object. The options field can
    contain the following keywords:

       ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
       ELEMENT (D)
       GROUP (D)
       CLASS (D)
       NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

    You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
    [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

    By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
    selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.

7    /OUTPUT[=file-specification]

    Directs CMS to write output to the specified file, except for any
    warning and error messages, which are written to SYS$OUTPUT and
    SYS$ERROR. CMS creates a new file if you do not specify /APPEND.
    If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT
    but do not provide a file specification), CMS directs output to
    the default output device (SYS$OUTPUT). If you omit either the
    file name or the file type component, CMS supplies the missing
    component from the default specification.

8    /SINCE=date-time

    Lists current reservations that were executed after the specified
    time. The time value can be an absolute, delta, or combination
    time value, or one of the following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or

9    /USER=username

    Lists current reservations that were executed by the specified
    user. If you do not specify this qualifier, CMS lists reservations
    held by all users.
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