DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  mu  m_mu, m_mdm
  Choose the Modify menu item to produce a submenu of
  previously created objects that you can modify.

  You can modify the following objects:

  o  Test description field values and options

  o  Group remarks

  o  Variable definitions

1  –  m_mdtm

  Choose the Test... submenu item to change field values
  and options for selected test descriptions.

  You can modify all field values except the test name.

1.1  –  m_mtdb

  Use the Modify Test dialog box to change the field
  values and options for selected tests.

  Changes that you make affect all the tests that you

  You can specify tests by first selecting (highlighting)
  them in an active test or group view window or by
  explicitly specifying them in the Test field by
  specifying a test name, group name, a wildcard
  character, a wildcard character combined with a test
  or group name, or a list of these separated by commas.

1.1.1  –  m_mtdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays tests or groups that
  you first select (highlight) in an active test or group
  view window.

  All the tests represented by the selected list are
  affected by changes you make to fields in the Modify
  Test dialog box and its Modify Test Options dialog box.

  Optionally, you can explicitly specify test names or
  group names in the Test and Group fields.

1.1.2  –  m_mtdb_tg

  Use the Test and Group fields to specify the test names
  whose attributes you want to change.

  You can specify tests by first selecting (highlighting)
  them as tests or groups in an active test or group
  view window, or explicitly specifying them in the Test
  field or Group field by test or group name, a wildcard
  character, a wildcard character combined with a test or
  group name, or a list of these separated by commas.

1.1.3  –  m_mtdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).

1.1.4  –  m_mtdb_crk

  Use the Creation remark button and field to replace
  the current remark associated with the test description
  with a new remark.

  Click on the button and then enter the replacement
  remark text in the field.

1.1.5  –  m_mtdb_cf

  If you specify multiple tests for change (through
  selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to
  confirm the changes for each test, one at a time.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge changes for
  each selected test.

1.1.6  –  m_mtdb_oth

  Click on the field button to modify the field

  o  Template file

  o  Benchmark file

  o  Test prologue file

  o  Test epilogue file

  o  Variables

  o  Novariables

  Active buttons cause DTM to change the associated
  option. Buttons should be inactive if no changes are to
  be made to an option; an inactive button with an empty
  option field causes DTM to disassociate a previously
  specified option from the test description.

  For example, to change only the test epilogue for two
  selected tests, enable only the epilogue button. Then
  enter the name of a new epilogue file in the epilogue
  field (or leave it blank to have no test epilogue
  associated with the tests).

1.1.7  –  m_mtdb_tp

  Use the Template field to change the command file that
  runs a test, the file that is the test itself, or the
  file containing the interactive terminal or DECwindows

  To change the template file, enable the Template
  button. Then specify the new template file name in
  the template field.

  DTM supplies a template file name of test_name.SESSION
  for interactive terminal and DECwindows tests.

  If you include a directory specification with the file
  name, DTM ignores the default template directory.

1.1.8  –  m_mtdb_bk

  Use the Benchmark field to enter the name of the
  file to receive the expected output from the test's

  To change the benchmark file, enable the Benchmark
  button. Then enter the new benchmark file name.

  DTM supplies a file name of the form test_name.BMK.

  If you include a directory specification with the file
  name, DTM ignores the default benchmark directory.

1.1.9  –  m_mtdb_pg

  To change the prologue file for selected test
  descriptions, enable the Prologue button. Then enter
  the new prologue file name (or leave it blank to have
  no test prologue associated with the tests).

  DTM runs the test prologue file immediately before
  executing the test template file.

  This prologue is independent of the collection

1.1.10  –  m_mtdb_eg

  To change the epilogue file for selected test
  descriptions, enable the Epilogue button. Then enter
  the new epilogue file name (or leave it blank to have
  no test epilogue associated with the tests).

  DTM runs the test epilogue file immediately after
  executing the test template file.

  This epilogue is independent of the collection

1.1.11  –  m_mtdb_vr

  Use the Variables field to associate existing variables
  with the test description or change the values for
  variables associated with the test description.

  To associate one or more local variables solely for the
  selected tests, enable the Variables button. Then enter
  the new variable definitions.

  Valid variable names must be defined in the DTM
  library. A variable specified in this field becomes
  local in scope.

  You cannot use wildcards to specify variable names. Use
  commas to separate more than one variable name.

  If you do not specify a value for the variable, DTM
  uses the value defined when the variable was created.
  If you specify an optional variable value, the variable
  takes on that value for these test descriptions only.

1.1.12  –  m_mtdb_nvr

  Use the No Variables field to disassociate existing
  variables from the test description.

  To disassociate one or more local variables solely for
  the selected tests, enable the No Variables button.
  Then specify the variable names.

  You cannot use wildcards to specify variable names. Use
  commas to separate more than one variable name.

1.1.13  –  m_mtdb_com

  Enable the Comparison type button if you want to modify
  the comparison characteristics of selected tests. If
  default is selected, there is no local override, the
  default type for the test is used.

  Select the comparison change by clicking on the
  Screens, Characters, Records or Default button.

  If you selected more than one test, this button allows
  you to change the comparison type on all selected

  The following table defines the comparison types.

  Type      Meaning

  Screens   Compares marked screen images only
  Records   Compares the files record by record
  Characters Compares the files character by character
  Default   No local override. Compares the files based
            on the collection comparison type

  The following table lists the comparison types and the
  allowed test types.

  Type      Allowable test types

  Screens   DECwindows and Interactive tests
  Records   Interactive and Noninteractive tests
  Characters Interactive and Noninteractive tests

1.1.14  –  m_mtdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.

1.1.15  –  m_mtdb_op

  Click on the Options... button to change values for
  other test description fields.

  You can change the following options:

  o  DECWindows option - Command

  o  Terminal and Noninteractive options - Filters  –  m_mtop_db

  Use the Modify Test Options dialog box to change values
  for test options.

  Active buttons cause DTM to change the associated
  option. Buttons should be inactive if no changes are to
  be made to an option; an inactive button with an empty
  option field causes DTM to disassociate a previously
  specified option from the test description.  –  m_mtop_db_com

  Use the Command field to invoke an application or
  specify a command action to be executed at the start
  of a DECwindows recording session.

  For example, the following generic command would run an
  application undergoing testing:

               RUN sys$system:my$application  –  m_mtop_db_fl

  Enable the Filters button to modify the filter
  characteristics of a specified test; the button must
  be active to change a filter.

  If you selected more than one test, enable the Filters
  button to explicitly denote that filter changes are to
  be applied to all tests.

  You then indicate the filter change by clicking on one
  or more of the six filter options.

  Type      Filter Options

  Date      Replaces date strings
  Directory Replaces directory strings with
  Time      Replaces time strings
  Traceback Replaces memory addresses with pattern of xxx
  Filename  Replaces file names with FILENAME.EXT
  Version   Replaces file versions with VERSION

  DTM does not associate any filters with the test
  description unless you click on one or more of the
  filter buttons to change the filters that apply to the
  test description's results.

  The filters remove run-time variables from the result
  file produced by the collection run.

  The Filter buttons become enabled after you apply
  them.  –  m_mtop_db_dt

  Where the date form is abbreviated, the Date button
  replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each
  displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for
  each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for each
  displayed number of the year. Where the date form is
  spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month",
  the numeric day is replaced by "day", and the year is
  replaced by "year".

  The following list shows some examples of the date
  filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive.

     17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy
     17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy
     98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd
     10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy
     1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd
     October 17, 1998 with month day, year
     Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year
     17.October.1998 with day.month.year
     98-October-17 with year-month-day  –  m_mtop_db_dr

  When enabled, the Directory button replaces the
  directory specification field in the file specification
  with DISK:[DIRECTORY]  –  m_mtop_db_tm

  When enabled, the Time button replaces time stamps with
  the following forms:

     15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx
     15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss
     15:37 with hh:mm
     3:37 PM with hh:mm xm
     15H37m with hhHmmm
     15H37' with hhHmm'
     15.37 h with hh.mm h
     15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s
     15 h 37 min with hh h mm min
     kl 15.37 with kl hh.mm
     h 15.37 with h hh.mm  –  m_mtop_db_tk

  When enabled, the Traceback button replaces 32-bit
  memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and 64-bit memory
  addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.  –  m_mtop_db_fn

  When enabled, the File names Button replaces the file
  names with FILENAME.EXT.  –  m_mtop_db_vrs

  When enabled, the Version button replaces file versions
  with VERSION.  –  m_mtop_db_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_mtop_db_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

1.1.16  –  m_mtdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

2  –  m_mgpm

  Choose the Group submenu item to replace the remarks
  associated with existing groups.

  The remark is the only item you can modify for a

2.1  –  m_mgpdb

  Use the Modify Group dialog box to specify the groups
  whose remarks you want to replace.

  You can specify groups by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active group view window
  or by explicitly specifying them in the Group field
  by specifying a group name, a wildcard character, a
  wildcard character combined with a group name, or a
  list of these separated by commas.

  You also use this dialog box to enter the remark text
  that you want to replace existing text.

2.1.1  –  m_mgpdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays groups that you first
  select (highlight) in an active group view window.

  The groups on the selected list are affected by changes
  you make to remarks in the Modify Group dialog box.

  Optionally, you can explicitly specify group names in
  the Group field.

2.1.2  –  m_mgpdb_g

  Use the Group field to specify the group names whose
  fields you want to change.

  You can specify groups by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active group view window
  or explicitly entering the names in the Group field
  by group name, a wildcard character, a wildcard
  character combined with a group name, or a list of
  these separated by commas.

2.1.3  –  m_mgpdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).

2.1.4  –  m_mgpdb_cf

  If you specify multiple groups for change (through
  selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to
  confirm the changes for each group, one at a time.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge changes for
  each selected group.

2.1.5  –  m_mgpdb_crk

  Use the Creation remark button and field to create a
  new remark to replace the existing remark associated
  with the group.

  Click on the Remark button and then enter the
  replacement remark text in the Remark field.

2.1.6  –  m_mgpdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.

2.1.7  –  m_mgpdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3  –  m_mvrm

  Choose the Variable submenu item to change variable
  information in the DTM library.

  This information includes variable values, scope, use,
  and type.

3.1  –  m_mvrdb

  Use the Modify Variable dialog box to change the value,
  scope, and use of existing variables.

  Changes that you enter affect all the variables that
  you specify.

  You can specify variables by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active variable view window
  or by explicitly entering the names in the Variable
  field by specifying a variable name, a wildcard
  character, a wildcard character combined with a
  variable name, or a list of these separated by commas.

3.1.1  –  m_mvrdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays variables that you first
  select (highlight) in an active variable view window.

  All the variables on the selected list are affected
  by changes you make to fields in the Modify Variables
  dialog box.

  Optionally, you can explicitly specify variable names
  in the Variable field.

3.1.2  –  m_mvrdb_v

  Use the Variable field to specify the variables that
  you want to modify.

  The variable expression can be a variable name, a
  wildcard character, a wildcard combined with a variable
  name, or a list of these separated by commas.

  Optionally, you can first select the variables that you
  want to modify in an active variable view window.

3.1.3  –  m_mvrdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).

3.1.4  –  m_mvrdb_cf

  If you specify multiple variables for change (through
  selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to
  confirm the changes for each variable, one at a time.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge changes for
  each selected variable.

3.1.5  –  m_mvrdb_crk

  Use the Creation remark button and field to replace the
  current remark associated with the variables with a new

  Click on the Creation Remark button and then specify
  the replacement remark text in the Creation Remark

3.1.6  –  m_mvrdb_vu

  Use the Value button and field to change the default
  values for the variables that you selected.

  Click on the Value button and then enter the new
  default value in the Value field.

3.1.7  –  m_mvrdb_sp

  To change the scope of a variable, click on the Scope
  button and then click on either the either Local or
  Global buttons to specify the scope of the variable.

  A local variable is accessible only to an individual
  test that references the variable in its test

  A global variable is accessible to all tests in all

3.1.8  –  m_mvrdb_u

  To change the use of a variable, click on the Usage
  button and then click on either the Symbol or Logical

  The Logical button defines the variable as a OpenVMS
  logical name.

  The Symbol button defines the variable as a OpenVMS
  symbol. If you redefine the variable as a symbol, you
  must also specify its type as numeric or string.

3.1.9  –  m_mvrdb_tp

  If you redefined the variable's use as a symbol, you
  must also define its type.

  To define the type for a variable, click on the Type
  button and then click on either the Numeric or String

  The Numeric button defines the symbol type as a numeric

  The String button defines the symbol type as a string.

3.1.10  –  m_mvrdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.

3.1.11  –  m_mvrdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.
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