DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  mu  t_mu, t_rcm
  Choose the Record menu item to produce a submenu for
  recording an interactive terminal or DECwindows test.

  The DTM Record functions let you run applications and
  record all input and output generated on the screen.
  The input goes into a template file (.SESSION) and the
  output goes into a benchmark file.

  If an input file is associated with the test, DTM
  records from the input file; otherwise, DTM records
  interactive input from the screen.

  You must create a test description for each
  interactive terminal and DECwindows test before you can
  successfully use the Record functions (see additional

1  –  t_rcm_dw

  Choose the DECwindows Test... submenu item to record an
  interactive DECwindows test. The resulting dialog box
  enables you to specify recording options for the test.

1.1  –  t_rcm_dwdb

  Use the Record DECwindows Test dialog box to specify
  the test name and options for the record operation.

  DTM creates a task when you record a test with a
  prologue file, epilogue file, filters, or variables.

1.1.1  –  t_rcm_dwdb_test

  Use the Test field to enter the name of the DECwindows
  test you want to record.

  This field accepts only a single test description

  Optionally, you can first select the test in an active
  test view window.

1.1.2  –  t_rcm_dwdb_rem

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).

1.1.3  –  t_rcm_dwdb_disp

  The display field specifies the workstation screen
  on which the test will be recorded. The default is

1.1.4  –  t_rcm_dwdb_keysym

  Use the Keysym field to specify a new DECwindows
  command key to replace the default F9.

1.1.5  –  t_rcm_dwdb_ifbf

  Click on the Input file button and specify a DECwindows
  input file to be used in recording a DECwindows test.

1.1.6  –  t_rcm_dwdb_pb

  Click on the Prologue button to direct DTM to
  execute the test prologue file, specified in the test
  description, before interactive recording begins.

1.1.7  –  t_rcm_dwdb_eb

  Click on the Epilogue button to direct DTM to execute
  the test epilogue command file, specified in the test
  description, when interactive recording stops.

1.1.8  –  t_rcm_dwdb_pmb

  Click on the Pointer Motion button to direct DTM to
  record all pointer motion events. If this button is
  not selected, when the test is played, the pointer will
  move directly to the location of button presses and

1.1.9  –  t_rcm_dwdb_vb

  Click on the Variables button to direct DTM to define
  symbols and logical names as specified by the variables
  associated with the test before recording starts.

1.1.10  –  t_rcm_dwdb_log

  Click on the Log button to direct DTM to place the
  messages pertaining to the test recording in a log

1.1.11  –  t_rcm_dwdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.

1.1.12  –  t_rcm_dwdb_can

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

2  –  t_rcm_tt

  Choose the Terminal Test... submenu item to record an
  interactive terminal test. The resulting dialog box
  enables you to specify recording options for the test.

  DTM creates a task when you record a test.

2.1  –  t_rcm_ttdb

  Use the Record Terminal Test dialog box to specify the
  test name and options for the record operation.

  DTM creates a task when you record a test with a
  prologue file, epilogue file, filters, or variables.

2.1.1  –  t_rcm_ttdb_test

  Use the Test field to enter the name of the interactive
  terminal test that you want to record.

  This field accepts only a single test name.

  Optionally, you can first select the test in an active
  test view window.

2.1.2  –  t_rcm_ttdb_rem

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).

2.1.3  –  t_rcm_ttdb_term

  Use the Termination character field to specify a
  new termination character to replace the default
  termination character, CTRL/P.

  Specify a different termination character if the
  application you are testing interprets CTRL/P.

  You use the termination character to suspend a
  recording session. You can then issue Record key

  For example, you can mark screens for comparison, you
  can add wait values to applications that take a long
  time to respond, or you can abort the recording session
  without saving the session file and without creating or
  modifying the test description.

2.1.4  –  t_rcm_ttdb_ac

  Click on the Auto Compare button to automatically
  compare screens at the start of an interactive terminal
  recording session.

  An active button indicates that you want DTM to compare
  screens automatically.

  Each time you are prompted during an interactive
  terminal recording session, DTM can automatically mark
  the screen for comparison in the benchmark file.

  DECwindows recording sessions do not automatically mark
  screens for comparison.

2.1.5  –  t_rcm_ttdb_iff

  Enable the Input File button to direct DTM to use the
  specified file as input to the test recording.

  Use the Input file field to enter the name of a
  file that contains a text representation of all user
  input, nonprintable control characters, and recording
  functions in a session file.

  You can use an input file to record the session file
  rather than recording the session file interactively.

  You must create the input file by extracting it from a
  previously recorded session file.

2.1.6  –  t_rcm_ttdb_app

  Click on the Append button to direct DTM to continue
  recording a test after the input from a specified input
  file is exhausted.

2.1.7  –  t_rcm_ttdb_real

  Click on the Realtime button to instruct DTM to record
  and forward key presses to the application as they are
  entered, and not when the application requests them.

  This button is intended for use in recording tests
  where an application will not read from the terminal
  until data appears in its terminal input buffer.

2.1.8  –  t_rcm_ttdb_pb

  Click on the Prologue button to direct DTM to
  execute the test prologue file, specified in the test
  description, before interactive recording begins.

2.1.9  –  t_rcm_ttdb_eb

  Click on the Epilogue button to direct DTM to execute
  the test epilogue command file, specified in the test
  description, when interactive recording stops.

2.1.10  –  t_rcm_ttdb_vb

  Click on the Variables button to direct DTM to
  apply the variables that were specified in the test
  description to the test being recorded.

2.1.11  –  t_rcm_ttdb_fb

  Click on the Filters button to direct DTM to apply the
  filters that were specified in the test description to
  the test being recorded.

2.1.12  –  t_rcm_ttdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.

2.1.13  –  t_rcm_ttdb_can

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.
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