The DIFFERENCES command performs the following functions:

    o  Compares two files, two generations of elements, or a file and
       a generation of an element (see File).

    o  Compares the contents of two classes (see /CLASS).

1  –  file

    Compares two files, two generations of elements, or a file and
    a generation of an element. If the entities are different, CMS
    creates a file that contains the lines that differ between them.
    If they are the same, CMS issues a message to that effect and does
    not create a differences file (unless the /FULL qualifier is in


          DIFFERENCES  file1 [file2]

1.1  –  Command Parameters


    Specifies the first file that is to be compared. If you specify
    /GENERATION for this parameter, file1 must be an element name;
    otherwise, an OpenVMS file specification is assumed.


    Specifies the second file that is to be compared. If you specify
    /GENERATION for this parameter, file2 must be an element name;
    otherwise, an OpenVMS file specification is assumed.

    CMS follows these rules when you do not provide a second file

    o  If you direct CMS to take file1 from a location that is not a
       CMS library, CMS uses the next lower file version in the same
       directory as file1.

    o  If you direct CMS to take file1 from a CMS library (by
       specifying /GENERATION), CMS uses the latest default directory
       version of file1 as the second input file.

1.2  –  Description

    The DIFFERENCES command compares the contents of two files. If
    CMS finds differences, it creates a file named first-file-name.DIF
    in your current default directory (unless /OUTPUT is in effect.)
    If the files are the same, it issues a message to that effect
    and does not create a differences file. By default, CMS compares
    two files that are not located in a CMS library. However, you can
    direct CMS to use element generations from the current library by
    specifying the /GENERATION qualifier on one or both of the file
    name parameters.

    Note: If both file1 and file2 are element generations, both
    generations must reside in the same library of the search list
    or an error will occur.

    A difference is defined as one of the following:

    o  A line or lines that are in one file and not in the other.

    o  A replacement of n lines by m lines (n may or may not be equal
       to m).

    Only the lines that differ are displayed in the differences file
    (unless you specify /FULL).

    A heading at the beginning of the differences file includes the
    name of the user that issued the command, the date and time the
    command was issued, and the file specifications of the two files
    being compared. If you direct CMS to use element generations and
    you have specified the /FORMAT option generation-differences,
    the differences listing contains a section labeled "Generation
    Differences" that contains the replacement history for the
    element. Each generation used in the comparison is identified by
    an asterisk (*) in the first column of the transaction record.
    The differences between the files are contained in a section
    labeled "Text Differences." By default, each difference is
    formatted with the line or lines from the first file followed by
    the differing line or lines from the second file. If a difference
    consists of a line or lines in one file but not the other,
    only the lines from the file containing the additional text are

    If you specify the /SKIP, /SENTINEL, and /IGNORE qualifiers on the
    same command line, they are processed in the following order:

    (3) /SKIP
    (4) /SENTINEL
    (5) /IGNORE options other than HISTORY or NOTES

    For example, if you specify /SKIP=5 and /SENTINEL=("sushi","bar"),
    DIFFERENCES disregards the first 5 lines in each of the compared
    files, and then searches the remainder of each file for the
    sentinel character strings "sushi" and "bar".

1.3  –  Qualifiers

1.3.1    /APPEND

    Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
    file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
    file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
    an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
    CMS searches your current default directory for a file with the
    file name specified in the file1 parameter and the file type .DIF.

1.3.2    /FORMAT=(data-format, data-partition, [no]generation-differences)

    Controls whether the output file is formatted, specifies the
    type of formatting, and controls whether a list of generation
    differences is included in the DIFFERENCES output. You can specify
    the parameters in any order.


    Specifies the type of format. Possible values for data formats
    include:   ASCII (Default), DECIMAL, HEXADECIMAL, and OCTAL.


    Specifies the type of data partition. Possible values for data
    partitions include:  BYTE, LONGWORD, RECORDS (Default), and WORD.


    Specifies whether or not a list of generation differences is to
    be included in the DIFFERENCES output. This option is applicable
    only if two element generations are compared by the DIFFERENCES
    command. In any other case, this option is ignored.  Possible
    values for generation-differences include: GENERATION_DIFFERENCES

1.3.3    /FULL

    Directs CMS to include a complete listing in the output file,
    including identical text and differences between file1 and file2.

1.3.4    /GENERATION[=generation-expression]

    Directs CMS to search for an element generation in the current
    CMS library. The /GENERATION qualifier must immediately follow
    the element name to which it applies. If you specify /GENERATION
    but do not provide a generation expression, CMS uses the latest
    generation on the main line of descent.

1.3.5    /IGNORE=(keyword[,...])

    Specifies one or more of the following keywords. Each keyword
    indicates a type of special character to be ignored during the

    Keyword          Ignored Characters

    CASE             Directs CMS to ignore any differences between the
                     case of alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z).

    FORM_FEEDS       Directs CMS to remove formfeed characters as it
                     compares records from the two files.

    HISTORY          Directs CMS to ignore element generation history
                     as it compares a file with a generation. At least
                     one of the files must be an element generation
                     with the history attribute enabled.

    LEADING_BLANKS   Directs CMS to remove leading blanks and tabs as
                     it compares records from the two files.

    NOTES            Directs CMS to ignore notes as it compares a file
                     with a generation. At least one of the files must
                     be an element generation with the notes attribute

    SPACING          Directs CMS to compress multiple blanks and tabs
                     into a single space as it compares records from
                     the two files.

    TRAILING_BLANKS  Directs CMS to remove trailing blanks and tabs as
                     it compares records from the two files.

    If the HISTORY or NOTES keyword is specified, the history or notes
    text is not used for the comparison, and is also removed from
    the output generated by DIFFERENCES. For all other options, the
    output generated by DIFFERENCES contains the original records used
    for the comparison, instead of the modified form of the records
    designated by the /IGNORE qualifier.

1.3.6    /LOG (D)

    Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
    on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
    successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
    /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
    warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
    of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.

1.3.7    /OCCLUDE[=option,...]

    Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
    object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
    search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
    associated with the name of the object. The options field can
    contain the following keywords:

       ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, CLASS)
       ELEMENT (D)
       CLASS (D)
       NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOCLASS)

    You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
    [NO]ELEMENT and [NO]CLASS keywords.

    By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
    selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.

1.3.8    /OUTPUT[=file-specification]

    Directs CMS to write output to the specified file. CMS creates a
    new file if you do not specify /APPEND. If you omit the /OUTPUT
    qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT but do not provide a file
    specification), CMS creates a file with the file name specified in
    the file1 parameter and the file type .DIF. If you specify a file
    name but omit the file type component, CMS writes the output to a
    file with the specified file name and a file type of .DIF.

1.3.9    /NOOUTPUT

    Directs CMS to execute a comparison without creating an output
    file. This form of the comparison may be significantly faster
    because CMS stops the transaction when it encounters the first

1.3.10    /PAGE_BREAK

    Controls whether CMS allows page breaks in the output file. By
    default, page breaks are converted to the string "<PAGE>" in the
    output file. Use /PAGE_BREAK to request the inclusion of page
    breaks in the output file.

1.3.11    /PARALLEL

    Controls whether the differing lines from the two files are
    formatted side by side. If you specify /PARALLEL, the differences
    from the first file are displayed on the left and the differences
    from the second file are displayed on the right. The heading of
    the differences report displays the file specification of the
    first file on the left and the file specification of the second
    file on the right.

    By default, the width of the listing is 132. Use the /WIDTH
    qualifier to control the width. Vertical lines separate the text
    on the left side of the report from the text on the right side.
    The text from each of the files is allotted equal space (half the
    width of the full report).

    If a line from one of the files being compared is longer than half
    the width of the full report, the line is truncated on the right.
    An asterisk (*) is printed at the end of the line to indicate
    that the line has been truncated.

1.3.12    /SENTINEL=("begin-delimiter", "end-delimiter")

    Specifies a pair of strings used to delimit a section of text to
    be ignored during the comparison of both files. The delimiters
    can be up to 256 characters per line, and must be unique. Any text
    between and including the delimiters is treated as if it did not
    exist. If you do not enclose the sentinel strings in quotation
    marks, they are converted to uppercase before the comparison of
    the files. Sentinel strings may contain any characters, but if you
    include spaces or tabs, they must be enclosed in quotation marks.

    Sentinel strings can appear anywhere in a file. If text delimited
    by a sentinel pair crosses record boundaries, the text after the
    delimited region appears in its own record in the output file; it
    is not appended to the contents of the record in which the begin
    delimiter was found.

1.3.13    /SKIP=number-of-lines

    Indicates the number of lines at the beginning of each file (or
    generation) that are to be ignored during the comparison of both
    files. You must specify a nonnegative integer value indicating the
    number of lines to be ignored.

1.3.14    /WIDTH=n

    Specifies the limit for the width of the differences report. The
    value n is required and must be an integer in the range 48 to 511.
    If n is less than 48, 48 is used. If n is more than 511, 511 is
    used. The default width is the same as the width of the output

    The width of the report is rounded down to the nearest multiple
    of 8 minus 1. CMS rounds down so that if you have specified the
    /PARALLEL qualifier, CMS correctly interprets the horizontal tabs
    in the file on the right. Thus, for example, if you specify a
    value of 100 on the /WIDTH qualifier, the actual width is 95.

2    /CLASS

    Compares the contents of two classes. If the particular generation
    of any element, that is a member of the class, differs between the
    classes, CMS creates a file that contains a listing of the class
    members that differ between them. If the contents of the classes
    are the same, CMS issues a message to that effect and does not create
    a differences file (unless the /FULL qualifier is in effect). The
    /CLASS qualifier must be specified prior to any other qualifiers.


          DIFFERENCES/CLASS  class1 class2

2.1  –  Command Parameters


    Specifies the first class that is to be compared.


    Specifies the second class that is to be compared.

2.2  –  Description

    The DIFFERENCES/CLASS command compares the contents of two
    classes. If CMS finds differences, it creates a file named
    first-class-name.DIF in your current default directory (unless
    /OUTPUT is in effect.) If the contents of the classes are the
    same, it issues a message to that effect and does not create a
    differences file.

    Note: Both classes must reside in the same library of the search
    list or an error will occur.

    A difference is defined as one of the following:

    o  A particular generation of an element is a member of one
       class but no generation of the element is a member of the
       other class.

    o  One particular generation of an element is a member of one
       class and a different generation of the same element is a
       member of the other class.

    Only the generations that differ are displayed in the differences
    file (unless you specify /FULL).

    A heading at the beginning of the differences file includes the
    name of the user that issued the command, the date and time the
    command was issued, and the class names of the two classes being

2.3  –  Qualifiers

2.3.1    /APPEND

    Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
    file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
    file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
    an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
    CMS searches your current default directory for a file with the
    file name specified in the file1 parameter and the file type .DIF.

2.3.2    /FULL

    Directs CMS to include a complete listing in the output file,
    including both identical and different generations between
    class1 and class2.

2.3.3    /IGNORE=(keyword[,...])

    Specifies one or more of the following keywords. Each keyword
    indicates a type of difference to be ignored during the

    Keyword          Ignored Difference

    FIRST_VARIANT    Directs CMS to ignore any differences where the
                     generation in one class is the first variant of
                     the generation in the other class. For example
                     generation 2C1 is a first variant of generation
                     2 and generation 4B6D1 is a first variant of
                     generation 4B6.

2.3.4    /LOG (D)

    Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
    on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
    successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
    /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
    warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
    of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.

2.3.5    /OCCLUDE[=option,...]

    Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
    object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
    search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
    associated with the name of the object. The options field can
    contain the following keywords:

       ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, CLASS)
       ELEMENT (D)
       CLASS (D)
       NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOCLASS)

    You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
    [NO]ELEMENT and [NO]CLASS keywords.

    By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
    selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.

2.3.6    /OUTPUT[=file-specification]

    Directs CMS to write output to the specified file. CMS creates a
    new file if you do not specify /APPEND. If you omit the /OUTPUT
    qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT but do not provide a file
    specification), CMS creates a file with the file name specified in
    the class1 parameter and the file type .DIF. If you specify a file
    name but omit the file type component, CMS writes the output to a
    file with the specified file name and a file type of .DIF.

2.3.7    /NOOUTPUT

    Directs CMS to execute a comparison without creating an output
    file. This form of the comparison may be significantly faster
    because CMS stops the transaction when it encounters the first

2.3.8    /PARALLEL

    Controls whether the differing member generations from the two
    classes are formatted side by side. If you specify /PARALLEL,
    the differences from the first class are displayed on the left
    and the differences from the second class are displayed on the
    right. The heading of the differences report displays the class
    name of the first class on the left and the class name of the
    second class on the right.

    By default, the width of the listing is 132. Use the /WIDTH
    qualifier to control the width. Vertical lines separate the text
    on the left side of the report from the text on the right side.
    The text from each of the classes is allotted equal space (half
    the width of the full report).

    If a line from one of the classes being compared is longer than
    half the width of the full report, the line is truncated on the
    right. A plus sign (+) is printed at the end of the line to
    indicate that the line has been truncated.

2.3.9    /SHOW=(keyword[,...])

    Specifies one or more of the following keywords. Each keyword
    indicates a type of class difference to show.

    Keyword                   Difference Type

    GENERATION_DIFFERENCES    Directs CMS to show the difference if the
                              generation in one class differs from the
                              generation in the other class but one
                              generation isn't a variant of the other

    VARIANT_DIFFERENCES       Directs CMS to show the difference if the
                              generation in one class differs from the
                              generation in the other class and one
                              generation is a variant of the other. One
                              generation will be a variant of the other
                              if at some point in the path between one
                              generation and the other a generation is
                              reserved and replaced /VARIANT.

    If the /SHOW qualifier is not specified, both generation differences
    and variant differences are shown. If a generation of an element is
    in one class but no generation of the element is in the other class
    then the difference is always shown regardless of whether the /SHOW
    qualifier is specified or not.

2.3.10    /WIDTH=n

    Specifies the limit for the width of the differences report. The
    value n is required and must be an integer in the range 48 to 511.
    If n is less than 48, 48 is used. If n is more than 511, 511 is
    used. The default width is the same as the width of the output

    The width of the report is rounded down to the nearest multiple
    of 8 minus 1. CMS rounds down so that if you have specified the
    /PARALLEL qualifier, CMS correctly interprets the horizontal tabs
    in the generation comment on the right. Thus, for example, if you
    specify a value of 100 on the /WIDTH qualifier, the actual width
    is 95.
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