When EDT is in change mode and SET NOKEYPAD is in effect or your
 terminal is set to HARDCOPY, EDT accepts a distinct set of commands
 called the nokeypad mode commands.  You may concatenate a string of
 these commands with or without spaces separating them.

 Nokeypad commands take one of the following forms, depending on the
 particular command:

     1.  command
     2.  [+|-][count]command
     3.  [+|-][count][command][+|-][count][+|-]entity[=buffer]

 Whenever a sign can appear in more than one place, the last sign
 specified determines the direction.

1  –  ADV

 The ADV (advance) command sets the cursor direction to advance.  Many
 nokeypad commands use the current direction to determine whether
 entities to the left or to the right of the cursor are to be affected.
 When the direction is forward, nokeypad commands affect the cursor
 character and characters to the right.

 Format: ADV

2  –  APPEND

 The APPEND command works in the same way as the CUT command (see CUT)
 except that it adds the new text to the end of the alternate buffer
 instead of replacing its contents.

 Format: [+|-][count]APPEND[+|-][count][+|-]entity[=buffer]

3  –  ASC

 The ASC nokeypad command inserts a specified character into the buffer
 at the cursor position.  Use the count field to indicate the decimal
 code of the character you want to insert.  Characters are coded using
 the DEC Multinational Character Set; codes 0 to 127 are the same as

 Format: [count]ASC

 The ASC command is the only way to insert a carriage return into the
 middle of a line of text; otherwise, insert commands always treat the
 carriage return as a line terminator.  The following command would
 insert a carriage return:

     13ASC   (13 is the code for carriage return)

4  –  BACK

 The BACK command sets the cursor direction to backward.  Many nokeypad
 commands use the current direction to determine whether entities to the
 left or to the right of the cursor are to be affected.  When the
 direction is backward, nokeypad commands affect characters to the left
 of the cursor.

 Format: BACK

5  –  BELL

 The BELL command rings the bell on the terminal.  There is no effect on
 the text buffer.

 Format: BELL

6  –  CHGC

 The CHGC command changes the case of every letter in the specified
 number of entities: lowercase letters become uppercase and uppercase
 become lowercase.

 Format: [+|-][count]CHGC[+|-][count][+|-]entity

 CHGCSR (change case of select region) works differently:  If there is no
 select range and the cursor is in the search string, CHGCSR changes the
 case of every letter in the search string.  If there is no select range
 and the cursor is not in the search string, CHGCSR changes the case of
 the character under the cursor, if it is letter.  If the [count] field
 is two or more, CHGCSR ignores the search string condition.

7  –  CHGL

 The CHGL command forces every letter in the specified range to

 Format: [+|-][count]CHGL[+|-][count][+|-]entity

 CHGLSR has the same special contingencies as CHGCSR.

8  –  CHGU

 The CHGU command forces every letter in the specified range to

 Format: [+|-][count]CHGU[+|-][count][+|-]entity

 CHGUSR has the same special contingencies as CHGCSR.

9  –  CLSS

 The CLSS command clears the search string buffer.
 Format: CLSS

10  –  CUT

 The CUT command deletes a specified number of entities and saves all the
 deleted text in an alternate text buffer.  The command works exactly
 like the DELETE command except that the text is saved.

 Format: [+|-][count]CUT[+|-][count][+|-]entity[=buffer]

 If you do not specify a buffer, the buffer named PASTE is used.

 Ex: CUTSR   Cut the selected range
     CUTPAGE Cut the current page of text

11  –  D

 The D nokeypad command deletes a specified number of entities.

 Format: [+|-][count]D[+|-][count][+|-]entity

 If the entity is C, W, BW, EW, L, BL, EL, or NL, the last entity deleted
 by the command is saved in the delete buffer associated with the entity
 and can be restored with the UNDC, UNDW, or UNDL nokeypad command.

 Ex: D15C    Deletes 15 characters in the current direction.
     DSR     Deletes the select range.
     DBR     Deletes to the beginning of the buffer.

12  –  DATE

 The DATE command inserts the current date and time string into the
 buffer at the current cursor position.

 The form of the string is:  dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss .  Note the trailing
 space.  Before the tenth of the month the dd is a space followed by a
 single digit.  If you prefer the month abbreviation to be in lower case,
 you can change it by backing up to the month and using CHGL.  This
 command always uses the English abbreviations for month names.

 Format: DATE

13  –  DEFK

 The DEFK command can be used to reassign the define key function to
 another redefinable keypad mode function key.
 Format: DEFK

14  –  DESEL

 The DESEL command cancels the current select range if one is active.  If
 no select range is active the command has no effect.

 Format: DESEL

15  –  DLWC

 The DLWC (default lowercase) command sets the motion state to lowercase.
 With this as the motion state moving the cursor over a lower case letter
 changes it to upper case.  See DUPC and DMOV.

 Format: DLWC

16  –  DMOV

 The DMOV command returns the default motion state to unchanged.  With
 this as the motion state moving the cursor over a letter does not change
 its case.  See DLWC and DUPC.

 Format: DMOV

17  –  DUPC

 The DUPC (default uppercase) command sets the motion state to uppercase.
 With this as the motion state moving the cursor over a lower case letter
 changes it to upper case.  See DMOV and DLWC.

 Format: DUPC

18  –  EX

 The EX (exit) command exits from change mode to line mode.

 Format: EX

19  –  EXT

 The EXT (extend) command executes a line mode command while you are in
 change mode.  EDT interprets the remainder of the command line as a line
 mode command, executes the command, and reenters change mode
 automatically. The EXT command may not be used inside parentheses.

 Format: EXT line mode command

20  –  FILL

 The FILL command reformats a block of text so that as many complete
 words as possible are placed on each line without exceeding the right
 margin.  It sets the right margin to the terminal width minus 1
 character by default.  The margin can be changed by the SET WRAP

 Format: [+|-][count]FILL[+|-][count][+|-]entity

21  –  HELP

 The HELP command can be used to reassign the help function to another
 redefinable keypad mode function key.

22  –  I

 The I command inserts new text into the buffer at the current cursor

 Format: Itext to be inserted^Z
     or: I
 	text to be inserted

 If you plan to insert only a few characters, use the first form of the I
 command.  If you plan to insert several lines use the second form.  With
 the second form you can insert lines until you type control Z.  On
 VT100-type terminals the I command remains at the bottom of the screen
 to remind you that you are inserting text.  Only the first form of the I
 command can be used in a key definition or after C; in a macro or
 startup command file.

23  –  KS

 The KS command modifies the cursor position after a PASTE command.

 After a PASTE command, the cursor is on the character to the right of
 the pasted text.  If PASTE is followed by KS, however, the cursor moves
 to the last pasted character if the current direction is forward and to
 the first pasted character if the direction is backward.  You should
 only use the KS command immediately after a PASTE command.

 Format: PASTE KS

 Such cursor positioning affects a subsequent string search.  KS is used
 in the definition of the keypad SUBS function so that the character that
 follows the pasted text in the current direction is included in the next
 string search.

24  –  MOVE

 The "MOVE" command moves the cursor a specified number of entities. If
 DLWC is in effect, all letters encountered are forced to lowercase. If
 DUPC is in effect, all letters encountered are forced to uppercase. If
 DMOV is in effect, no text is changed.  The "MOVE" command uses no
 command word.

 Format: [+|-][count][+|-]entity

 If you use an explicit sign, the direction of the move is determined by
 that sign (+ for forward, - for backward); otherwise, the current
 direction mode (set by the ADV or BACK command) is used to determine the

 Ex: +3W     Moves the cursor 3 words forward.
     L       Moves the cursor 1 line in the current direction.
     -PAGE   Moves the cursor backward to a page delimiter.

25  –  PASTE

 The PASTE command copies the contents of an alternate buffer into the
 current buffer at the cursor position.

 Format: [count]PASTE[=buffer]

 If you omit the buffer name, the PASTE buffer is used.

26  –  QUIT

 The QUIT nokeypad command leaves the editor without saving any text buffers.
 This will cause you to lose any editing you have done in this session
 unless you used the WRITE command to save the text before quitting.

 Format: QUIT

27  –  R

 The R (replace) command deletes the specified entities and leaves you in
 the insert state so you can enter the text that you want to replace the
 deleted text with.

 Format: [+|-][count]R[+|-][count][+|-]entity

28  –  REF

 The REF command refreshes the screen.

 Format: REF

29  –  S

 The S command replaces occurrences of one string of characters with

 Format: [+|-][count]S/string-1/string-2/

 The slashes represent any non-alphanumeric character used to delimit the
 two strings.  S searches in the specified direction from the cursor and
 finds an occurrence of string-1.  It deletes string-1 and inserts
 string-2 in its place.

 Ex: S/1988/1989/

30  –  SEL

 The SEL command marks a portion of text that will be one end of a select
 range. You create a select range by positioning to one end of the
 desired text (either end will do), executing the SEL command, moving to
 the other end of the desired text, and performing an operation on the SR
 (select range) entity.  On VT100-type terminals the select range is
 displayed in reverse video.

 Format: SEL

31  –  SHIFT

 Use the SHL (shift left) and SHR (shift right) commands to alter the
 left margin when in change mode.  The left margin is the position of the
 first character in each line on the screen.  Normally, the left margin
 is 0, which means all characters are displayed.  If you use a SHL
 command, the left margin can be changed by an integral number of tab
 stops (8 characters).  If SHL is used once, the first 8 columns will not
 be displayed on the screen.  This shifts the screen window horizontally.

 Format: countSHL  (Shift left by count tab stops)
         countSHR  (Shift right by count tab stops)

32  –  SSEL

 The SSEL (search and select) command searches for the occurrence of a
 string and places the string in the select range.  The cursor remains at
 the far end of the string.

 Format: SSEL"string"

33  –  SN

 The SN (substitute next) command performs a substitution using the same
 search and replacement strings as the previous substitute command.

 Format: [+|-][count]SN

34  –  TAB

 Use the TAB nokeypad command when the line mode SET TAB command is in
 effect.  The TAB command inserts the correct number of tabs and blanks
 to position the cursor to the current tab level.  When SET NOTAB is in
 effect, or when the cursor is not at the beginning of a line, this
 command inserts an HT character, thus positioning the cursor to the next
 tab stop.  Tab stops are every eight columns.

 Format: TAB

35  –  TADJ

 The TADJ command adjusts the tab level for the specified range of text.
 The SET TAB value determines the tab size. The tab level is adjusted by
 the value of count; it is incremented for a positive count and
 decremented for a negative count.  A count not preceded by + or - is
 assumed positive.  The TADJ tab setting is the product of the tab size
 and the count.

 Format: [+|-][count]TADJ[+|-][count]entity

 Note that the + or - that precedes the first count is not used to modify
 the direction of entity selection.  Its function in this command differs
 in this way from all other nokeypad commands that use a similar format.

36  –  TC

 The TC nokeypad command computes the tab level from the current cursor
 position.  This command has meaning only if SET TAB is in effect.

 Format: TC

37  –  TD

 The TD nokeypad command decreases the tab level count.  This command has
 meaning only if SET TAB is in effect.

 Format: TD

38  –  TGSEL

 The TGSEL command allows you to toggle select.  When the select range is
 active, TGSEL will cancel it, and when no select range is active, TGSEL
 will enable it, acting like the SEL command.

 Format: TGSEL

39  –  TI

 The TI nokeypad command increases the tab level counter.  This command
 has meaning only if SET TAB is in effect.

 Format: TI

40  –  TOP

 The TOP command forces the line on which the cursor is positioned to the
 top of the screen.  If there is less than a full screen of lines between
 the current line and the end of the buffer, TOP has no effect.

 Format: TOP


 The UNDELETE commands restore the last entity deleted by a delete

 Format: UNDC  (undelete character)
         UNDW  (undelete word)
         UNDL  (undelete line)

42  –  XLATE

 The XLATE command allows calling back to the caller of callable EDT.

 Format: XLATEtext^Z

 The text is passed to the XLATE routine, which returns some NOKEYPAD
 commands for EDT to execute.  This command is an error except on VAX/VMS
 when EDT is being called from a program.  See the EDT Editor Manual for
 more details.

43  –  ()

 A sequence of nokeypad commands can also be enclosed in parentheses to
 form a single unit.  A number preceding the left parenthesis indicates
 the number of times to repeat the entire sequence.  The EXT nokeypad
 command cannot appear inside parentheses.

44  –  ^

 This command provides for the insertion of control characters in text.
 EDT accepts a circumflex (^) followed by a letter from A to Z, an @, [,
 \, ], ^ or _.  Each of these 32 characters is transformed into a control
 character by subtracting 32 from its ASCII code, thus ^@ becomes NUL, ^A
 becomes SOH, etc.

 Format: [count]^[character]
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