DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  mu  t_mu, t_ftm
  Choose the Filter... menu item to run filters
  interactively on a specified file.

  The filters provided by DTM mask data in result files
  that varies from one test run to the next. You can also
  use the filters on files that are not provided by DTM.

  The filter operation enables you to prepare benchmarks
  for association with tests or to see how result files
  would look if filters were run on them.

  Be aware that when you use filters, DTM deletes the
  original unfiltered result file, leaving only the
  filtered file. Using some filters on interactive tests
  that contain escape sequences can cause DTM to delete
  information that is essential to the test.

1  –  t_ftdb

  Use the Filter dialog box to specify the file that you
  want to filter.

  The dialog box provides buttons that let you indicate
  which filters you want to apply to the file.

1.1  –  t_ftdb_fi

  Use the File field to enter the name of a file that you
  want to filter.

  Optionally, you can first select (highlight) in an
  active test view window the test whose benchmark file
  you want to filter.

1.2  –  t_ftdb_ftb

  Click on one or more of the Filter buttons to apply the
  filters to the selected file.

  The filters remove run-time variables from the file.

  The buttons of applied filters become active after you
  choose them.

1.2.1  –  t_ftdb_dt

  Where the date form is abbreviated, the Date button
  replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each
  displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for
  each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for each
  displayed number of the year. Where the date form is
  spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month",
  the numeric day is replaced by "day", and the year is
  replaced by "year".

  The following list shows some examples of the date
  filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive.

     17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy
     17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy
     98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd
     10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy
     1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd
     October 17, 1998 with month day, year
     Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year
     17.October.1998 with day.month.year
     98-October-17 with year-month-day

1.2.2  –  t_ftdb_tm

  When enabled, the Time button replaces time stamps with
  the following forms:

     15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx
     15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss
     15:37 with hh:mm
     3:37 PM with hh:mm xm
     15H37m with hhHmmm
     15H37' with hhHmm'
     15.37 h with hh.mm h
     15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s
     15 h 37 min with hh h mm min
     kl 15.37 with kl hh.mm
     h 15.37 with h hh.mm

1.2.3  –  t_ftdb_fn

  When enabled, the File names Button replaces the file
  names with FILENAME.EXT.

1.2.4  –  t_ftdb_dr

  When enabled, the Directory button replaces the
  directory specification field in the file specification

1.2.5  –  t_ftdb_tk

  When enabled, the Traceback button replaces 32-bit
  memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and 64-bit memory
  addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.

1.2.6  –  t_ftdb_vrs

  When enabled, the Version button replaces file versions
  with VERSION.

1.3  –  t_ftdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.

1.4  –  t_ftdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.
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