Specifies the resources that you want to summarize in a summary



1  –  Keyword


    Specifies the resources that you want to summarize in the report.
    The following table shows the keywords available.

    Keyword         Description           How Summarized

    BUFFERED_IO     Number of buffered    Total
    DIRECT_IO       Number of direct      Total
    ELAPSED,        Elapsed time          Total
    EXECUTION       Number of images run  Total
                    by the process
    FAULTS          Number of hard and    Total
                    soft page faults
    GETS            Number of GETs from   Total
                    the file that was
    PAGE_FILE       Page file usage       Maximum
    PAGE_READS      Number of hard page   Total
    PAGES           Number of pages       Total
    PROCESSOR       Total CPU time used   Total
    QIOS            Number of QIOs to     Total
                    the printer
    RECORDS         Number of accounting  Total
                    file records
    VECTOR_         Vector CPU time       Total
    PROCESSOR       used (see the
                    description of the
                    /FULL qualifier for
                    further details)
    VOLUMES         Number of volumes     Total
    WORKING_SET     Working set size      Maximum

    The RECORDS keyword is the default if you omit either the
    keywords or the /REPORT qualifier. It gives the total number
    of records for each summary key value.

2  –  Description

    The /REPORT qualifier specifies the resources that you want to
    summarize in a summary report. The resources are summarized,
    either as totals or maximum values, for each summary key value
    specified by the /SUMMARY qualifier.

    When a record is processed that does not contain the specified
    resource field, a default value of 0 is used. For example, if you
    use the PAGES keyword to summarize the total pages printed, the
    value of 0 is used for each record that is not of type PRINT.

    Note that the resource usage data stored in records of type IMAGE
    is a subset of the data stored in records of type PROCESS. For
    example, the CPU time stored in a record of type PROCESS includes
    the CPU time used by the images executed by that process. To
    make sure that you do not count the same resource data twice when
    you are summarizing process resources by totals, use the /TYPE
    qualifier to exclude records of type IMAGE.

    You cannot use the /REPORT qualifier without the /SUMMARY

3  –  Examples


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a summary report that shows for each image the number
      of times it was executed and the total CPU time consumed.


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a summary report that shows the total number of images
      executed by each user. Notice the use of the /TYPE qualifier to
      exclude records of type IMAGE to avoid double counting.
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