DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  mu  t_mu, t_cm
  Choose the Compare menu item to manually compare test
  results to benchmark files.

  DTM will not complete the comparison process
  automatically for any of the following reasons:

  o  You chose the option not to compare when you created
     the collection

  o  A test in the collection is only partially run

  o  Some of the tests in the collection do not run

  In any of these cases, you need to compare the test
  results manually before you can review the results.

1  –  t_cdb

  Use the Compare dialog box to specify the collections
  you want to compare and to choose comparison options.

1.1  –  t_cdb_c

  Use the Collection field to enter the names of the
  collections you want to compare.

  You can specify collections to DTM by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active collection view
  window, or by explicitly specifying them in the
  Collection field by specifying a collection name.

1.2  –  t_cdb_tp

  Use the Comparison Type buttons to control the type of
  comparison that DTM carries out.

  The Default button causes DTM to default to the
  comparison setting you chose for each test when you
  created it.

  The remaining three buttons produce a comparison that
  is screen by screen (default for interactive terminal
  and DECwindows tests), record by record (default for
  noninteractive tests) or character by character.

  By clicking on one of the remaining three buttons,
  you cause DTM to compare all tests in the collection
  using the specified comparison type, no matter what the
  individual test comparison setting might be.

1.3  –  t_cdb_df

  Use the Full and Parallel buttons and the Width
  field to modify the content and format of a printed
  difference file for noninteractive tests.

1.4  –  t_cdb_fl

  Click on the Full button to modify the contents of a
  printed difference file for noninteractive tests.

  When the button is enabled, DTM includes in the
  difference file a complete listing of the text that
  is identical, as well as a listing of the differences
  DTM encounters when it compares the result file to the
  benchmark file.

  When the button is disabled, DTM includes only a
  listing of differences.

1.5  –  t_cdb_pl

  Use the Parallel button to modify the format of a
  printed difference file for noninteractive tests.

  When the Parallel button is enabled, DTM places the
  lines that do not match from the result and benchmark
  files side by side in the difference file.

  When the Parallel button is disabled, DTM places the
  benchmark lines above and the corresponding result
  lines below in the difference file.

1.6  –  t_cdb_wd

  Use the Width field to specify the width of the
  difference file's output.

  The minimum width is 48 columns, the maximum width is
  511 columns, and the default is 132 columns.

1.7  –  t_cdb_ig

  The Ignore buttons enable you to specify that various
  aspects of benchmark and result files are to be ignored
  during comparison.

  The following buttons and their effects apply to
  noninteractive and interactive terminal tests, only.

  Button         Result

  Case           Ignores any differences between the case
                 of alphabetic characters (A,a,B,b, . . . )
  Form-feeds     Ignores form-feed characters
  Spacing        Treats multiple blanks and tabs as a
                 single space
  Leading        Ignores leading blanks and tabs
  Trailing       Ignores trailing blanks and tabs

  The following button and its effect applies to
  DECwindows tests only.

  Button         Result

  Mask           Ignores masked areas defined on
                 DECwindows benchmark images

1.8  –  t_cdb_se

  Use the Skip Text fields to enter a pair of strings
  used to delimit a section of text to be ignored during
  the comparison of result and benchmark files for
  noninteractive tests. The delimiters can be up to
  256 characters per line, and must be unique. Any text
  between and including the delimiters is ignored by

1.9  –  t_cdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.

1.10  –  t_cdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.
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