Digital Test Manager :  X Play/Record

1  –  About frame

  © Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company,

  Confidential computer software.  Valid license from HP
  required for possession, use or copying.  Consistent
  with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer
  Software, Computer Software Documentation, and
  Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the
  U.S.  Government under vendor's standard commercial

  Software Version:  Digital Test Manager for OpenVMS:
       X Play/Record Version V4.5

2  –  Overview frame

  The DTM :  X Play/Record allows you to:

      Record X sessions
      Playback X sessions previously recorded
      Capture workstation screens for later comparison
      View script directives during record/playback
      Pause/resume record/playback sessions
      Execute using Motif or command-line interface

  For more information about using DTM:  Play/Record,
  managing windows, or using the mouse, double click on
  an item from the list of additional topics below.

  For information about using help, choose Help from the
  Help menu above.

3  –  DECbasics frame

  Information about using DECwindows, such as how to use
  windows, dialog boxes, and scroll bars, is available
  from Session Manager help.  A glossary of DECwindows
  terms is also available.  To get Session Manager help:

  1.  Move the pointer to the Session Manager icon (the
      icon with your user name and the name of your
      system) in the Icon Box.
  2.  Press mouse button 1 (MB1) twice quickly to display
      the Session Manager window.
  3.  Move the pointer to the Help menu; press and hold
      MB1 to pull down this menu.
  4.  Move the pointer to the Overview menu item and
      release MB1 to display information about using

4  –  Glossary frame

  Benchmark file

    A file containing the expected result screen images
    for a test execution.

  Multi-Screen Workstation

    A workstation with more than one display monitor.

  Options file

    A file in which operating settings for the
    Play/Record tool have been saved.


    The process of playing back recorded X windows
    keyboard and mouse movements.


    The process of recording X windows keyboard and mouse
    movements for later playback.

  Result file

    A file containing the result screen images from a
    test execution.


    A sequence of mouse motion and keystrike information,
    along with control information, recorded in a Script
    (session) file.

  Script File

    A file into which mouse motions and keystrike
    information is recorded by the DTM :  X Play/Record
    tool.  Also known as a Session file.

  Screen Capture

    Capture of an image of the X-windows screen on which
    record or play takes place.

  Session File

    See Script File.

  Single-Screen Workstation

    A workstation with one display monitor.

5  –  OnLineDoc frame

  For the most recent information concerning DTM :  X
  Play/Record, see the release notes for DTM.

6  –  PR MnWind

  The DTM :  X Play/Record user interface allows you to
  record and playback X-windows sessions.

  The user interface consists of a Message area for
  display of informational and error messages.  Control
  functions for record and playback are available through
  the various menus.

6.1  –  PR HelpBox

  For additional information on DTM :  X Play/Record,
  Click on one of the list of topics below.

6.2  –  pr menu MenuBar

  X Play/Record contains the following pull-down menus:


  Various functions that allow you to initiate and
  control the record and playback of X-windows sessions
  are available through the menus.

  For more information about X Play/Record menus and
  functions, double click on an item from the list of
  additional topics below.

6.2.1  –  pr file Cascade

  Use the File menu to open, include, and save a file.
  Also use the File menu to exit the Screen Editor.

  The File menu contains the following menu items:

      Continue (playback only)
      Hide Me...

  For information about using a File menu item, double
  click on an item from the list of additional topics
  below.  –  pr Start Btn

  To start the record or playback of an X-windows

  The Start button can be accessed from the File menu
  entry.  –  pr Stop Btn

  To stop (end) the record or play of an X-windows

  The Stop button can be accessed from the File menu
  entry.  –  pr Pause Btn

  To pause (suspend) the record or play of an X-windows

  The Pause button can be accessed from the File menu
  entry.  A Pause button is also available in the
  Play/Record window.  –  pr Resume Btn

  Resume (continues) the record or play of a paused
  X-windows session.

  The Resume button be accessed from the File menu entry  –  pr Continue Btn

  Continues the playback of an X-windows script when
  waiting for synchronization.

  The Continue button can be accessed from the File menu
  entry  –  pr Hide Btn

  To remove the Play/Record window from the screen,
  choose Hide Me...  from the File menu.

  The "DTM :  Hide Me" dialog box appears, which displays
  the command key entry required to restore the
  Play/Record window.  The default key entry required to
  restore the Play/Record window is <F9>-W.

  Click on OK to hide the Play/Record window.  Click on
  Cancel to continue with the Play/Record window

  The Hide Me...  button can be accessed from the File
  menu entry.  A Hide Me...  button is also available in
  the Play/Record window.

  When the Play/Record window is hidden, the tool may be
  controlled through keyboard commands entries.

  For more information on keyboard commands to control
  recording when the Play/Record window is hidden, double
  click on the Keyboard Commands entry in the list of
  additional topics below.  –  pr Status Btn

  Provides status of the current record or play.

  Status is displayed in the Message area of the
  Play/Record window.

  The Status button be accessed from the File menu entry
  A Status button is also available in the Play/Record
  window.  –  pr Exit Btn

  Ends a record or play session (closes the script file)
  and removes the Play/Record window from the display

  It can be accessed from the File menu entry

6.2.2  –  pr Edit Cascade

  Use the Edit menu to select, copy, and clear text from
  the Message area.

  The Edit menu contains the following menu items:

      Select All

  For information about using an Edit menu item, double
  click on an item from the list of additional topics
  below.  –  pr Copy Btn

  The Copy menu item copies selected text from the
  Message area.

  To copy information:

  1.  Select the information you want to copy by pressing
      and holding MB1, dragging the pointer over the
      information, and releasing MB1.  Or, choose the
      Select All menu item from the Edit menu to copy the
      entire Messages area.

      The selected area is highlighted.

  2.  Choose the Copy menu item from the Edit menu to
      store the copied information.

  3.  Move the cursor over the application area where you
      want to place the information and click on MB2.

  The selected information is copied to the new location.  –  pr SelectAll Btn

  The Select All menu item selects all text in the
  Messages area.

  To copy the Messages area:

  1.  Choose the Select All menu item from the Edit menu
      to copy the entire display.

      The selected area is highlighted.

  2.  Choose the Copy menu item from the Edit menu to
      store the copied information.

  3.  Move the cursor over the application area where you
      want to place the information and click on MB2.

  The selected information is copied to the new location.  –  pr Clear Btn

  Use the Clear button to clear all text from the
  Messages area.

  The Clear button be accessed from the Edit menu entry

6.2.3  –  pr Script Cascade

  Use the Script menu to write additional script control
  information to the output session file.

  The Script menu contains the following menu items:

      Directives...  (record only)
      Save Screen (record only)
      Speed...  (playback only)

  For information about using a Script menu item, double
  click on an item from the list of additional topics
  below.  –  pr DoSScreen Btn

  Click on the Save Screen button to capture the current
  screen image into the Benchmark file and to place a
  Save Screen directive into a recorded X-windows script

  A watch cursor shall be displayed while the screen is
  being captured.

  The Save Screen button can be accessed from the Script
  menu entry.  A Save Screen button is also available in
  the Play/Record window.  –  pr Synchronization Btn

  To add script synchronization information to the
  recorded X-windows script, choose Synchronization...
  from the Directives menu.

  Also choose Synchronization...  to change script
  synchronization during play of an X-windows script.

  The "DTM :  Synchronization" dialog box appears, which
  displays and allows you to change synchronization

  The Synchronization...  button can be accessed from the
  Script menu entry

  pr_Learn_Btn !.br.i-1;=INCLUDE PlayRec PR_MnWind pr_menu_MenuBar pr_Script_Cascade pr_Data_Btn  –  pr Speed Btn

  To change the speed at which recorded mouse movements
  and keystrikes are played, choose Speed from the
  Directives menu.

  The "DTM :  X Speed" dialog box appears, which displays
  a slider allowing you to change the speed of script

  Note that changes in speed may effect the execution of
  the session.

  The Speed...  button can be accessed from the
  Directives menu entry

6.2.4  –  pr Options Cascade

  Once you have created a DTM :  Play/Record window, you
  can choose operating settings and then save these
  settings by using the Options menu.

  The Options menu contains the following menu items:

      Use Last Saved Settings
      Use System Defaults
      Use Saved Settings From...
      Save Current Settings
      Save Current Settings As...

  For information about using a Options menu item, double
  click on an item from the list of additional topics
  below.  –  pr General Btn

  To change operating parameters of a general nature,
  choose General...  from the Options menu.

  The DTM :  X General dialog box appears, which allows
  you to view and change current operating options.

  The General...  button can be accessed from the Options
  menu.  –  pr RestS Btn

  To use the last options settings saved with the Save
  Current Settings button, choose Use Last Saved Settings
  from the Options menu.  –  pr RestSys Btn

  To set all current options settings to the system
  defaults, choose Use System Defaults from the Options
  menu.  –  pr RestAs Btn

  To use saved options settings previously saved to a
  file, choose Use Saved Settings From...  from the
  Options menu.

  The DTM :  X Use Saved Settings From dialog box
  appears, which allows you to choose from saved options
  files.  –  pr SaveS Btn

  To save current options settings, choose Save Current
  Settings from the Options menu.  –  pr SaveAs Btn

  To save options settings to a file, choose Save
  Settings As...  from the Options menu.

  The DTM :  X Save Current Settings As dialog box
  appears, which allows you to choose a file in which to
  save options.

6.2.5  –  pr Help Cascade

  The Help menu contains the following menu items that
  let you display help for each window:

      On Context
      On Window
      On Terms
      On Version

  For more information about using a Help menu item,
  double click on an item from the list of additional
  topics below.  –  pr OnContext Btn

  Context-sensitive help is information about an object
  in a window or a dialog box.

  To display context-sensitive help, choose On Context
  from the Help menu.

  The pointer changes to a question mark.  Move the
  question mark to a menu, a button, or another object
  and click MB1.  Help for that object appears.  –  pr OnWindow Btn

  To display an overview of DTM :  Play/Record, along
  with help on how to perform various functions in
  Play/Record, choose On Window from the Help menu.  –  pr OnTerms Btn

  To display a Glossary of terms used in DTM :
  Play/Record, choose On Terms from the Help menu.  –  pr OnVersion Btn

  To display information on the software version of DTM :
  Play/Record, choose On Version from the Help menu.

6.3  –  work Form

  The Messages area for the DTM :  Play/Record tool
  display informational and error messages.

6.3.1  –  pr StartB Btn

  Choose the Start/Stop button to start or stop the play
  of a script.  Initially, the Start/Stop button contains
  the label, "Start".  While a script is playing, the
  label is changed to read, "Stop".

6.3.2  –  pr Occl Btn

  To remove the Play/Record window from the screen,
  choose Hide Me...  from the File menu.

  The "DTM :  Hide Me" dialog box appears, which displays
  the command key entry required to restore the
  Play/Record window.  The default key entry required to
  restore the Play/Record window is <F9>-W.

  Click on OK to hide the Play/Record window.  Click on
  Cancel to continue with the Play/Record window

  The Hide Me...  button can be accessed from the File
  menu entry.  A Hide Me...  button is also available in
  the Play/Record window.

  When the Play/Record window is hidden, the tool may be
  controlled through keyboard commands.

  For more information on keyboard commands to control
  recording when the Play/Record window is hidden, double
  click on the Keyboard Commands entry in the list of
  additional topics below.

6.3.3  –  pr messages Lab

  The Message area displays information and error
  messages related to Play or Record of an X session.

6.3.4  –  pr messagetext ScrTxt

  The Message area displays information and error
  messages related to Play or Record of an X session.

6.3.5  –  pr DoSScreenB Btn

  Click on the Save Screen button to capture the current
  screen image into the Benchmark file and to place a
  Save Screen directive into a recorded X-windows script

  A watch cursor shall be displayed while the screen is
  being captured.

  The Save Screen button can be accessed in the
  Play/Record window.  A Save Screen button is also
  available in the Script menu entry.

6.3.6  –  pr PauseR Btn

  To pause (suspend) the record or play of an X-windows

  The Pause button can be accessed from the File menu
  entry.  A Pause button is also available in the
  Play/Record window.

6.3.7  –  pr StatusB Btn

  Provides status of the current record or play.

  Status is displayed in the Message area of the
  Play/Record window.

  The Status button be accessed from the File menu entry
  A Status button is also available in the Play/Record

7  –  HideDB InfoBox

  To remove the Play/Record window from the screen,
  choose Hide Me...  from the Play/Record window.

  The "DTM :  Hide Me" dialog box appears, which displays
  the command key entry required to restore the
  Play/Record window.  The default key entry required to
  restore the Play/Record window is <F9>-W.

  The Hide Me...  button is located in the Play/Record
  window.  A Hide Me...  button is also available in the
  File menu entry.

  When the Play/Record window is hidden, the tool may be
  controlled through keyboard commands.

  For more information on keyboard commands to control
  recording when the Play/Record window is hidden, double
  click on the Keyboard Commands entry in the list of
  additional topics below.

8  –  DataDB PopForm

  The DTM :  Directives dialog box for X record, allows
  the user to specify comments and control directives to
  be recorded into the script file.

  Control directives added to the script file are used to
  change the behavior of script playback.

8.1  –  Data ScrWind

  The DTM :  Directives dialog box for X record, allows
  the user to specify comments and control directives to
  be recorded into the script file.

  Control directives added to the script file are used to
  change the behavior of script playback.

8.1.1  –  Data Form

  The DTM :  Directives dialog box for X record, allows
  the user to specify comments and control directives to
  be recorded into the script file.

  Control directives added to the script file are used to
  change the behavior of script playback.  –  DFrequent Form

  Use the buttons and text fields in the Frequently Used
  Directives area to:

  1.  Add comments to the script file.

  2.  Add messages to be displayed during play of the

  3.  Add commands to be executed during play of the
      script.  –  DFrequent Lab

  Use the buttons and text fields in the Frequently Used
  Directives area to:

  1.  Add comments to the script file.

  2.  Add messages to be displayed during play of the

  3.  Add commands to be executed during play of the
      script.  –  Note Tgl

  Use the Note/Comment toggle and text entry to add
  comments to the recorded script file.  –  Note Txt

  Use the Note/Comment toggle and text entry to add
  comments to the recorded script file.  –  Msg Tgl

  Use the Message toggle and text entry to add messages
  to the recorded script file.

  Such messages will be displayed during play of the
  script file.  –  Msg Txt

  Use the Message toggle and text entry to add messages
  to the recorded script file.

  Such messages will be displayed during play of the
  script file.  –  Shell Tgl

  Use the Execute Shell/DCL Command toggle to specify
  commands to be executed during play of the script.  –  Shell Txt

  Use the Execute Shell/DCL Command toggle to specify
  commands to be executed during play of the script.  –  DGroup Form

  Looping Directives are used to repeat script actions
  for a specified number of times during play of the
  script.  –  DGroup Lab

  Looping Directives are used to repeat script actions
  for a specified number of times during play of the
  script.  –  Loop Tgl

  Use the Loop toggle to specify the beginning of a loop
  of script actions to be performed during play of the

  The loop will be repeated the number of times specified
  in the slider within the Looping Directives area.  –  Loop Scale

  Use the Loop slider to specify the number of loop
  iterations to be performed when the script is played.  –  EndLoop Tgl

  Use the End Loop toggle to enter a loop terminator into
  the recorded script file.  –  DTimeout Form

  Use the Timeout Directive to control the amount of time
  that play of a script will delay waiting for
  synchronization factors to be satisfied.  –  DTimeout Lab

  Use the Timeout Directive to control the amount of time
  that play of a script will delay waiting for
  synchronization factors to be satisfied.  –  SetTout Tgl

  Use the Timeout Directive to control the amount of time
  that play of a script will delay waiting for
  synchronization factors to be satisfied.  –  SetTout Radio

  Use the Timeout Directive to control the amount of time
  that play of a script will delay waiting for
  synchronization factors to be satisfied.  –  SetFacTout Tgl

  Use the Timeout Directive to control the amount of time
  that play of a script will delay waiting for
  synchronization factors to be satisfied.  –  SetActTout Tgl

  Use the Timeout Directive to control the amount of time
  that play of a script will delay waiting for
  synchronization factors to be satisfied.  –  SetTout Scale

  Use the Timeout Directive to control the amount of time
  that play of a script will delay waiting for
  synchronization factors to be satisfied.  –  DHdr Form

  The DTM :  Directives dialog box for X record, allows
  the user to specify comments and control directives to
  be recorded into the script file.

  Control directives added to the script file are used to
  change the behavior of script playback.  –  DSynch Form

  Synchronization directives allow you to better control
  the play of a recorded script by controlling how the
  Play/Record tool synchronizes the play.  –  DSynch Lab

  Synchronization directives allow you to better control
  the play of a recorded script by controlling how the
  Play/Record tool synchronizes the play.  –  Synch Tgl

  Click on the Synchronize toggle to place a
  synchronization marker into the recorded script file.
  Such a marker, when encountered during play of the
  script will cause the Play/Record tool to, after
  synchronizing or timeout, to reset counts of XRequests
  and XEvents, thereby establishing a baseline for
  continuation of script synchronization.

  The purpose of placing such synchronization markers
  into the script is to mark points in the script of
  known stability (no application activity).  This
  feature is intended only for advanced users of the
  Play/Record tool.  –  DataReqS Lab

  To specify application output text strings for play
  synchronization.  The play will delay proceeding until
  the specified text is seen as output (display request)
  from the application or until timeout.  –  ImageS Tgl

  Use the ImageText8 toggle and text entry to enter
  strings on which script play will synchronize.

  When the recorded script is played, the script play
  will pause until the application outputs the specified
  display string (using the ImageText8 X Request format).
  If the specified string is not encountered, the script
  play will continue after timeout.  –  ImageS Txt

  Use the ImageText8 toggle and text entry to enter
  strings on which script play will synchronize.

  When the recorded script is played, the script play
  will pause until the application outputs the specified
  display string (using the ImageText8 X Request format).
  If the specified string is not encountered, the script
  play will continue after timeout.  –  PolyS Tgl

  Use the PolyText8 toggle and text entry to enter
  strings on which script play will synchronize.

  When the recorded script is played, the script play
  will pause until the application outputs the specified
  display string (using the PolyText8 X Request format).
  If the specified string is not encountered, the script
  play will continue after timeout.  –  PolyS Txt

  Use the PolyText8 toggle and text entry to enter
  strings on which script play will synchronize.

  When the recorded script is played, the script play
  will pause until the application outputs the specified
  display string (using the PolyText8 X Request format).
  If the specified string is not encountered, the script
  play will continue after timeout.  –  DMisc Form

  Use Miscellaneous Directives toggles and sliders to
  record the screen number for playback and the speed of
  playback.  –  DMisc Lab

  Use Miscellaneous Directives toggles and sliders to
  record the screen number for playback and the speed of
  playback.  –  SetScreen Tgl

  The Screen Number toggle and slider can be used with a
  multi-screen workstation to specify the screen number
  on which the playback of recorded mouse motions and
  keystrikes is to take place.

  By default, screen 0 is used for play of a script.
  Screen 0 is the number of your screen for a standard
  single-screen workstation.  –  SetScreen Scale

  The Screen Number toggle and slider can be used with a
  multi-screen workstation to specify the screen number
  on which the playback of recorded mouse motions and
  keystrikes is to take place.

  By default, screen 0 is used for play of a script.
  Screen 0 is the number of your screen for a standard
  single-screen workstation.  –  SetSpeed Tgl

  Use the Playback Speed toggle and slider to specify the
  speed of playback relative to the speed at which the
  script was recorded.

  By default, the play of a script is performed no faster
  than the speed at which it was recorded.  –  SetSpeed Scale

  Use the Playback Speed toggle and slider to specify the
  speed of playback relative to the speed at which the
  script was recorded.

  By default, the play of a script is performed no faster
  than the speed at which it was recorded.

8.2  –  DataOk Btn

  Click on the OK button to apply your changes and close
  the dialog box.

8.3  –  DataApply Btn

  Click on the Apply button to accept and record the
  synchronization information into the script file.

8.4  –  DataCancel Btn

  Click on the Cancel button to cancel changes and
  dismiss the dialog box.

8.5  –  DataHelp Btn

  Click on the Help button to access addition information
  on the DTM :  X Data dialog box.

9  –  SynchDB PopForm

  The DTM :  X Synchronization dialog box allows you to
  modify various parameters that change script
  synchronization when the script is played.

9.1  –  glob conf Form

  To set the confidence level for all sliders in the DTM
  :  X Synchronization window:

  1.  Set the desired confidence level using the Global
      Percent Confidence Level slider.

  2.  Click on the Set To Global button.

9.1.1  –  glob conf Scale

  To set the confidence level for all sliders in the DTM
  :  X Synchronization window:

  1.  Set the desired confidence level using the Global
      Percent Confidence Level slider.

  2.  Click on the Set To Global button.

9.1.2  –  glob conf Lab

  To set the confidence level for all sliders in the DTM
  :  X Synchronization window:

  1.  Set the desired confidence level using the Global
      Percent Confidence Level slider.

  2.  Click on the Set To Global button.

9.1.3  –  SynchSet Btn

  Click on the Set To Global button to set the confidence
  level on all sliders in the DTM :  X Synchronization

9.2  –  SynchOk Btn

  Click on the OK button to apply your changes and close
  the dialog box.

9.3  –  ReqS Form

  Use the sliders in the Request Percent Confidence
  Levels area to specify the importance, for play
  synchronization, of specific X Requests sent by your
  application during script playback.  This feature is
  provided for advanced users of the X Play/Record tool.

  When scripts are recorded, the numbers of various X
  Requests seen are recorded in the script file.  These
  may be used during script playback to help synchronize
  the playback.  By default, the script will only
  continue after the same numbers of X Requests are
  detected during playback (or until timeout).  Changing
  the default confidence levels for particular X
  Requests, allows the script to continue after a
  percentage of the expected number of X Requests have
  been satisfied.

9.3.1  –  Synch Lab

  Use the sliders in the Request Percent Confidence
  Levels area to specify the importance, for play
  synchronization, of specific X Requests sent by your
  application during script playback.  This feature is
  provided for advanced users of the X Play/Record tool.

  When scripts are recorded, the numbers of various X
  Requests seen are recorded in the script file.  These
  may be used during script playback to help synchronize
  the playback.  By default, the script will only
  continue after the same numbers of X Requests are
  detected during playback (or until timeout).  Changing
  the default confidence levels for particular X
  Requests, allows the script to continue after a
  percentage of the expected number of X Requests have
  been satisfied.

9.3.2  –  ReqS ScrWind

  Use the sliders in the Request Percent Confidence
  Levels area to specify the importance, for play
  synchronization, of specific X Requests sent by your
  application during script playback.  This feature is
  provided for advanced users of the X Play/Record tool.

  When scripts are recorded, the numbers of various X
  Requests seen are recorded in the script file.  These
  may be used during script playback to help synchronize
  the playback.  By default, the script will only
  continue after the same numbers of X Requests are
  detected during playback (or until timeout).  Changing
  the default confidence levels for particular X
  Requests, allows the script to continue after a
  percentage of the expected number of X Requests have
  been satisfied.  –  ReqS RowCol

  Use the sliders in the Request Percent Confidence
  Levels area to specify the importance, for play
  synchronization, of specific X Requests sent by your
  application during script playback.  This feature is
  provided for advanced users of the X Play/Record tool.

  When scripts are recorded, the numbers of various X
  Requests seen are recorded in the script file.  These
  may be used during script playback to help synchronize
  the playback.  By default, the script will only
  continue after the same numbers of X Requests are
  detected during playback (or until timeout).  Changing
  the default confidence levels for particular X
  Requests, allows the script to continue after a
  percentage of the expected number of X Requests have
  been satisfied.  –  AllocColor Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  AllocColorCells Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  AllocColorPlane Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  AllocNamedColor Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  AllowEvents Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  Bell Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ChgActivePtrG Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ChangeGC Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ChangeHosts Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ChangeKeyboardC Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ChangeKeyboardM Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ChangePointerCtrl Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ChangeProperty Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ChangeSaveSet Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ChWinAttributes Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  CirculateWin Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ClearArea Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  CloseFont Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ConfigureWindow Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ConvertSel Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  CopyArea Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  CopyColormapAnd Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  CopyGC Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  CopyPlane Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  CreateColormap Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  CreateCursor Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  CreateGC Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  CreateGlyphCurs Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  CreatePixmap Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  CreateWindow Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  DeleteProperty Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  DestroySubwind Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  DestroyWindow Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  FillPoly Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ForceScreenSave Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  FreeColormap Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  FreeColors Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  FreeCursor Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  FreeGC Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  FreePixmap Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetAtomName Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetFontPath Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetGeometry Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetImage Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetInputFocus Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetKeyboardCont Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetKeyboardMap Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetModifierMap Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetMotionEvents Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetPointerContr Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetPointerMap Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetProperty Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetScreenSaver Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetSelectionOwn Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GetWinAttributes Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GrabButton Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GrabKey Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GrabKeyboard Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GrabPointer Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  GrabServer Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ImageText16 Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ImageText8 Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  InstallColormap Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  InternAtom Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  KillClient Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ListExtensions Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ListFonts Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ListFontsWithInf Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ListHosts Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ListInstalledCol Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ListProperties Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  LookupColor Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  MapSubwindows Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  MapWindow Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  NoOperation Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  OpenFont Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  PolyArc Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  PolyFillArc Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  PolyFillRectangl Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  PolyLine Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  PolyPoint Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  PolyRectangle Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  PolySegment Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  PolyText16 Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  PolyText8 Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  PutImage Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  QueryBestSize Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  QueryColors Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  QueryExtension Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  QueryFont Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  QueryKeymap Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  QueryPointer Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  QueryTextExtents Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  QueryTree Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  RecolorCursorSiz Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  ReparentWindow Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  RotateProperties Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  SendEvent Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  SetAccessControl Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  SetClipRectangle Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  SetCloseDownMode Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  SetDashes Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  SetFontPath Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  SetInputFocus Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  SetModifierMap Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  SetPointerMapp Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  SetScreenSaver Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  SetSelectionOwn Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  StoreColors Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  StoreNamedColor Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  TranslateCoords Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  UngrabButton Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  UngrabKey Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  UngrabKeyboard Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  UngrabPointer Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  UngrabServer Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  UninstallColorm Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  UnmapSubwindows Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  UnmapWindow Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.  –  WarpPointer Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.

9.3.3  –  ExtS Lab

  Use the sliders in the Extension Request Percent
  Confidence Levels area to specify the importance, for
  play synchronization, of specific X Requests sent by
  your application during script playback.  This feature
  is provided for advanced users of the X Play/Record

  When scripts are recorded, the numbers of various X
  Requests seen are recorded in the script file.  These
  may be used during script playback to help synchronize
  the playback.  By default, the script will only
  continue after the same numbers of X Requests are
  detected during playback (or until timeout).  Changing
  the default confidence levels for particular X
  Requests, allows the script to continue after a
  percentage of the expected number of X Requests have
  been satisfied.

9.3.4  –  ExtS ScrWind

  Use the sliders in the Extension Request Percent
  Confidence Levels area to specify the importance, for
  play synchronization, of specific X Requests sent by
  your application during script playback.  This feature
  is provided for advanced users of the X Play/Record

  When scripts are recorded, the numbers of various X
  Requests seen are recorded in the script file.  These
  may be used during script playback to help synchronize
  the playback.  By default, the script will only
  continue after the same numbers of X Requests are
  detected during playback (or until timeout).  Changing
  the default confidence levels for particular X
  Requests, allows the script to continue after a
  percentage of the expected number of X Requests have
  been satisfied.  –  ExtS RowCol

  Use the sliders in the Extension Request Percent
  Confidence Levels area to specify the importance, for
  play synchronization, of specific X Requests sent by
  your application during script playback.  This feature
  is provided for advanced users of the X Play/Record

  When scripts are recorded, the numbers of various X
  Requests seen are recorded in the script file.  These
  may be used during script playback to help synchronize
  the playback.  By default, the script will only
  continue after the same numbers of X Requests are
  detected during playback (or until timeout).  Changing
  the default confidence levels for particular X
  Requests, allows the script to continue after a
  percentage of the expected number of X Requests have
  been satisfied.  –  Ext0 Scale

  To set confidence level for X Request appearance during
  script playback.

9.4  –  SynchApply Btn

  Click on the Apply button to accept and record the
  synchronization information into the script file.

9.5  –  SynchReset Btn

  Click on the Reset button to reset the state of the
  synchronization sliders.

9.6  –  SynchCancel Btn

  Click on the Cancel button to cancel changes and
  dismiss the dialog box.

9.7  –  SynchHelp Btn

  Click on the Help button to access addition information
  on the DTM :  X Synchronization dialog box.

10  –  GeneralDB PopForm

  The DTM :  X General dialog box allows you to modify
  parameters for record and play not related to script
  directives or synchronization.

10.1  –  FileFmt Form

  The Script File Format radio buttons allow you to
  specify the format of the recorded script file.

  The options are ASCII format or binary.  By default,
  the format of the recorded script is ASCII.

10.1.1  –  FileFmt Radio

  The Script File Format radio buttons allow you to
  specify the format of the recorded script file.

  The options are ASCII format or binary.  By default,
  the format of the recorded script is ASCII.  –  AsciiFmt Tgl

  Click on the ASCII radio button to choose ASCII format
  for the recorded script file.  –  BinaryFmt Tgl

  Click on the Binary radio button to choose binary
  format for the recorded script file.

10.2  –  Timeout Form

  The Default Timeout radio buttons allow you to change
  the default timeout setting.

10.2.1  –  Timeout Radio

  The Default Timeout radio buttons allow you to change
  the default timeout setting.  –  FacTout Tgl

  Click on the Factor radio button to specify that
  timeout be a multiple or factor of the actual times
  recorded.  –  ActTout Tgl

  Click on the Actual radio button to specify that
  timeout be related to the actual times recorded.

10.2.2  –  Timeout Scale

  Use the Timeout Slider to specify the multiplication
  factor for timeout.  This is used in conjunction with
  the Factor radio button.

10.3  –  toggles Lab

  General Purpose Options toggles allow you to specify
  various options settings for play and record of

10.4  –  toggles Form

  General Purpose Options toggles allow you to specify
  various options settings for play and record of

10.4.1  –  toggles RowCol

  General Purpose Options toggles allow you to specify
  various options settings for play and record of
  scripts.  –  Verbosity Tgl

  The Verbose Messages toggle allows you to choose the
  verbosity of messages posted to the Message area of the
  Play/Record tool.  –  ShowLines Tgl

  The Show Script Lines toggle allows you to choose to
  show, in the Message area, information on each script
  line as it is executed during play of a script.  –  StartHide Tgl

  The Start Up Hidden toggle allows you to choose to
  start the play of a script with the Play/Record window

  When the Play/Record window is hidden, the tool may be
  controlled through keyboard commands.

  For more information on keyboard commands to control
  recording when the Play/Record window is hidden, double
  click on the Keyboard Commands entry in the list of
  additional topics below.  –  MotionNotify Tgl

  The Do Mouse Motion toggle allows you to choose to
  record or not to record mouse motions.  By default,
  mouse motions are recorded.  –  SynchDbg tgl

  The Show Synch.  Info.  toggle allows you to specify
  whether synchronization information is to be shown when
  the script is played.  –  DontWait tgl

  The Don't Wait toggle allows you to specify whether the
  script when played will wait until synchronization
  criteria are met.  By default, the play will wait for

10.5  –  GeneralOk Btn

  Click on the OK button to apply your changes and close
  the dialog box.

10.6  –  GeneralCancel Btn

  Click on the Cancel button to cancel changes and
  dismiss the dialog box.

10.7  –  GeneralHelp Btn

  Click on the Help button to access addition information
  on the DTM :  X General dialog box.

11  –  CmdKeyDB QstDlg

  The Press key to be used as a Command key question
  dialog box requests you to enter the command key to be
  used to control script play when the Play/Record window
  is hidden.

  By default, the command key is F9.

12  –  UseSetDB FileSel

  To use saved options settings previously saved to a
  file, choose Use Saved Settings From...  from the
  Options menu.

  The DTM :  X Use Saved Settings From dialog box
  appears, which displays a list of available files.

  To open an existing file:

  1.  In the Directories list box, double click on the
      directory where your file is located.

  2.  Click on the Filter push button to list available

  3.  In the Files list box, double click on the file you
      want to open.

13  –  WriteSetDB FileSel


  To saved options settings to a specified file, choose
  Save Current Settings As...  from the Options menu.

  The DTM :  X Save Current Settings As dialog box
  appears, which displays a list of available files.

  To save to an existing file name:

  1.  In the Directories list box, double click on the
      directory where your file is located.

  2.  Click on the Filter push button to list available

  3.  In the Files list box, double click on the file you
      want to open.

  To save to a new file name:

  1.  In the Directories list box, double click on the
      directory where you want the file to reside.

  2.  Click on the Selection entry box.  Enter the new
      file name.

  3.  Click on OK.

14  –  SpeedDB PopForm

  The DTM :  X Speed dialog box for X play, allows the
  user to specify the speed of script playback.

14.1  –  Speed Scale

  To change the speed of the script play.

14.2  –  SpeedOk Btn

  Click on the OK button to apply your changes and close
  the dialog box.

14.3  –  SpeedReset Btn

  Click on the Reset button to reset the state of the
  Playback Speed slider.

14.4  –  SpeedCancel Btn

  Click on the Cancel button to cancel changes and
  dismiss the dialog box.

14.5  –  SpeedHelp Btn

  For additional information on DTM :  X Speed, Click on
  one of the list of topics below.

15  –  NotSavedDB Warn

  Not Saved Warning box.  Click on OK to acknowledge and

16  –  NotStoppedDB Warn

  Not Stopped Warning box.  Click on OK to acknowledge
  and dismiss.

17  –  nyi Warn

  Feature not implemented in this release.

18  –  Cmd Keys

  To record with the Record Tool window hidden, you enter
  commands during the recording session, through the
  keyboard.  All keyboard recording commands are two-key
  sequences that begin with the designated command key
  (by default this is F9).  Also, the keyboard commands
  provide audible confirmation in the form of one or more
  beeps.  The pause command responds with two beeps to
  notify you that the recording session has paused.  You
  can use the same command-key sequences when the Record
  Tool is visible.

  Special Keyboard Command Keys:


          F9 is the default key that starts a two key
          command-key sequence.  DTM allows you to change
          this command-key to another key if necessary.

      F9 A

          Pauses the recording session.

      F9 B

          Resumes the recording session.

      F9 C

          Ends the recording session and saves the
          recorded Script file.

      F9 M

          Saves a screen image to the output file.

      F9 W

          Restores the Record tool window to the screen.
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