DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  mu  v_mu, v_cm
  Choose the Collapse menu item to remove the display
  children or attributes of an object in a view.

  To collapse the displayed children or attributes:

  1. Use MB1 to select and highlight in the view the
     object you want to collapse

  2. Choose the Collapse menu item

  3. Choose either the Children or Attributes submenu
     item, as appropriate, from the Collapse submenu

  Optionally, double click on a display line (preceded by
  an icon) in the view. This causes the line to expand or
  collapse depending on its current state.

1  –  v_ccd

  Choose the Children submenu item to collapse the
  children of a selected object you are viewing.

  Children, denoted in a view by an icon, have a
  hierarchical relationship to an object; that is, they
  are descended directly from the object.

  For example, tests are children of a collection.
  Similarly, subgroups are children of a group and tests
  are children of subgroups.

2  –  v_cat

  Choose the Attributes submenu item to collapse the
  attributes of a selected object you are viewing.

  Attributes lack an icon when displayed in a view; they
  characterize an object. For example, variables and
  filters are attributes of a test description.
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