DTMSCREDIT.HLB  —  ScrEdit  ScrEd MnWind, s work Form
  The Image/Mask Display and Edit Area is the main
  display and work area of the Screen Editor.

  Benchmark and Result images, and differences between
  Benchmark and Results are displayed in the Image/Mask
  Display and Edit Area of the Screen Editor.  The
  Image/Mask Display and Edit Area is also used to
  display and define Masks.

1  –  s work Gobe

  The Image/Mask Display and Edit Area is the main
  display and work area of the Screen Editor.

  Benchmark and Result images, and differences between
  Benchmark and Results are displayed in the Image/Mask
  Display and Edit Area of the Screen Editor.  The
  Image/Mask Display and Edit Area is also used to
  display and define Masks.

  For more information about using the Image/Mask Display
  and Edit Area double click on an item from the list of
  additional topics below.

1.1  –  s Bmk Display

  To display images of Benchmark screens, you must open
  an existing Benchmark file.

  To open an existing Benchmark file, choose Open
  Benchmark...  from the file menu.

1.2  –  s Res Display

  To display images of Result screens, you must open an
  existing Result file.

  To open an existing Result file, choose Open Result...
  from the file menu.

1.3  –  s Mask define

  A Benchmark image must be displayed and the Screen or
  Global Mask must be activated if you wish to create a

  To create a Mask:

  1.  In the Image/Mask Display and Edit Area, position
      the cursor in one corner of the area you want to
      mask and hold down.
  2.  Drag the mouse cursor over the area that is to be
  3.  Release when you have covered the area to be

1.4  –  s Mask delete

  To delete a Mask, position the cursor over the Mask you
  wish to delete and double click.

2  –  s controls Form

  The Controls Box of the Screen Editor window includes a
  variety of push-buttons and controls which allow you to
  display Benchmark and Result images in many ways.
  Using the push-buttons, you may compare and show
  differences between Benchmark and Result images.

3  –  s WhatScr Lab

  Display File Radio Buttons allow the user to select
  display of Benchmark, Result, Both and Difference

4  –  s WhatScr Radio

  Display File Radio Buttons allow the user to select
  display of Benchmark, Result, Both and Difference

4.1  –  s Bmk Tgl

  Click on the Benchmark Radio Button to display an image
  from the Benchmark file.

  The Benchmark Radio Button is one of the image display
  buttons in the set of Display File Radio Buttons.

4.2  –  s Res Tgl

  Click on the Result Radio Button to display an image
  from the Results file.

  The Results Radio Button is one of the image display
  buttons in the set of Display File Radio Buttons.

4.3  –  s Bth Tgl

  Click on the Both Radio Button to display a combined
  image of the Benchmark and Results file.  The combined
  image helps you to locate differences between the
  Benchmark and Result images.

  The image will be set where either or both of the
  Benchmark and Result files are set and clear where both
  files are clear.

  The Both Radio Button is one of the image display
  buttons in the set of Display File Radio Buttons.

4.4  –  s Dif Tgl

  Click on the Differences Radio Button to display a
  combined image of the Benchmark and Results file.  The
  combined image helps you to locate differences between
  the Benchmark and Result images.

  The image will be clear where the Benchmark and Result
  files are the same, and set where they are different.

  The Differences Radio Button is one of the image
  display buttons in the set of Display File Radio

5  –  s MaskOverlay Lab

  The Mask Overlay Buttons allow you to control the
  display of Masks and to select the Masks for editing.

6  –  s MaskOverlay Radio

  The Mask Overlay Buttons allow you to control the
  display of Masks and to select the Masks for editing.

6.1  –  s MaskScr Tgl

  Click on the Mask Screen Button to display or edit
  Masks associated with the current screen.

6.2  –  s MaskGbl Tgl

  Click on the Mask Global Button to display or edit the
  global mask associated with all screens.

  Note that the global mask is not saved in the mask file
  and is not used when tests are compared.

  The purpose of the global mask is to eliminate
  differences which affect several screens when checking
  results of a unsuccessful test.  After updating the
  global mask click the Compare All button to determine
  if any screens have further differences.

6.3  –  s MaskNon Tgl

  Click on the Mask None Button to hide all masks and
  disable mask editing.

7  –  s Compare Lab

  Click on a Compare Push Button to compare the Benchmark
  and Results images for the currently selected screen or
  all screens.  The screen and global masks will be
  applied before comparing the images.

  The result of comparison will be displayed in the
  Screen List.

8  –  s Compare Btn

  Click on the Compare Screen Button to compare the
  Benchmark and Results images for the currently selected

9  –  s CompareAll Btn

  Click on the Compare All Button to compare the
  Benchmark and Results images for all screens.

10  –  s SList Lab

  The Screen List displays the comparison status of each

  A new screen can be selected by clicking on the screen
  number.  If the comparison status of the selected
  screen is unknown, the screen is compared and the
  display is updated.

  If only one of the Benchmark or Result files are open,
  the Screen List is simply a numbered list of screens.

11  –  s SList ScrLst

  The Screen List displays the comparison status of each
  screen as follows:

      Unknown - No comparison yet performed or mask
      updated since last comparison.

      Successful - Benchmark and Result images are the

      Unsuccessful - Benchmark and Result images are

      No Result - The is no Result image for the screen.

      No benchmark - The is no Benchmark image for the

  A new screen can be selected by clicking on the screen
  number.  If the comparison status of the selected
  screen is unknown, the screen is compared and the
  display is updated.

  If only one of the Benchmark or Result files are open,
  the Screen List is simply a numbered list of screens.

12  –  s msgtext Lab

  The Messages area of the Screen Editor displays
  informational and error messages related to the use of
  the Screen Editor.

13  –  s messagetext ScrTxt

  The Messages area of the Screen Editor displays
  informational and error messages related to the use of
  the Screen Editor.
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