The DTM DECwindows interface uses menus, dialog boxes,
  and other screen objects to access its functions.

  You can use DTM menus to create and open libraries,
  record and execute tests, review test results, and
  perform other DTM operations.

  The main DTM window contains the following menus:

  o  File

  o  View

  o  Maintenance

  o  Testing

  o  Help

1  –  l_mu

  Use the File menu to perform these library operations:

  o  Choosing a library for current reference

  o  Verifying that a library is valid and uncorrupted

  o  Modifying the attributes of the current DTM library

  o  Creating a library

  You can also manipulate active tasks, close DTM view
  windows, and exit DTM from this menu.

1.1  –  l_lm

  Choose the Library menu item, which produces a submenu
  of the functions you can perform on DTM libraries. The
  submenu contains these items:

  o  Open...

  o  Verify...

  o  Modify...

  o  Create...

1.1.1  –  l_lm_om

  Choose the Open... menu item to establish an existing
  DTM library as the current library. The resulting
  dialog box enables you to enter the file specification
  and open a DTM library.  –  l_oldb

  Use the Open Library dialog box to choose an existing
  DTM library for use with DTM operations.

  The chosen library is the current library until you set
  another library or until you log out.

  This dialog box also enables you to verify that the DTM
  library is uncorrupted.  –  l_oldb_lb

  Use the Library field to enter the name of a OpenVMS
  directory that has been previously defined as a DTM

  The directory specification cannot be the current
  default directory, even if this directory is a valid
  DTM library.  –  l_oldb_vr

  Click on the Verify button in one of the following

  Enabled   DTM is to verify that the chosen library is
  button    intact when opened.
  Disabled  DTM is not to verify that the chosen library
  button    is intact when opened.  –  l_oldb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can choose it by pressing the
  RETURN or ENTER key.  –  l_oldb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

1.1.2  –  l_lm_vm

  Choose the Verify... menu item to have DTM confirm that
  the library's structure and files are in a valid form.

  You can also use the resulting dialog box to correct
  any errors that DTM may find or to reclaim loose blocks
  and delete illegal files found in the library.  –  l_vldb

  The Verify Library dialog box enables you to choose
  operations that detect errors in the library structure,
  files, and collections.

  The DTM library can become invalid if a process or
  job aborts, or the system fails while a command that
  changes the library is executing.

  You can also use this dialog box to correct the errors
  that DTM may find or to reclaim loose blocks and delete
  illegal files found in the library.  –  l_vldb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history
  entries.  –  l_vldb_in

  Click on the Inspect button to evaluate the current DTM
  library structure and files.

  If the library is valid, the operation executes
  successfully. Otherwise, DTM informs you to use the
  Recover operation to attempt library repairs.  –  l_vldb_rr

  Click on the Recover button to correct library errors
  found by DTM in an Inspect operation.

  If the Recover operation does not return the library to
  a valid state, restore the library from a backup tape.  –  l_vldb_rp

  Click on the Repair button to have DTM reclaim
  loose blocks and delete illegal files in the current
  library.  –  l_vldb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can choose it by pressing the
  RETURN or ENTER key.  –  l_vldb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

1.1.3  –  l_lm_mm

  Choose the Modify menu item to display or modify the
  current library attributes of the following:

  o  Benchmark directory

  o  Template directory

  o  Default collection prologue

  o  Default collection epilogue  –  l_mldb

  Use the Modify Library dialog box to display or modify
  the current library attributes.  –  l_mldb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history
  entries.  –  l_mldb_m

  Click on the following modify buttons to change the
  corresponding settings in the library:

  o  Benchmark directory

  o  Template directory

  o  Prologue

  o  Epilogue

  DTM displays any current settings in the four fields.  –  l_mldb_bk

  DTM stores benchmark files in the DTM library. Click
  on the Benchmark directory button to specify another
  directory (for example, a Code Management System
  library) into which DTM can place the benchmark files.

  To change the benchmark directory, first click on the
  Benchmark directory button. Then replace the current
  directory name in the field with the new directory

  An empty field with an enabled button indicates that
  you want to clear any library default directory that
  you previously specified.  –  l_mldb_tp

  DTM stores template files in the current default
  directory. Click on the Template directory button
  to specify another directory (for example, a Code
  Management System library) into which DTM can place
  the template files.

  To change the template directory, first click on the
  Template directory button. Then replace the current
  directory name in the field with the new directory

  An empty field with an enabled button indicates that
  you want to clear any library default directory that
  you previously specified.  –  l_mldb_pg

  Click on the Prologue button to create a default
  collection prologue file. All subsequently created
  collections will invoke this file whenever DTM executes
  them, unless you explicitly specify a different
  collection prologue when you create the collection.

  To change the default prologue file, first click on the
  Prologue button. Then replace the current prologue name
  in the field with the new prologue name.

  An empty field with an enabled button indicates that
  you want to cancel any default collection prologue that
  you previously specified.  –  l_mldb_eg

  Click on the Epilogue button to create a default
  collection epilogue file. All subsequently created
  collections will invoke this file whenever DTM executes
  the collections, unless you explicitly specify a
  different collection epilogue when you create the

  To change the default epilogue file, first click on the
  Epilogue button. Then replace the current epilogue name
  in the field with the new epilogue name.

  An empty field with an enabled button indicates that
  you want to cancel any default collection epilogue that
  you previously specified.  –  l_mldb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  l_mldb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

1.1.4  –  l_lm_cm

  Choose the Create... menu item to create a DTM library.

  The newly created library automatically becomes the
  referenced library for any DTM operations.  –  l_cldb

  Use the Create Library dialog box to create a DTM
  library and set the library attributes.

  You can specify the following library attributes:

  o  Benchmark directory

  o  Template directory

  o  Default collection prologue

  o  Default collection epilogue  –  l_cldb_lb

  Use the library field to enter the name of an empty
  directory that you created with the DCL CREATE command
  with the /DIRECTORY qualifier or, with the DECwindows
  FileView Utility menu.

  The directory specification must follow OpenVMS
  specifications for directory names.

  Do not specify the current default directory or a
  directory that contains files.  –  l_cldb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history
  entries.  –  l_cldb_bk

  To specify a benchmark directory, specify the directory
  name in the benchmark directory field.

  DTM stores benchmark files in a DTM library. Use the
  Benchmark directory field to specify another directory
  (for example, a Code Management System library) into
  which DTM can place the benchmark files.  –  l_cldb_tp

  DTM stores template files in the current default
  directory. Use the Template directory field to specify
  another directory (for example, a Code Management
  System library) into which DTM can place the template

  To specify a template directory, enter the directory
  name in the template directory field.  –  l_cldb_pg

  Use the Prologue field to specify a default collection
  prologue file. All subsequently created collections
  will invoke this file whenever DTM executes the
  collections, unless you explicitly specify a different
  collection prologue.  –  l_cldb_eg

  Use the Epilogue field to specify a default collection
  epilogue file. All subsequently created collections
  will invoke this file whenever DTM executes the
  collections, unless you explicitly specify a different
  collection epilogue.  –  l_cldb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  l_cldb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

1.2  –  l_tm

  Choose the Tasks... menu item to list the active
  processes that DTM is currently running.

  The resulting dialog box enables you to stop or delete
  a process.

1.2.1  –  l_tmdb

  The Tasks dialog box displays the active processes that
  DTM is currently running. This box enables you to stop
  or delete a process.  –  l_tmdb_dt

  When you click on (highlight) a process name and click
  on the Delete Task button, DTM stops the process and
  dismisses any windows associated with the task.  –  l_tmdb_st

  When you click on (highlight) a process name and click
  on the Stop Task button, DTM stops the process but does
  not dismiss the windows associated with the task.  –  l_tmdb_dms

  The Dismiss button removes the Task dialog box.  –  l_tmdb_tl

  The Tasks in Progress list box displays the active
  processes that are running on DTM. When you click on
  (highlight) a process name, you can then stop or delete
  the process.

1.3  –  l_cm

  Choose the Close menu item to close the active view
  window when more than one view window is open. This
  enables you to close the active window without leaving

  You must choose this menu item from the active view

  This menu item is inactive if only one window is open.

1.4  –  l_xm

  Choose the Exit menu item to end the DTM session.

2  –  v_mu

  Pull down the View menu to create, delete, modify, and
  update views.

  The following table lists the view types and the levels
  of expansion:

  Type      Expansion

  Collection Collection attributes and result descriptions
            (preceded by an icon), which expand to
            benchmark, result, and difference files
  Test      Test attributes
  Group     Subgroups, tests within groups, and test
  Variable  Variable attributes
  History   History records

2.1  –  v_upm

  Choose the Update menu item to obtain the latest
  generation of the view structure.

  DTM automatically updates a view when you collapse and
  then expand a view. However, DTM does not automatically
  update a view to reflect changes made to the library

2.2  –  v_xm

  Choose the Expand menu item to display in a view
  the children or attributes of objects preceded by
  icons. Children and attributes represent additional
  information or levels of detail about an object.

  To expand a view object preceded by an icon, perform
  the following steps:

  1. Use MB1 to select and highlight the specific object
     in the view

  2. Choose the Expand menu item

  3. Choose either the Children or Attributes submenu

  Optionally, double click on a display line (preceded by
  an icon) in the view. This causes the line to expand or
  collapse, depending on its current state.

2.2.1  –  v_xcd

  Choose the Children submenu item to display the
  children of a selected object you are viewing.

  Children, denoted in a view by an icon, are descended
  directly from the object.

  For example, tests are children of a collection.
  Similarly, subgroups are children of a group and tests
  are children of subgroups.

2.2.2  –  v_xat

  Choose the Attributes submenu item to display the
  attributes of a selected object you are viewing.

  Attributes lack an icon when displayed in a view; they
  characterize an object. For example, variables and
  filters are attributes of a test description.

2.3  –  v_cm

  Choose the Collapse menu item to remove the display
  children or attributes of an object in a view.

  To collapse the displayed children or attributes:

  1. Use MB1 to select and highlight in the view the
     object you want to collapse

  2. Choose the Collapse menu item

  3. Choose either the Children or Attributes submenu
     item, as appropriate, from the Collapse submenu

  Optionally, double click on a display line (preceded by
  an icon) in the view. This causes the line to expand or
  collapse depending on its current state.

2.3.1  –  v_ccd

  Choose the Children submenu item to collapse the
  children of a selected object you are viewing.

  Children, denoted in a view by an icon, have a
  hierarchical relationship to an object; that is, they
  are descended directly from the object.

  For example, tests are children of a collection.
  Similarly, subgroups are children of a group and tests
  are children of subgroups.

2.3.2  –  v_cat

  Choose the Attributes submenu item to collapse the
  attributes of a selected object you are viewing.

  Attributes lack an icon when displayed in a view; they
  characterize an object. For example, variables and
  filters are attributes of a test description.

2.4  –  v_qtm

  Choose the Query Test System... menu item to view
  objects within a DTM library. The resulting dialog
  box enables you to select the objects for view by type
  and name wildcards.

2.4.1  –  v_qtdb

  Use the Query Test System dialog box to select objects
  for view within DTM View windows. Click on the object
  to specify the type of display required and use the
  name field with a name or a partial wildcard to refine
  the display.

  The following object types may be selected for display
  within a DTM View window:

  o  Collections

  o  Groups

  o  Tests

  o  Variables

  In addition to selecting display by object type, you
  may restrict the display of objects by specifying a
  partial wildcard name in the Name text entry field and
  clicking on the Name button.

2.5  –  v_clsm

  Choose the Close View menu item to close the active
  view window when more than one view window is open.
  This enables you to close the active window without
  leaving DTM.

  You must choose this menu item from the active view

  The Close View menu item is inactive if only one window
  is open.

3  –  m_mu

  Choose the Maintenance menu to directly manipulate
  objects (tests, collections, groups, variables, and
  history records) in the DTM library.

  After you choose an operation from the menu or one of
  its submenus, use the resulting dialog box to view and
  specify options.

  Operations in the Maintenance menu apply to the current
  selection in the active view window.

  Before beginning an operation, click on (highlight) the
  selection on which you want to perform the operation.
  Then choose the operation you want to perform from
  the menu. DTM automatically fills in the name of the
  selection in the text field of the resulting dialog

  If you do not make a selection from the active view
  when you begin an operation, you must enter your
  selection in the text field in the dialog box. Multiple
  entries are generally accepted.

3.1  –  m_cm

  Choose the Create menu item, which produces a submenu
  of the objects that you can create. The submenu
  contains these objects:

  o  Test

  o  Collection

  o  Group

  o  Variable

  o  History

3.1.1  –  m_ctm

  Choose the Test submenu item to create a test
  description in the DTM library.

  A test description is all the information associated
  with a specific test. DTM uses this information to
  execute the test.  –  m_ct_dw

  Choose the DECwindows... submenu item to create a
  DECwindows test description in the DTM library.

  A DECwindows test description is all the information
  associated with a specific DECwindows test. DTM uses
  this information to execute the test.  –  m_ct_dwdb

  Use the Create DECwindows Test dialog box to create a
  DECwindows test description in the DTM library.  –  m_ct_dwdb_tf

  Use the Test field to enter the name of the DECwindows
  test description.

  The test name is the unique identifier of the test
  description and is the only means of access to a test

  A test name can have a maximum of 39 characters and
  must follow the same OpenVMS syntax as for file names.
  You cannot use wildcards to specify the test name.  –  m_ct_dwdb_rem

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_ct_dwdb_tem

  Use the Template field to specify the command file that
  runs a test, the file that is the test itself, or the
  file containing the DECwindows session.

  DTM supplies a template file name of test_name.SESSION
  for DECwindows tests.

  If you include a directory specification with the file
  name, DTM ignores the default template directory.  –  m_ct_dwdb_ben

  Use the Benchmark field to specify the file to contain
  the expected output from the test's execution.

  DTM supplies a file name and file type of test_

  If you include a directory specification with the file
  name, DTM ignores the default benchmark directory.  –  m_ct_dwdb_pro

  Use the Prologue field to add a specific prologue file
  to the test description; otherwise, no prologue is
  associated with the test description.

  DTM runs the test prologue file immediately before
  executing the test template file.

  This prologue is independent of the collection
  prologue.  –  m_ct_dwdb_epi

  Use the Epilogue field to add a specific epilogue file
  to the test description; otherwise, no epilogue is
  associated with the test description.

  DTM runs the test epilogue file immediately after
  executing the test template file.

  This epilogue is independent of the collection
  epilogue.  –  m_ct_dwdb_var

  Use the Variables field to specify variables to
  associate with the test description; otherwise, no
  variables are associated with the test description.

  Valid variable names must be defined in the DTM
  library. A variable specified in this field becomes
  local in scope.

  You cannot use wildcards to specify variable names. Use
  commas to separate more than one variable name.

  If you do not specify a value for the variable, it uses
  the value defined when the variable is created. If you
  specify an optional variable value, the variable takes
  on that value for this test description only.  –  m_ct_dwdb_comm

  Use the Command field to invoke an application or run
  a command file at the start of a DECwindows recording

  For example, the following generic command would run an
  application undergoing testing:

               RUN sys$system:my$application  –  m_ct_dwdb_comp

  Choose one of the Comparison Type buttons to specify
  how you want DTM to compare the result and benchmark

  The table below defines the selectable comparison

  Type      Meaning

  Screens   Compares marked screen images only. The
            default type for DECwindows tests.
  Default   No local override, uses test type default

  If not selected, the default is no local override.
  The result file is compared based on the collection
  comparison type if set, otherwise the default test
  comparison type is used.  –  m_ct_dwdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_ct_dwdb_cb

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.  –  m_ct_tt

  Choose the Terminal... submenu item to create a
  terminal test description in the DTM library.

  A terminal test description is all the information
  associated with a specific terminal (character cell)
  test. DTM uses this information to execute the test.  –  m_ct_ttdb

  Use the Create Terminal Test dialog box to create a
  terminal test description in the DTM library.  –  m_ct_ttdb_tf

  Use the Test field to enter the name for the terminal
  test description.

  The test name is the unique identifier of the test
  description and is the only means of access to a test

  A test name has a maximum of 39 characters and follows
  the same OpenVMS syntax as for file names. You cannot
  use wildcards to specify the test name.  –  m_ct_ttdb_rem

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_ct_ttdb_tem

  Use the Template field to specify the command file that
  runs a test, the file that is the test itself, or the
  file containing the interactive terminal session.

  DTM supplies a template file name of test_name.SESSION
  for interactive terminal tests.

  If you include a directory specification with the file
  name, DTM ignores the default template directory.  –  m_ct_ttdb_ben

  Use the Benchmark field to specify the file to contain
  the expected output from the test's execution.

  DTM supplies a file name and file type of test_

  If you include a directory specification with the file
  name, DTM ignores the default benchmark directory.  –  m_ct_ttdb_pro

  Use the Prologue field to add a specific prologue file
  to the test description; otherwise, no prologue is
  associated with the test description.

  DTM runs the test prologue file immediately before
  executing the test template file.

  This prologue is independent of the collection
  prologue.  –  m_ct_ttdb_epi

  Use the Epilogue field to add a specific epilogue file
  to the test description; otherwise, no epilogue is
  associated with the test description.

  DTM runs the test epilogue file immediately after
  executing the test template file.

  This epilogue is independent of the collection
  epilogue.  –  m_ct_ttdb_var

  Use the Variables field to specify variables to
  associate with the test description; otherwise, no
  variables are associated with the test description.

  Valid variable names must be defined in the DTM
  library. A variable specified in this field becomes
  local in scope.

  You cannot use wildcards to specify variable names. Use
  commas to separate more than one variable name.

  If you do not specify a value for the variable, it uses
  the value defined when the variable is created. If you
  specify an optional variable value, the variable takes
  on that value for this test description only.  –  m_ct_ttdb_comp

  Choose one of the Comparison Type buttons to specify
  how you want DTM to compare the result and benchmark

  The table below defines the selectable comparison

  Type      Meaning

  Screens   Compares marked screen images only. The
            default type for interactive tests.
  Records   Compares the files record by record
  Characters Compares the files character by character
  Default   No local override, uses test type default

  If not selected, the default is no local override.
  The result file is compared based on the collection
  comparison type if set, otherwise the default test
  comparison type is used.  –  m_ct_ttdb_fil

  DTM does not automatically associate any filters with
  the test description. You must click on one or more
  of the Filter buttons to apply the filters to the test
  description's results.

  The filters remove run-time variables from the result
  file produced by the collection run.

  The buttons of applied filters become enabled after you
  choose them.  –  m_ct_ttdb_dt

  Where the date form is abbreviated, the Date button
  replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each
  displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for
  each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for each
  displayed number of the year. Where the date form is
  spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month",
  the numeric day is replaced by "day", and the year is
  replaced by "year".

  The following list shows some examples of the date
  filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive.

     17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy
     17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy
     98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd
     10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy
     1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd
     October 17, 1998 with month day, year
     Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year
     17.October.1998 with day.month.year
     98-October-17 with year-month-day  –  m_ct_ttdb_dr

  When enabled, the Directory button replaces the
  directory specification field in the file specification
  with DISK:[DIRECTORY]  –  m_ct_ttdb_tm

  When enabled, the Time button replaces time stamps with
  the following forms:

     15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx
     15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss
     15:37 with hh:mm
     3:37 PM with hh:mm xm
     15H37m with hhHmmm
     15H37' with hhHmm'
     15.37 h with hh.mm h
     15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s
     15 h 37 min with hh h mm min
     kl 15.37 with kl hh.mm
     h 15.37 with h hh.mm  –  m_ct_ttdb_tk

  When enabled, the Traceback button replaces 32-bit
  memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and 64-bit memory
  addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.  –  m_ct_ttdb_fn

  When enabled, the File names Button replaces the file
  names with FILENAME.EXT.  –  m_ct_ttdb_vrs

  When enabled, the Version button replaces file versions
  with VERSION.  –  m_ct_ttdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_ct_ttdb_cb

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.  –  m_ct_ni

  Choose the Noninteractive... submenu item to create a
  noninteractive test description in the DTM library.

  A noninteractive test description is all the
  information associated with a specific noninteractive
  (character cell) test. DTM uses this information to
  execute the test.  –  m_ct_nidb

  Use the Create Noninteractive Test dialog box to create
  a noninteractive test description in the DTM library.  –  m_ct_nidb_tf

  Use the Test field to enter the name for the
  noninteractive test description.

  The test name is the unique identifier of the test
  description and is the only means of access to a test

  A test name has a maximum of 39 characters and follows
  the same OpenVMS syntax as for file names. You cannot
  use wildcards to specify the test name.  –  m_ct_nidb_rem

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_ct_nidb_tem

  Use the Template field to specify the command file that
  runs a test, the file that is the test itself.

  DTM supplies a template file name of test_name.COM for
  noninteractive tests.

  If you include a directory specification with the file
  name, DTM ignores the default template directory.  –  m_ct_nidb_ben

  Use the Benchmark field to specify the file to contain
  the expected output from the test's execution.

  DTM supplies a file name and file type of test_

  If you include a directory specification with the file
  name, DTM ignores the default benchmark directory.  –  m_ct_nidb_pro

  Use the Prologue field to add a specific prologue file
  to the test description; otherwise, no prologue is
  associated with the test description.

  DTM runs the test prologue file immediately before
  executing the test template file.

  This prologue is independent of the collection
  prologue.  –  m_ct_nidb_epi

  Use the Epilogue field to add a specific epilogue file
  to the test description; otherwise, no epilogue is
  associated with the test description.

  DTM runs the test epilogue file immediately after
  executing the test template file.

  This epilogue is independent of the collection
  epilogue.  –  m_ct_nidb_var

  Use the Variables field to specify variables to
  associate with the test description; otherwise, no
  variables are associated with the test description.

  Valid variable names must be defined in the DTM
  library. A variable specified in this field becomes
  local in scope.

  You cannot use wildcards to specify variable names. Use
  commas to separate more than one variable name.

  If you do not specify a value for the variable, it uses
  the value defined when the variable is created. If you
  specify an optional variable value, the variable takes
  on that value for this test description only.  –  m_ct_nidb_comp

  Choose one of the Comparison Type buttons to specify
  how you want DTM to compare the result and benchmark

  The table below defines the selectable comparison

  Type      Meaning

  Records   Compares the files record by record. The
            default type for noninteractive tests.
  Characters Compares the files character by character
  Default   No local override, uses test type default

  If not selected, the default is no local override.
  The result file is compared based on the collection
  comparison type if set, otherwise the default test
  comparison type is used.  –  m_ct_nidb_fil

  DTM does not associate any filters with the test
  description unless you click on one or more of the
  Filter buttons to apply the filters to the test
  description's results.

  The filters remove run-time variables from the result
  file the collection run produces.

  The buttons of applied filters become enabled after you
  choose them.  –  m_ct_nidb_dt

  Where the date form is abbreviated, the Date button
  replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each
  displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for
  each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for each
  displayed number of the year. Where the date form is
  spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month",
  the numeric day is replaced by "day", and the year is
  replaced by "year".

  The following list shows some examples of the date
  filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive.

     17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy
     17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy
     98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd
     10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy
     1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd
     October 17, 1998 with month day, year
     Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year
     17.October.1998 with day.month.year
     98-October-17 with year-month-day  –  m_ct_nidb_dr

  When enabled, the Directory button replaces the
  directory specification field in the file specification
  with DISK:[DIRECTORY]  –  m_ct_nidb_tm

  When enabled, the Time button replaces time stamps with
  the following forms:

     15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx
     15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss
     15:37 with hh:mm
     3:37 PM with hh:mm xm
     15H37m with hhHmmm
     15H37' with hhHmm'
     15.37 h with hh.mm h
     15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s
     15 h 37 min with hh h mm min
     kl 15.37 with kl hh.mm
     h 15.37 with h hh.mm  –  m_ct_nidb_tk

  When enabled, the Traceback button replaces 32-bit
  memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and 64-bit memory
  addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.  –  m_ct_nidb_fn

  When enabled, the File names Button replaces the file
  names with FILENAME.EXT.  –  m_ct_nidb_vrs

  When enabled, the Version button replaces file versions
  with VERSION.  –  m_ct_nidb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_ct_nidb_cb

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.1.2  –  m_c_cl

  Choose the Collection... submenu item to create a
  set of files that DTM uses to run the tests in the

  A collection can contain noninteractive tests,
  interactive terminal tests, and DECwindows tests in
  any combination.

  DTM constructs the set of tests in the collection
  by taking a "snapshot" of the test descriptions when
  you create the collection. If you subsequently change
  any of the test descriptions, you must re-create the

  Changes made to files referenced by the collection do
  affect the collection at run time.  –  m_ccdb

  Use the Create Collection dialog box to create a set of
  files for running one or more tests.

  This dialog box enables you to specify the tests and
  groups in the collection. Use the Create Collection
  Options dialog box to choose the options for the
  collection.  –  m_ccdb_cl

  Use the Collection field to enter the collection name.
  This name uniquely identifies a set of tests to run.

  A collection name can have a maximum of 39 characters
  and follows the same OpenVMS syntax as file names. You
  cannot use wildcards in the collection name.  –  m_ccdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries.
  See under additional topics.  –  m_ccdb_tst

  Use the Tests field to enter test description names or
  wildcard forms of these names into the test collection.

  Separate test names with commas.  –  m_ccdb_gp

  Use the Groups field to enter group names or wildcard
  forms of these names into the test collection.

  Separate group names with commas.  –  m_ccdb_vtb

  When you click on the Verify button, you perform one
  of the following operations, depending on the status of
  the button:

  Enabled   DTM verifies that all files associated with
  button    all test descriptions in the collection
            exist. If a referenced file does not exist,
            DTM will not create the collection.
  Disabled  DTM creates the collection without verifying
  button    the existence of files.  –  m_ccdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_ccdb_o

  Click on the Options... button to specify values for
  additional collection fields. These options are not
  required to create a collection.

  You can specify the following options:

  o  Prologue file

  o  Epilogue file

  o  Variables

  o  Benchmark directory

  o  Benchmark class

  o  Template directory

  o  Template class

  o  Comparison type

  o  Differences format

  o  Ignore options

  o  Skip text delimiters  –  m_cco_db

  Use the Create Collection Options dialog box to specify
  values for collection fields. These options are not
  required to create a collection.  –  m_cco_pg

  Use the Prologue field to specify a prologue file that
  DTM associates with the collection.

  The collection prologue is independent of any test
  prologues associated with specific tests.  –  m_cco_eg

  Use the Epilogue field to specify epilogue file DTM
  associates with the collection.

  The collection epilogue is independent of any test
  prologues associated with specific tests.  –  m_cco_vr

  The collection uses the default values for global
  variables. Use the Variables field to override
  the values of specific global variables for this

  Valid variable names are the names for the global
  variables you want to override. The variable must
  already exist in the DTM library.

  You must include a variable value for each variable
  name. Separate variables with commas.  –  m_cco_bkd

  The directory that DTM uses to locate benchmark files
  depends on the directory you specify in this collection
  Benchmark directory field and the Benchmark field in
  the Create Test Options dialog box.  –  m_cco_bkc

  Use the Benchmark class field to specify the optional
  Code Management System (CMS) class for benchmark files
  stored in a CMS library.

  If you do not specify a class and the file is stored
  in a CMS library, DTM uses the latest generation on the
  main line of descent.  –  m_cco_tpd

  The directory that DTM uses to locate template files
  depends on the directory you specify in this Collection
  Template Directory field and the Template field in the
  Create Test Options dialog box.  –  m_cco_tpc

  Use the Template class field to specify the optional
  Code Management System (CMS) class for template files
  stored in a CMS library.

  If you do not specify a class and the file is stored
  in a CMS library, DTM uses the latest generation on the
  main line of descent.  –  m_cco_tp

  Click on the Compare button to determine whether DTM
  compares the results of each test to its benchmark file
  after the collection is executed.

  If the Compare button is enabled, DTM compares all

  A collection must be compared before you can review it.
  DTM records any differences in a difference file for
  that test.

  DTM compares tests without benchmarks, but it marks
  these tests with a new test status. When you review
  these tests, you can generate benchmarks for them.  –  m_cco_tprb

  Click on one of the following Comparison type buttons
  to specify the type of comparison:

  o  Test Default button causes DTM to keep the setting
     you chose for each test when you created it.

  o  Screens button to produce a screen by screen
     comparison (default for interactive terminal and
     DECwindows tests)

  o  Records button to produce a record by record
     comparison (default for noninteractive tests).

  o  Characters to produce a character by character

  By clicking on either the Screens, Records or
  Characters button, DTM compares all tests in the
  collection using the specified comparison type,
  regardless of the individual test comparison setting
  might be.  –  m_cco_df

  Click on the Full and Parallel buttons to modify the
  content and format of a printed difference file for
  noninteractive tests. Use the Width field to specify
  the width of the difference file's output.  –  m_cco_fl

  Click on the Full button to modify the contents of a
  printed difference file for interactive tests.

  When the Full button is enabled DTM includes in the
  difference file a complete listing of the text that
  is identical as well as a listing of the differences
  DTM encounters when it compares the result file to the
  benchmark file.

  When the Full button is disabled DTM includes only a
  listing of differences.  –  m_cco_par

  Click on the Parallel button to modify the format of a
  printed difference file for noninteractive tests.

  An enabled button causes DTM to place the lines that
  do not match from the result and benchmark file side by
  side in the difference file.

  A disabled button causes DTM to place the benchmark
  lines above and the corresponding result lines below in
  the difference file.  –  m_cco_wd

  Use the Width field to specify the width of the
  difference file's output.

  The minimum width is 48 columns, the maximum width is
  511 columns, and the default is 132 columns.  –  m_cco_ig

  The Ignore buttons enable you to specify that various
  aspects of benchmark and result files are to be ignored
  during comparison.

  The following buttons and their effects apply to
  noninteractive and interactive terminal tests, only.

  Button         Result

  Case           Ignores any differences between the case
                 of alphabetic characters (A,a,B,b, . . . )
  Form-feeds     Ignores form-feed characters
  Spacing        Treats multiple blanks and tabs as a
                 single space
  Leading        Ignores leading blanks and tabs
  Trailing       Ignores trailing blanks and tabs

  The following button and its effect applies to
  DECwindows tests only.

  Button         Result

  Mask           Ignores masked areas defined on
                 DECwindows benchmark images  –  m_cco_se

  Use the Skip Text fields to enter a pair of strings
  to delimit a section of text to be ignored during
  the comparison of result and benchmark files for
  noninteractive tests. The delimiters can be up to
  256 characters per line, and must be unique. Any text
  between and including the delimiters is ignored by
  DTM.  –  m_cco_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_cco_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.  –  m_ccdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.1.3  –  m_cgpm

  Choose the Group submenu item to create an empty group
  in the DTM library.

  Once created, you can insert tests and other groups
  into the newly created group by using the Insert
  function under the Maintenance menu.

  A group enables you to manipulate a set of tests as one
  entity.  –  m_cgpdb

  Use the Create Group dialog box to create a group.

  This dialog box contains fields for the group name and
  an associated remark.  –  m_cgpdb_g

  Use the Group field to enter the name of the group.

  A group name can have a maximum of 39 characters and
  follows the same OpenVMS syntax as for file names.

  You cannot use wildcards to specify the group name.  –  m_cgpdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_cgpdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_cgpdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.1.4  –  m_cvm

  Choose the Variable... submenu item to define a
  variable in the current DTM library.

  You can only include variables in test descriptions or
  collections after defining variables in the library.  –  m_cvdb

  Use the Create Variable dialog box to create a variable
  in the current DTM library.

  When you define a variable, you must specify the
  following information in the dialog box:

  o  The variable's value

  o  Whether the variable is local or global

  o  Whether the variable is a symbol or a logical name

  o  Whether the variable value is a string or a numeric
     value (if the variable is a symbol)  –  m_cvdb_vr

  Use the Variable field to enter a unique name for the
  variable. A variable name can have a maximum of 39
  characters and must follow OpenVMS syntax for file

  You cannot use wildcards to specify the variable name.

  You cannot use the variable names P1 through P8, nor
  can you use variable names beginning with DTM$.  –  m_cvdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_cvdb_vl

  Use the Value field to specify the default value for
  this variable.

  DTM uses the default value unless you override it when
  you create a specific test description or collection.  –  m_cvdb_sp

  Click on either the Local or Global buttons to specify
  the scope of the variable.

  A local variable is accessible only to an individual
  test that references the variable in its test

  A global variable is accessible to all tests in all
  collections.  –  m_cvdb_us

  You must specify the defined variable as either a
  symbol or logical name.

  Click on the Symbol button to define the variable as a
  OpenVMS symbol. If you define the variable as a symbol,
  you must also specify its type.

  Click on the Logical button to define the variable as a
  OpenVMS logical name.  –  m_cvdb_tp

  If you have defined the variable's usage as a symbol,
  you must also define its type. The following table
  shows your options:

  Button      Description

  Default     Causes DTM to define the symbol type as
              a numeric value if the variable value is
              not enclosed in quotation marks (")  and
              as a string value if the variable value is
              enclosed in quotation marks.
  Numeric     Defines the symbol type as a numeric value.
  String      Defines the symbol type as a string.  –  m_cvdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_cvdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.1.5  –  m_chym

  Choose the History... submenu item to add a remark to
  the DTM history file.

  Use this operation to record an unusual occurrence or a
  testing milestone.

  DTM provides remark fields for most operations in their
  dialog boxes. DTM logs these remarks with a record of
  the operation in the history file.  –  m_chydb

  Use the Create History Remark dialog box to add a
  specific remark to the DTM history file.

  Use the text entry field to enter the remark text that
  you want to add to the DTM history file.  –  m_chydb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_chydb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.2  –  m_mdm

  Choose the Modify menu item to produce a submenu of
  previously created objects that you can modify.

  You can modify the following objects:

  o  Test description field values and options

  o  Group remarks

  o  Variable definitions

3.2.1  –  m_mdtm

  Choose the Test... submenu item to change field values
  and options for selected test descriptions.

  You can modify all field values except the test name.  –  m_mtdb

  Use the Modify Test dialog box to change the field
  values and options for selected tests.

  Changes that you make affect all the tests that you

  You can specify tests by first selecting (highlighting)
  them in an active test or group view window or by
  explicitly specifying them in the Test field by
  specifying a test name, group name, a wildcard
  character, a wildcard character combined with a test
  or group name, or a list of these separated by commas.  –  m_mtdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays tests or groups that
  you first select (highlight) in an active test or group
  view window.

  All the tests represented by the selected list are
  affected by changes you make to fields in the Modify
  Test dialog box and its Modify Test Options dialog box.

  Optionally, you can explicitly specify test names or
  group names in the Test and Group fields.  –  m_mtdb_tg

  Use the Test and Group fields to specify the test names
  whose attributes you want to change.

  You can specify tests by first selecting (highlighting)
  them as tests or groups in an active test or group
  view window, or explicitly specifying them in the Test
  field or Group field by test or group name, a wildcard
  character, a wildcard character combined with a test or
  group name, or a list of these separated by commas.  –  m_mtdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_mtdb_crk

  Use the Creation remark button and field to replace
  the current remark associated with the test description
  with a new remark.

  Click on the button and then enter the replacement
  remark text in the field.  –  m_mtdb_cf

  If you specify multiple tests for change (through
  selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to
  confirm the changes for each test, one at a time.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge changes for
  each selected test.  –  m_mtdb_oth

  Click on the field button to modify the field

  o  Template file

  o  Benchmark file

  o  Test prologue file

  o  Test epilogue file

  o  Variables

  o  Novariables

  Active buttons cause DTM to change the associated
  option. Buttons should be inactive if no changes are to
  be made to an option; an inactive button with an empty
  option field causes DTM to disassociate a previously
  specified option from the test description.

  For example, to change only the test epilogue for two
  selected tests, enable only the epilogue button. Then
  enter the name of a new epilogue file in the epilogue
  field (or leave it blank to have no test epilogue
  associated with the tests).  –  m_mtdb_tp

  Use the Template field to change the command file that
  runs a test, the file that is the test itself, or the
  file containing the interactive terminal or DECwindows

  To change the template file, enable the Template
  button. Then specify the new template file name in
  the template field.

  DTM supplies a template file name of test_name.SESSION
  for interactive terminal and DECwindows tests.

  If you include a directory specification with the file
  name, DTM ignores the default template directory.  –  m_mtdb_bk

  Use the Benchmark field to enter the name of the
  file to receive the expected output from the test's

  To change the benchmark file, enable the Benchmark
  button. Then enter the new benchmark file name.

  DTM supplies a file name of the form test_name.BMK.

  If you include a directory specification with the file
  name, DTM ignores the default benchmark directory.  –  m_mtdb_pg

  To change the prologue file for selected test
  descriptions, enable the Prologue button. Then enter
  the new prologue file name (or leave it blank to have
  no test prologue associated with the tests).

  DTM runs the test prologue file immediately before
  executing the test template file.

  This prologue is independent of the collection
  prologue.  –  m_mtdb_eg

  To change the epilogue file for selected test
  descriptions, enable the Epilogue button. Then enter
  the new epilogue file name (or leave it blank to have
  no test epilogue associated with the tests).

  DTM runs the test epilogue file immediately after
  executing the test template file.

  This epilogue is independent of the collection
  epilogue.  –  m_mtdb_vr

  Use the Variables field to associate existing variables
  with the test description or change the values for
  variables associated with the test description.

  To associate one or more local variables solely for the
  selected tests, enable the Variables button. Then enter
  the new variable definitions.

  Valid variable names must be defined in the DTM
  library. A variable specified in this field becomes
  local in scope.

  You cannot use wildcards to specify variable names. Use
  commas to separate more than one variable name.

  If you do not specify a value for the variable, DTM
  uses the value defined when the variable was created.
  If you specify an optional variable value, the variable
  takes on that value for these test descriptions only.  –  m_mtdb_nvr

  Use the No Variables field to disassociate existing
  variables from the test description.

  To disassociate one or more local variables solely for
  the selected tests, enable the No Variables button.
  Then specify the variable names.

  You cannot use wildcards to specify variable names. Use
  commas to separate more than one variable name.  –  m_mtdb_com

  Enable the Comparison type button if you want to modify
  the comparison characteristics of selected tests. If
  default is selected, there is no local override, the
  default type for the test is used.

  Select the comparison change by clicking on the
  Screens, Characters, Records or Default button.

  If you selected more than one test, this button allows
  you to change the comparison type on all selected

  The following table defines the comparison types.

  Type      Meaning

  Screens   Compares marked screen images only
  Records   Compares the files record by record
  Characters Compares the files character by character
  Default   No local override. Compares the files based
            on the collection comparison type

  The following table lists the comparison types and the
  allowed test types.

  Type      Allowable test types

  Screens   DECwindows and Interactive tests
  Records   Interactive and Noninteractive tests
  Characters Interactive and Noninteractive tests  –  m_mtdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_mtdb_op

  Click on the Options... button to change values for
  other test description fields.

  You can change the following options:

  o  DECWindows option - Command

  o  Terminal and Noninteractive options - Filters  –  m_mtop_db

  Use the Modify Test Options dialog box to change values
  for test options.

  Active buttons cause DTM to change the associated
  option. Buttons should be inactive if no changes are to
  be made to an option; an inactive button with an empty
  option field causes DTM to disassociate a previously
  specified option from the test description.  –  m_mtop_db_com

  Use the Command field to invoke an application or
  specify a command action to be executed at the start
  of a DECwindows recording session.

  For example, the following generic command would run an
  application undergoing testing:

               RUN sys$system:my$application  –  m_mtop_db_fl

  Enable the Filters button to modify the filter
  characteristics of a specified test; the button must
  be active to change a filter.

  If you selected more than one test, enable the Filters
  button to explicitly denote that filter changes are to
  be applied to all tests.

  You then indicate the filter change by clicking on one
  or more of the six filter options.

  Type      Filter Options

  Date      Replaces date strings
  Directory Replaces directory strings with
  Time      Replaces time strings
  Traceback Replaces memory addresses with pattern of xxx
  Filename  Replaces file names with FILENAME.EXT
  Version   Replaces file versions with VERSION

  DTM does not associate any filters with the test
  description unless you click on one or more of the
  filter buttons to change the filters that apply to the
  test description's results.

  The filters remove run-time variables from the result
  file produced by the collection run.

  The Filter buttons become enabled after you apply
  them.  –  m_mtop_db_dt

  Where the date form is abbreviated, the Date button
  replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each
  displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for
  each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for each
  displayed number of the year. Where the date form is
  spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month",
  the numeric day is replaced by "day", and the year is
  replaced by "year".

  The following list shows some examples of the date
  filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive.

     17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy
     17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy
     98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd
     10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy
     1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd
     October 17, 1998 with month day, year
     Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year
     17.October.1998 with day.month.year
     98-October-17 with year-month-day  –  m_mtop_db_dr

  When enabled, the Directory button replaces the
  directory specification field in the file specification
  with DISK:[DIRECTORY]  –  m_mtop_db_tm

  When enabled, the Time button replaces time stamps with
  the following forms:

     15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx
     15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss
     15:37 with hh:mm
     3:37 PM with hh:mm xm
     15H37m with hhHmmm
     15H37' with hhHmm'
     15.37 h with hh.mm h
     15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s
     15 h 37 min with hh h mm min
     kl 15.37 with kl hh.mm
     h 15.37 with h hh.mm  –  m_mtop_db_tk

  When enabled, the Traceback button replaces 32-bit
  memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and 64-bit memory
  addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.  –  m_mtop_db_fn

  When enabled, the File names Button replaces the file
  names with FILENAME.EXT.  –  m_mtop_db_vrs

  When enabled, the Version button replaces file versions
  with VERSION.  –  m_mtop_db_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_mtop_db_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.  –  m_mtdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.2.2  –  m_mgpm

  Choose the Group submenu item to replace the remarks
  associated with existing groups.

  The remark is the only item you can modify for a
  group.  –  m_mgpdb

  Use the Modify Group dialog box to specify the groups
  whose remarks you want to replace.

  You can specify groups by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active group view window
  or by explicitly specifying them in the Group field
  by specifying a group name, a wildcard character, a
  wildcard character combined with a group name, or a
  list of these separated by commas.

  You also use this dialog box to enter the remark text
  that you want to replace existing text.  –  m_mgpdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays groups that you first
  select (highlight) in an active group view window.

  The groups on the selected list are affected by changes
  you make to remarks in the Modify Group dialog box.

  Optionally, you can explicitly specify group names in
  the Group field.  –  m_mgpdb_g

  Use the Group field to specify the group names whose
  fields you want to change.

  You can specify groups by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active group view window
  or explicitly entering the names in the Group field
  by group name, a wildcard character, a wildcard
  character combined with a group name, or a list of
  these separated by commas.  –  m_mgpdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_mgpdb_cf

  If you specify multiple groups for change (through
  selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to
  confirm the changes for each group, one at a time.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge changes for
  each selected group.  –  m_mgpdb_crk

  Use the Creation remark button and field to create a
  new remark to replace the existing remark associated
  with the group.

  Click on the Remark button and then enter the
  replacement remark text in the Remark field.  –  m_mgpdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_mgpdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.2.3  –  m_mvrm

  Choose the Variable submenu item to change variable
  information in the DTM library.

  This information includes variable values, scope, use,
  and type.  –  m_mvrdb

  Use the Modify Variable dialog box to change the value,
  scope, and use of existing variables.

  Changes that you enter affect all the variables that
  you specify.

  You can specify variables by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active variable view window
  or by explicitly entering the names in the Variable
  field by specifying a variable name, a wildcard
  character, a wildcard character combined with a
  variable name, or a list of these separated by commas.  –  m_mvrdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays variables that you first
  select (highlight) in an active variable view window.

  All the variables on the selected list are affected
  by changes you make to fields in the Modify Variables
  dialog box.

  Optionally, you can explicitly specify variable names
  in the Variable field.  –  m_mvrdb_v

  Use the Variable field to specify the variables that
  you want to modify.

  The variable expression can be a variable name, a
  wildcard character, a wildcard combined with a variable
  name, or a list of these separated by commas.

  Optionally, you can first select the variables that you
  want to modify in an active variable view window.  –  m_mvrdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_mvrdb_cf

  If you specify multiple variables for change (through
  selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to
  confirm the changes for each variable, one at a time.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge changes for
  each selected variable.  –  m_mvrdb_crk

  Use the Creation remark button and field to replace the
  current remark associated with the variables with a new

  Click on the Creation Remark button and then specify
  the replacement remark text in the Creation Remark
  field.  –  m_mvrdb_vu

  Use the Value button and field to change the default
  values for the variables that you selected.

  Click on the Value button and then enter the new
  default value in the Value field.  –  m_mvrdb_sp

  To change the scope of a variable, click on the Scope
  button and then click on either the either Local or
  Global buttons to specify the scope of the variable.

  A local variable is accessible only to an individual
  test that references the variable in its test

  A global variable is accessible to all tests in all
  collections.  –  m_mvrdb_u

  To change the use of a variable, click on the Usage
  button and then click on either the Symbol or Logical

  The Logical button defines the variable as a OpenVMS
  logical name.

  The Symbol button defines the variable as a OpenVMS
  symbol. If you redefine the variable as a symbol, you
  must also specify its type as numeric or string.  –  m_mvrdb_tp

  If you redefined the variable's use as a symbol, you
  must also define its type.

  To define the type for a variable, click on the Type
  button and then click on either the Numeric or String

  The Numeric button defines the symbol type as a numeric

  The String button defines the symbol type as a string.  –  m_mvrdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_mvrdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.3  –  m_rcm

  Choose the Re-create... menu item to re-create a

  If you change a test, a variable definition, or
  something else in the library since you created the
  collection originally, the re-created collection
  reflects the changes.

  DTM deletes the old collection and all its related
  files except the benchmark file, then creates a new
  collection with the latest versions of each required

3.3.1  –  m_rcdb

  Use the Re-create Collection dialog box to specify the
  collections that you want to re-create and to specify
  any remark to be associated with this operation in the
  DTM history file.  –  m_rcdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays collections that you
  first select (highlight) in an active collection view

  All the collections on the selected list are affected
  by the re-create operation.

  Optionally, you can explicitly enter collection names
  in the Collection field.  –  m_rcdb_c

  Use the Collection field to enter the names of the
  collections you want to re-create.

  You can specify collections to DTM by selecting
  (highlighting) them in the active view window or
  explicitly entering them in the Collection field by
  collection name.  –  m_rcdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history
  entries.  –  m_rcdb_cf

  If you specify multiple collections for change (through
  selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to
  confirm the re-create operation for each collection,
  one at a time.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the re-
  create operation for each selected collection.  –  m_rcdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_rcdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.4  –  m_dm

  Choose the Delete menu item to delete the following
  objects from the DTM library:

  o  Collections

  o  Tests

  o  Groups

  o  Variables

  o  History

3.4.1  –  m_dtm

  Choose the Test... submenu item to produce a dialog box
  for listing the tests you want to delete.  –  m_dtdb

  Use the Delete Test dialog box to specify the tests
  you want to delete and to specify any remark to be
  associated with this operation in DTM's history file.  –  m_dtdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays tests that you first
  select (highlight) in an active test view window.

  All the tests on the selected list will be deleted by
  the delete operation.

  Optionally, you can explicitly enter test names in the
  test field.  –  m_dtdb_t

  Use the test field to enter the names of the tests you
  want to delete.

  You can specify tests to DTM by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active test view window
  or by explicitly specifying them in the Test field
  by specifying a test name, a wildcard character, a
  wildcard combined with a test name, or a list of these
  separated by commas.  –  m_dtdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_dtdb_cf

  If you specify multiple tests for DTM to delete
  (through selection or wildcards), use the Confirm
  button to confirm the delete operation for each test.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the delete
  operation for each selected test.  –  m_dtdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.  –  m_dtdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.4.2  –  m_dcm

  Choose the Collection... submenu item to produce a
  dialog box for listing the collections that you want to
  delete.  –  m_dcdb

  Use the Delete Collection dialog box to specify the
  collections that you want to delete and to specify any
  remark to be associated with this operation in the DTM
  history file.  –  m_dcdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays collections that you
  first select (highlight) in an active collection view

  All the collections on the selected list are deleted by
  the delete operation.

  Optionally, you can explicitly enter collection names
  in the Collection field.  –  m_dcdb_c

  Use the Collection field to enter the names of the
  collections you want to delete.

  You can specify collections to DTM by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active collection view window
  or by explicitly entering them in the Collection field
  by specifying a collection name, a wildcard character,
  a wildcard combined with a collection name, or a list
  of these separated by commas.  –  m_dcdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_dcdb_cf

  If you specify multiple collections for DTM to delete,
  (through selection or wildcards), use the Confirm
  button to confirm the delete operation for each

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the delete
  operation for each selected collection.  –  m_dcdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.  –  m_dcdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.4.3  –  m_dgpm

  Choose the Group... submenu item to produce a dialog
  box for listing the groups that you want to delete.  –  m_dgpdb

  Use the Delete Group dialog box to specify the groups
  that you want to delete, and to specify any remark
  to be associated with this operation in DTM's history
  file.  –  m_dgpdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays groups that you first
  select (highlight) in an active group view window.

  All the groups on the selected list will be deleted by
  the delete operation.

  Optionally, you can explicitly enter group names in the
  group field.  –  m_dgpdb_g

  Use the group field to enter the names of the groups
  you want to delete.

  You can specify groups to DTM by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active group view window
  or by explicitly entering them in the Group field
  by specifying a group name, a wildcard character, a
  wildcard combined with a group name, or a list of these
  separated by commas.  –  m_dgpdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_dgpdb_cf

  If you specify multiple groups for DTM to delete
  (through selection or wildcards), use the Confirm
  button to confirm the delete operation for each group.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the delete
  operation for each selected group.  –  m_dgpdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.  –  m_dgpdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.4.4  –  m_dvm

  Choose the Variable... submenu item to produce a dialog
  box for listing the variables you want to delete.  –  m_dvdb

  Use the Delete Variable dialog box to specify the
  variables that you want to delete, and to specify any
  remark to be associated with this operation in DTM's
  history file.  –  m_dvdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays variables that you first
  select (highlight) in an active variable view window.

  All the variables on the selected list will be deleted
  by the delete operation.

  Optionally, you can explicitly enter variable names in
  the variable field.  –  m_dvdb_v

  Use the variable field to enter the names of the
  variables you want to delete.

  You can specify variables to DTM by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active variable view window
  or by explicitly entering them in the Variable field
  by specifying a variable name, a wildcard character,
  a wildcard combined with a variable name, or a list of
  these separated by commas.  –  m_dvdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_dvdb_cf

  If you specify multiple variables for DTM to delete
  (through selection or wildcards), use the Confirm
  button to confirm the delete operation for each

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the delete
  operation for each selected variable.  –  m_dvdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and to remove the dialog box.  –  m_dvdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.4.5  –  m_dhm

  Choose the History... submenu item to produce a dialog
  box for indicating those history records that you want
  to delete.  –  m_dhdb

  Use the Delete History dialog box to specify by time
  those history records you want to delete from the DTM

  You can specify remark text to be associated with this
  operation in the DTM history file and a file name for
  the output of the delete operation.  –  m_dhdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_dhdb_bf

  Use the Before field to specify a date that DTM
  references when eliminating history records. DTM will
  delete all history information before this date.

  You can specify the time as an absolute, delta, or
  combination time value. You can also specify the

  An absolute date entry takes the form:


  If you do not specify a time, DTM deletes all history
  entries logged before the time you begin the delete
  operation.  –  m_dhdb_ot

  To specify a file to contain the output from the delete
  history operation, enter the file name in the Output
  file field.

  By default, DTM writes the output to the file
  HISTORY.OUT in the current default directory.  –  m_dhdb_cf

  If you specify multiple history records for DTM to
  delete, use the Confirm button to confirm the delete
  operation for each record, one at a time.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the delete
  operation for each selected record.  –  m_dhdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.  –  m_dhdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.5  –  m_im

  Choose the Insert menu item to enter test descriptions
  or groups into existing groups.

3.5.1  –  m_itm

  Choose the Test... submenu item to insert test
  descriptions into a group.  –  m_itdb

  Use the Insert Test dialog box to specify the test
  descriptions and group for the insert operation.  –  m_itdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays tests that you first
  select (highlight) in an active test view window.

  All the test descriptions on the selected list are
  inserted into the group or groups you specify in the
  Group field.

  Optionally, you can explicitly specify test names in
  the Test field.  –  m_itdb_t

  Use the Test field to specify the test descriptions you
  want to insert into a group or groups.

  You can specify test descriptions by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active test view window,
  or by explicitly specifying them in the Test field
  by specifying a test name, a wildcard character, a
  wildcard character combined with a test name, or a list
  of these separated by commas.  –  m_itdb_g

  Use the Group field to specify the group or groups you
  want to receive the test descriptions.

  You enter groups in the Group field by specifying a
  group name, a wildcard character, a wildcard character
  combined with a group name, or a list of these
  separated by commas.  –  m_itdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_itdb_cf

  If you specify multiple test descriptions to be
  inserted (through selection or wildcards), use the
  Confirm button to confirm the insert operation for each
  test description, one at a time.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the insert
  operation for each selected test description.  –  m_itdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_itdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.5.2  –  m_igm

  Choose the Group... submenu item to insert groups
  into another group. The inserted groups are called
  subgroups.  –  m_igdb

  Use the Insert Group dialog box to specify both the
  groups to be inserted (subgroups) and the receiving
  groups to DTM.  –  m_igdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays groups that you first
  select (highlight) in an active group view window.

  All the groups on the selected list are inserted into
  the group or groups you specify in the Group field.

  Optionally, you can explicitly specify group names in
  the Subgroup field.  –  m_igdb_sg

  Use the Subgroup field to enter the names of groups you
  want to insert into another group. The inserted groups
  are called subgroups.

  You can specify groups to be inserted by first
  selecting (highlighting) them in an active group view
  window or by explicitly specifying them in the Subgroup
  field by specifying a group name, a wildcard character,
  a wildcard character combined with a group name, or a
  list of these separated by commas.  –  m_igdb_g

  Use the Group field to specify the group or groups that
  you want to receive the inserted groups.

  You enter groups in the Group field by specifying a
  group name, a wildcard character, a wildcard character
  combined with a group name, or a list of these
  separated by commas.  –  m_igdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_igdb_cf

  If you specify multiple groups to be inserted (through
  selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to
  confirm the insert operation for each subgroup, one at
  a time.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the insert
  operation for each selected test.  –  m_igdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and to remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_igdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.6  –  m_rm

  Choose the Remove menu item to remove tests or groups
  from other groups.

3.6.1  –  m_rtm

  Choose the Test... submenu item to remove tests from
  other groups.  –  m_rtdb

  Use the Remove Test dialog box to specify the tests and
  groups for a remove operation.  –  m_rtdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays tests that you first
  select (highlight) in an active test view window.

  All the tests on the selected list are removed from the
  group or groups you specify in the Group field.

  Optionally, you can explicitly specify test names in
  the Test field.  –  m_rtdb_t

  Use the Test field to specify the tests that you want
  to remove from a group or groups.

  You can specify tests by first selecting (highlighting)
  them in an active test view window, or by explicitly
  specifying them in the Test field by specifying a
  test name, a wildcard character, a wildcard character
  combined with a test name, or a list of these separated
  by commas.  –  m_rtdb_g

  Use the Group field to specify the group or groups from
  which you want to remove the tests.

  You enter groups in the Group field by specifying a
  group name, a wildcard character, a wildcard character
  combined with a group name, or a list of these
  separated by commas.  –  m_rtdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_rtdb_cf

  If you specify multiple tests to be removed (through
  selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to
  confirm the remove operation for each test, one at a

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the remove
  operation for each selected test.  –  m_rtdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and to remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_rtdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3.6.2  –  m_rgm

  Choose the Group... submenu item to remove groups
  (known as subgroups) from other groups.  –  m_rgdb

  Use the Remove Group dialog box to specify the
  subgroups and groups for a remove operation.  –  m_rgdb_sl

  The Selected list box displays subgroups that you first
  select (highlight) in an active group view window.

  All the subgroups on the selected list are removed from
  the group or groups you specify in the Group field.

  Optionally, you can explicitly specify subgroup names
  in the Group field.  –  m_rgdb_sg

  Use the Subgroup field to specify the subgroups that
  you want to remove from a group or groups.

  You can specify subgroups by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active group view window,
  or by explicitly specifying them in the Group field
  by specifying a group name, a wildcard character, a
  wildcard character combined with a group name, or a
  list of these separated by commas.  –  m_rgdb_g

  Use the Group field to specify the group or groups from
  which you want to remove the subgroups.

  You enter groups in the Group field by specifying a
  group name, a wildcard character, a wildcard character
  combined with a group name, or a list of these
  separated by commas.  –  m_rgdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  m_rgdb_cf

  If you specify multiple subgroups to be removed
  (through selection or wildcards), use the Confirm
  button to confirm the remove operation for each
  subgroup, one at a time.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the remove
  operation for each selected subgroup.  –  m_rgdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  m_rgdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4  –  t_mu

  Choose the Testing menu to access operations that
  relate directly to DTM's testing functions; recording
  tests, executing tests as part of collections, and
  reviewing test results.

  After you choose an operation from the menu or one of
  its submenus, use the resulting dialog boxes to view
  and specify options.

  Operations in the Testing menu apply to the selection
  in the active view window.

  When you begin an operation, DTM fills in the name of
  the selection from the active view in the text field of
  the dialog box. DTM also dims (disables) the selection
  in the active view.

  If you do not make a selection in the active view when
  you begin an operation, you must enter the selection in
  the text field of the dialog box.

4.1  –  t_rvm

  After running and comparing a collection, use the
  Review menu item to place a selected collection in the
  review state (locks the database), to update benchmark
  files, and to access Display functions.

  The Review menu item produces a submenu that contains
  the Open, Update, and Close operations.

  Initially, the Update and Close submenu items are
  disabled; you cannot access their functions until you
  open a collection for review.

4.1.1  –  t_rom

  Choose the Open submenu item to place a previously
  selected collection, from an active collection view
  window, into the review state.

  The resulting dialog box enables you to choose to be
  either a primary or read-only reviewer. As a primary
  reviewer, only you are able to update benchmarks,
  a procedure that locks the database. As a read-
  only reviewer, you can display the contents of the
  collection; DTM does not lock the database.

  You must use the Open submenu item before you can use
  the Update submenu item and Display functions.  –  t_rodb

  Use the Review Collection dialog box to review a
  collection that you previously selected from an active
  collection view window.

  The dialog box enables you to choose to be a primary
  or read-only reviewer. As a primary reviewer, you are
  able to update benchmarks, a procedure that locks the
  database. As a read-only reviewer, you can display
  the contents of the collection; DTM does not lock the

  You must choose the Open submenu item before you can
  use the Update submenu item and Display functions.  –  t_rodb_sl

  The Selected field lists the collection that you first
  select (highlight) in an active collection view window.

  For the collection that you select, DTM can make its
  result files available for updating (or creating)
  benchmarks. This collection's result, benchmark, and
  difference files are also available for display.

  Optionally, you can explicitly specify a collection
  name in the Collection field.  –  t_rodb_cl

  Use the Collection field to enter the name of the
  collection whose benchmarks you want to update or whose
  result, benchmark, and difference files you want to

  You can specify a collection to DTM by first selecting
  (highlighting) it in an active collection view window,
  or explicitly specifying its name in the Collection
  field.  –  t_rodb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  t_rodb_rd

  If you do not want to be a primary reviewer for a
  selected collection, click on the Read only button.

  As a read-only reviewer, you and other reviewers can
  display the contents of the collection; DTM does not
  lock the database.

  You must choose the Open submenu item before you can
  choose the Update submenu item and Display functions.  –  t_ro_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_ro_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.1.2  –  t_rupm

  Choose the Update submenu item to update benchmark

  Use this submenu item to create the first benchmark
  file for a noninteractive test or to replace the
  existing benchmark with the current test results.
  You can create a new benchmark file from the existing
  result file for selected result descriptions.

  To update a benchmark file, a result description
  must have a comparison status of comparison aborted,
  unsuccessful, or new. DTM automatically deletes the
  result file for successful tests.  –  t_rupmdb

  The Update dialog box enables you to update benchmark

  You can select the result description from the
  collection view and choose the Update submenu item;
  this places the result description in the Selected
  list. If you do not select any result descriptions
  from the collection view, you must specify the result
  description you want to update.  –  t_rupmdb_sel

  When you click on the OK button, the result file for
  the selected result description becomes the updated
  benchmark file for the test.

  This field is disabled if no result descriptions were
  selected from the collection view.  –  t_rupmdb_test

  Use the Test field to specify the result descriptions
  to be updated.

  This field is disabled if you selected a result
  description from the collection view for updating.  –  t_rupmdb_rem

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the updated files.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  t_rupmdb_cnf

  When Confirm button is enabled, DTM requests
  confirmation before updating the benchmark files
  associated with the result description.  –  t_rupmdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to update the selected files (or
  the file specified in the Test field).

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_rupmdb_can

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.1.3  –  t_rclm

  Choose the Close submenu item to remove a collection
  from the review state. When you open a collection, the
  database is locked, enabling the primary reviewer to
  update benchmarks. Read-only reviewers can display the
  contents of the collection.

  The Close submenu item is accessible only when a
  collection within the active view is in the review

4.2  –  t_dm

  Choose the Display menu item to view information about
  a specific test's benchmark, result, or difference file
  that you selected in an active view window.

  DTM provides display control boxes to help you
  navigate through displays for interactive terminal
  and DECwindows tests. The control boxes vary, depending
  on the type of file you choose to display.

  No control boxes are necessary for displaying files
  associated with noninteractive tests. Scroll bars
  provided in the display window let you move through
  the selected files.

4.2.1  –  t_d_bkdb

  Use the Display dialog box for interactive tests to
  navigate through the screen displays for result or
  benchmark files.  –  t_d_bkdb_sn

  The Screen number button toggles the screen number
  display.  –  t_d_bkdb_pb

  The following table shows the four buttons that enable
  you to navigate from one screen to the next in a result
  or benchmark file.

  Button      Description

  Next        Enables you to display the next screen
              in the file. The border on this push
              button indicates that it is the default
              choice; you can also choose the default by
              pressing the RETURN or ENTER key, as well
              as clicking on it with the mouse.
  First       Enables you to display the first screen in
              the file.
  Previous    Enables you to display the previous screen
              in the file.
  Dismiss     Removes the control box.

4.2.2  –  t_d_nidb

  Use the Display dialog box for noninteractive tests to
  navigate through the test output for result, benchmark,
  or difference files.  –  t_d_nidb_txt

  The text window displays the test output.  –  t_d_nidb_dmsb

  The Dismiss button removes the display window.

4.2.3  –  t_d_dfdb

  Use the Display Control dialog box for interactive
  tests to navigate and display differences information.

  The Display Control box enables you to move from screen
  to screen and provides options for how DTM displays the
  difference information.  –  t_d_dfdb_sn

  The Screen number button toggles the screen number
  display.  –  t_d_dfdb_d

  The Shift Display button shifts the screen display to
  enable parts not initially visible to be seen.  –  t_d_dfdb_fo

  By clicking on the options field and dragging the
  mouse to one of the buttons, you can choose the format
  for highlighting differences between the result and
  benchmark files.

  o  Bold: DTM highlights differences by bolding them in
     the result file.

  o  Underline: DTM highlights differences by underlining
     and flashing them in the result file.

  Note that once a screen is displayed, the difference
  format for that screen cannot be changed.  –  t_d_dfdb_npb

  The following table shows you four buttons that enable
  you to navigate from one screen to the next when
  displaying differences.

  Button      Description

  Next        Enables you to display the next screen
              in the file. The border on this push
              button indicates that it is the default
              choice; you can also choose the default by
              pressing the RETURN or ENTER key, as well
              as clicking on it with the mouse.
  First       Enables you to display the first screen in
              the file.
  Previous    Enables you to display the previous screen
              in the file.
  Dismiss     Removes the control box.

4.3  –  t_sbm

  Choose the Submit menu item to specify an existing
  collection for DTM to submit to the batch queue.

  You can execute collections in batch that combine
  all three types of tests: noninteractive, interactive
  terminal, and DECwindows tests.

4.3.1  –  t_sbdb

  Use the Submit dialog box to specify collections for
  DTM to submit to the batch queue.

  This dialog box also provides standard OpenVMS options
  for submission of the collection.  –  t_sbdb_c

  Use the Collection field to enter the name of the
  collection you want to execute.

  You can specify a collection to DTM by first selecting
  (highlighting) it in an active collection view window,
  or explicitly specifying its name in the Collection
  field.  –  t_sbdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history
  entries.  –  t_sbdb_cfm

  When the Confirm Submission button is enabled, DTM
  requests confirmation that you want to submit the
  specified collection to the batch queue.  –  t_sbdb_nf

  Enable the Notify on Completion Button to indicate
  that you want to receive a message on any terminal on
  which you are logged in, notifying you that your job is
  completed or aborted.  –  t_sbdb_q

  You can specify three queue settings:

  o  Name field: Use this field to enter the name of the
     batch queue.

  o  Hold until field: Use this field to specify when
     the job is to be executed; you can specify either an
     absolute time or a combined absolute and delta time.

  o  Hold until released button: Use this field to
     control when the job is to made available for
     processing. You must specifically release the job
     using the OpenVMS command, SET QUEUE/ENTRY with
     either the /NOHOLD or /RELEASE qualifier.  –  t_sbdb_jb

  The following table identifies the Job settings

  Setting        Use

  Name           Specifies a string to be used as the job
  User name      Enables you to submit a job on behalf of
                 another user (requires CMKRNL privilege
                 and read access to the UAF)
  Priority       Specifies the job scheduling priority
                 (0 to 255) (requires OPER or ALTPRI to
                 raise the priority of the default SYSGEN
  CharacteristicsSpecifies one or more characteristics
                 desired for the job; codes can be names
                 or values and are installation-defined
  CPU time       Defines a CPU time limit for the job;
  limit          use a delta time, the value 0, or the
                 keyword NONE or INFINITE
  Working set    Overrides the base queue value if you
  default        want to set a lower value than that set
                 by the system manager or that exists in
                 your UAF
  Working set    Overrides the base queue value if you
  extent         want to set a lower value than that set
                 by the system manager or that exists in
                 your UAF
  Working set    Overrides the base queue value if you
  quota          want to set a lower value than that set
                 by the system manager or that exists in
                 your UAF  –  t_sbdb_lf

  The following table identifies the Log file settings

  Setting    Use

  Log file   When active, creates a log file for the job
  Name       Specifies a name for the log file; the log
  field      file is written to a file in the default
             directory with the same name as the first
             command file with a file type of LOG
  Print      When active, queues the log file for
  button     printing
  Queue      Specifies the printer queue for the log file
  Delete     When active, deletes the log file after
  after      printing
  button  –  t_sbdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_sbdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.4  –  t_rm

  Choose the Run menu item to run a collection

  You should execute large collections in batch, unless
  you need to see the test output displayed on the

4.4.1  –  t_rdb

  The Run dialog box enables you to specify options
  for running a collection interactively. DTM creates
  a terminal emulator and runs the collection as a task.

  You can direct DTM to create a log file for the run

  You can also specify where DTM is to display or write
  the output of the run operation.  –  t_rdb_cl

  Use the Collection field to enter the name of the
  collection you want to run.

  You can specify a collection to DTM by first selecting
  (highlighting) it in an active collection view window,
  or explicitly specifying its name in the Collection
  field.  –  t_rdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history
  entries.  –  t_rdb_cf

  When the Confirm button is enabled, DTM requests
  confirmation that you want to run the specified
  collection.  –  t_rdb_lf

  When the Log file button is enabled, DTM creates a log
  file for the collection.

  The log file contains output that the test run
  generates other than the output from the test itself.

  Use the Log file field to enter a file specification
  for the created log file.

  If the button is enabled with an empty field, DTM
  writes the log file to the task output window.  –  t_rdb_op

  When the Output button is enabled, DTM displays or
  writes a copy of the output of the run operation (that
  is, the test result files).

  When the button is disabled, DTM suppresses output.

  Use the Output field to specify the file or device to
  which DTM directs the output of the run operation.

  If the button is disabled with an empty field DTM
  directs the output to the task output window.  –  t_rdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_rdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.5  –  t_cm

  Choose the Compare menu item to manually compare test
  results to benchmark files.

  DTM will not complete the comparison process
  automatically for any of the following reasons:

  o  You chose the option not to compare when you created
     the collection

  o  A test in the collection is only partially run

  o  Some of the tests in the collection do not run

  In any of these cases, you need to compare the test
  results manually before you can review the results.

4.5.1  –  t_cdb

  Use the Compare dialog box to specify the collections
  you want to compare and to choose comparison options.  –  t_cdb_c

  Use the Collection field to enter the names of the
  collections you want to compare.

  You can specify collections to DTM by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active collection view
  window, or by explicitly specifying them in the
  Collection field by specifying a collection name.  –  t_cdb_tp

  Use the Comparison Type buttons to control the type of
  comparison that DTM carries out.

  The Default button causes DTM to default to the
  comparison setting you chose for each test when you
  created it.

  The remaining three buttons produce a comparison that
  is screen by screen (default for interactive terminal
  and DECwindows tests), record by record (default for
  noninteractive tests) or character by character.

  By clicking on one of the remaining three buttons,
  you cause DTM to compare all tests in the collection
  using the specified comparison type, no matter what the
  individual test comparison setting might be.  –  t_cdb_df

  Use the Full and Parallel buttons and the Width
  field to modify the content and format of a printed
  difference file for noninteractive tests.  –  t_cdb_fl

  Click on the Full button to modify the contents of a
  printed difference file for noninteractive tests.

  When the button is enabled, DTM includes in the
  difference file a complete listing of the text that
  is identical, as well as a listing of the differences
  DTM encounters when it compares the result file to the
  benchmark file.

  When the button is disabled, DTM includes only a
  listing of differences.  –  t_cdb_pl

  Use the Parallel button to modify the format of a
  printed difference file for noninteractive tests.

  When the Parallel button is enabled, DTM places the
  lines that do not match from the result and benchmark
  files side by side in the difference file.

  When the Parallel button is disabled, DTM places the
  benchmark lines above and the corresponding result
  lines below in the difference file.  –  t_cdb_wd

  Use the Width field to specify the width of the
  difference file's output.

  The minimum width is 48 columns, the maximum width is
  511 columns, and the default is 132 columns.  –  t_cdb_ig

  The Ignore buttons enable you to specify that various
  aspects of benchmark and result files are to be ignored
  during comparison.

  The following buttons and their effects apply to
  noninteractive and interactive terminal tests, only.

  Button         Result

  Case           Ignores any differences between the case
                 of alphabetic characters (A,a,B,b, . . . )
  Form-feeds     Ignores form-feed characters
  Spacing        Treats multiple blanks and tabs as a
                 single space
  Leading        Ignores leading blanks and tabs
  Trailing       Ignores trailing blanks and tabs

  The following button and its effect applies to
  DECwindows tests only.

  Button         Result

  Mask           Ignores masked areas defined on
                 DECwindows benchmark images  –  t_cdb_se

  Use the Skip Text fields to enter a pair of strings
  used to delimit a section of text to be ignored during
  the comparison of result and benchmark files for
  noninteractive tests. The delimiters can be up to
  256 characters per line, and must be unique. Any text
  between and including the delimiters is ignored by
  DTM.  –  t_cdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_cdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.6  –  t_sm

  Choose the Stop menu item to stop the execution of a
  collection that has been submitted to the batch queue.

  The batch job stops and is removed from the queue; DTM
  cleans up the database and displays a message.

  You can compare and review all tests that were
  completed before you stopped the collection.

  Click on the Delete task button in the Task dialog box
  to stop a collection that is running interactively.

4.6.1  –  t_stdb

  Use the Stop dialog box to specify collections for DTM
  to remove from the batch queue.  –  t_stdb_c

  Use the Collection field to enter the name of the
  collection you want to stop.

  You can specify collections to DTM by first selecting
  (highlighting) them in an active collection view
  window, or by explicitly specifying them in the
  Collection field by specifying a collection name.  –  t_stdb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history
  entries.  –  t_stdb_cf

  Click on the Confirm button to confirm the stop
  operation for the collection.

  When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a
  dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the stop
  operation for the selected collection.  –  t_stdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_stdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.7  –  t_rcm

  Choose the Record menu item to produce a submenu for
  recording an interactive terminal or DECwindows test.

  The DTM Record functions let you run applications and
  record all input and output generated on the screen.
  The input goes into a template file (.SESSION) and the
  output goes into a benchmark file.

  If an input file is associated with the test, DTM
  records from the input file; otherwise, DTM records
  interactive input from the screen.

  You must create a test description for each
  interactive terminal and DECwindows test before you can
  successfully use the Record functions (see additional

4.7.1  –  t_rcm_dw

  Choose the DECwindows Test... submenu item to record an
  interactive DECwindows test. The resulting dialog box
  enables you to specify recording options for the test.  –  t_rcm_dwdb

  Use the Record DECwindows Test dialog box to specify
  the test name and options for the record operation.

  DTM creates a task when you record a test with a
  prologue file, epilogue file, filters, or variables.  –  t_rcm_dwdb_test

  Use the Test field to enter the name of the DECwindows
  test you want to record.

  This field accepts only a single test description

  Optionally, you can first select the test in an active
  test view window.  –  t_rcm_dwdb_rem

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  t_rcm_dwdb_disp

  The display field specifies the workstation screen
  on which the test will be recorded. The default is
  DECW$display.  –  t_rcm_dwdb_keysym

  Use the Keysym field to specify a new DECwindows
  command key to replace the default F9.  –  t_rcm_dwdb_ifbf

  Click on the Input file button and specify a DECwindows
  input file to be used in recording a DECwindows test.  –  t_rcm_dwdb_pb

  Click on the Prologue button to direct DTM to
  execute the test prologue file, specified in the test
  description, before interactive recording begins.  –  t_rcm_dwdb_eb

  Click on the Epilogue button to direct DTM to execute
  the test epilogue command file, specified in the test
  description, when interactive recording stops.  –  t_rcm_dwdb_pmb

  Click on the Pointer Motion button to direct DTM to
  record all pointer motion events. If this button is
  not selected, when the test is played, the pointer will
  move directly to the location of button presses and
  releases.  –  t_rcm_dwdb_vb

  Click on the Variables button to direct DTM to define
  symbols and logical names as specified by the variables
  associated with the test before recording starts.  –  t_rcm_dwdb_log

  Click on the Log button to direct DTM to place the
  messages pertaining to the test recording in a log
  file.  –  t_rcm_dwdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_rcm_dwdb_can

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.7.2  –  t_rcm_tt

  Choose the Terminal Test... submenu item to record an
  interactive terminal test. The resulting dialog box
  enables you to specify recording options for the test.

  DTM creates a task when you record a test.  –  t_rcm_ttdb

  Use the Record Terminal Test dialog box to specify the
  test name and options for the record operation.

  DTM creates a task when you record a test with a
  prologue file, epilogue file, filters, or variables.  –  t_rcm_ttdb_test

  Use the Test field to enter the name of the interactive
  terminal test that you want to record.

  This field accepts only a single test name.

  Optionally, you can first select the test in an active
  test view window.  –  t_rcm_ttdb_rem

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).  –  t_rcm_ttdb_term

  Use the Termination character field to specify a
  new termination character to replace the default
  termination character, CTRL/P.

  Specify a different termination character if the
  application you are testing interprets CTRL/P.

  You use the termination character to suspend a
  recording session. You can then issue Record key

  For example, you can mark screens for comparison, you
  can add wait values to applications that take a long
  time to respond, or you can abort the recording session
  without saving the session file and without creating or
  modifying the test description.  –  t_rcm_ttdb_ac

  Click on the Auto Compare button to automatically
  compare screens at the start of an interactive terminal
  recording session.

  An active button indicates that you want DTM to compare
  screens automatically.

  Each time you are prompted during an interactive
  terminal recording session, DTM can automatically mark
  the screen for comparison in the benchmark file.

  DECwindows recording sessions do not automatically mark
  screens for comparison.  –  t_rcm_ttdb_iff

  Enable the Input File button to direct DTM to use the
  specified file as input to the test recording.

  Use the Input file field to enter the name of a
  file that contains a text representation of all user
  input, nonprintable control characters, and recording
  functions in a session file.

  You can use an input file to record the session file
  rather than recording the session file interactively.

  You must create the input file by extracting it from a
  previously recorded session file.  –  t_rcm_ttdb_app

  Click on the Append button to direct DTM to continue
  recording a test after the input from a specified input
  file is exhausted.  –  t_rcm_ttdb_real

  Click on the Realtime button to instruct DTM to record
  and forward key presses to the application as they are
  entered, and not when the application requests them.

  This button is intended for use in recording tests
  where an application will not read from the terminal
  until data appears in its terminal input buffer.  –  t_rcm_ttdb_pb

  Click on the Prologue button to direct DTM to
  execute the test prologue file, specified in the test
  description, before interactive recording begins.  –  t_rcm_ttdb_eb

  Click on the Epilogue button to direct DTM to execute
  the test epilogue command file, specified in the test
  description, when interactive recording stops.  –  t_rcm_ttdb_vb

  Click on the Variables button to direct DTM to
  apply the variables that were specified in the test
  description to the test being recorded.  –  t_rcm_ttdb_fb

  Click on the Filters button to direct DTM to apply the
  filters that were specified in the test description to
  the test being recorded.  –  t_rcm_ttdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_rcm_ttdb_can

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.8  –  t_plm

  Choose the Play... menu item to replay an interactive
  terminal test or DECwindows test.

  The Play operation executes the specified session file.
  The file is not part of a collection and DTM does not
  compare the results.

  For terminal session files, DTM executes the session
  file as if it were being run on the same type of
  display device on which it was recorded. If the display
  device characteristics are different than those for the
  recording display device, the output may not appear as

4.8.1  –  t_pldw  –  t_pldwdb

  Use the DECwindows Play dialog box to specify the
  DECwindows test whose session file you want to replay.

  The dialog box also provides options for specifying the
  device and provides the file that receives a copy of
  the output.

  DTM creates a task when you play a test.  –  t_pldwdb_ff

  Use the File field to enter the name of the test whose
  session file you want to replay.

  Optionally, you can first select (highlight) the test
  in an active test view window.  –  t_pldwdb_dis

  For terminal tests, DTM displays the output from the
  session file to the task output window. To specify a
  different terminal for display, click on the Output
  button and specify the device in the Output field.

  For DECwindows tests, DTM displays the output to the
  device defined by the logical name DECW$DISPLAY.  –  t_pldwdb_res

  Enable the result file button to indicate a specific
  file to receive a copy of the output of the replay.

  Use the Result file field to name the file that
  receives the output from the replay.

  If you enable the Result File button but leave the
  field blank, DTM places the output into the file that
  has a file type of .RES.  –  t_pldwdb_comm

  Use the Command field to invoke an application or run
  a command file at the start of a playing a DECwindows
  session file.

  For example, the following generic command would run an
  application undergoing testing:

               RUN sys$system:my$application  –  t_pldwdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_pldwdb_cb

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.8.2  –  t_pltt  –  t_plttdb

  Use the Terminal Play dialog box to specify the
  interactive test whose session file you want to replay.

  The dialog box also provides options for specifying the
  device and provides the file that receives a copy of
  the output.

  DTM creates a task when you play a test.  –  t_plttdb_ff

  Use the File field to enter the name of the test whose
  session file you want to replay.

  Optionally, you can first select (highlight) the test
  in an active test view window.  –  t_plttdb_dis

  For terminal tests, DTM displays the output from the
  session file to the task output window. To specify a
  different terminal for display, click on the Output
  button and specify the device in the Output field.

  For DECwindows tests, DTM displays the output to the
  device defined by the logical name DECW$DISPLAY.  –  t_plttdb_res

  Enable the result file button to indicate a specific
  file to receive a copy of the output of the replay.

  Use the Result file field to name the file that
  receives the output from the replay.

  If you enable the Result File button but leave the
  field blank, DTM places the output into the file that
  has a file type of .RES.  –  t_plttdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_plttdb_cb

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.9  –  t_xtm

  Choose the Extract... menu item to extract an input
  file from a terminal session file without changing the
  session file.

  You can use an input file to create a new terminal
  session file from an existing session file.

4.9.1  –  t_xmdwsi

  Choose the DECwindows submenu item to create an
  DECwindows Input file from a DECwindows session file.  –  t_xmdwdb

  Use the DECwindows Extract dialog box to specify the
  DECwindows session file from which DTM creates an input
  file.  –  t_xmdwdb_ses

  Use the Session File field to enter the name of the
  session file from which DTM creates an input file.  –  t_xmdwdb_in

  Use the Input file field to specify the file
  specification for the input file.

  If you leave this field blank, DTM uses the session
  file name with the file type of .INP.  –  t_xmdwdb_au

  To be supplied.  –  t_xmdwdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_xmdwdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.9.2  –  t_xm

  Choose the Terminal submenu item to create a terminal
  Input file from a terminal session file.  –  t_xmdwdb

  Use the Terminal Extract dialog box to specify the
  terminal session file from which DTM creates an input

  The dialog box also enables you to specify the
  termination character for the session file, if you
  used something other than the default, CTRL/P.  –  t_xmttdb_ses

  Use the Session file field to enter the name of the
  session file from which DTM creates an input file.  –  t_xmttdb_in

  Use the Input file field to specify the file
  specification for the input file.

  If you leave this field blank, DTM uses the session
  file name with the file type of .INP.  –  t_xmttdb_trm

  Use the Termination character field to specify a
  termination character other than the default, CTRL/P.

  DTM interprets the character in this field as the
  termination character when the input file is extracted
  from the session file.

  If you did not use the default termination character
  when you recorded the session file, specify the correct
  character in this field.  –  t_xmttdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_xmdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.10  –  t_res

  Choose the Restore menu item to create a DECwindows
  session file from a DECwindows Input file.

4.10.1  –  t_resdwsi

  Choose the DECwindows... menu item to create a
  DECwindows session file from a DECwindows Input file.  –  t_resdwdb

  Use the DECwindows Extract dialog box to specify the
  DECwindows session file from which DTM creates an input
  file.  –  t_resdwdb_in

  Use the Input file field to specify the input file to
  which DTM translates to a session file.  –  t_resdwdb_ses

  Use the Session File field to enter the name of the
  session file that DTM is to create from the input
  file.  –  t_resdwdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_resdwdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

4.11  –  t_memi

  Choose the Mask... menu item to invoke the DTM Screen
  Editor, which enables you to define areas on a
  DECwindows benchmark image that DTM will not compare
  against the test results when the test is run in a

  You can automatically read a DECwindows benchmark image
  (if it exists) into the Screen Editor by clicking on a
  DECwindows test in the view window, then pulling down
  the Testing menu and choosing the Mask... menu item.

  The Screen Editor operates on DDIF files only.

4.12  –  t_ftm

  Choose the Filter... menu item to run filters
  interactively on a specified file.

  The filters provided by DTM mask data in result files
  that varies from one test run to the next. You can also
  use the filters on files that are not provided by DTM.

  The filter operation enables you to prepare benchmarks
  for association with tests or to see how result files
  would look if filters were run on them.

  Be aware that when you use filters, DTM deletes the
  original unfiltered result file, leaving only the
  filtered file. Using some filters on interactive tests
  that contain escape sequences can cause DTM to delete
  information that is essential to the test.

4.12.1  –  t_ftdb

  Use the Filter dialog box to specify the file that you
  want to filter.

  The dialog box provides buttons that let you indicate
  which filters you want to apply to the file.  –  t_ftdb_fi

  Use the File field to enter the name of a file that you
  want to filter.

  Optionally, you can first select (highlight) in an
  active test view window the test whose benchmark file
  you want to filter.  –  t_ftdb_ftb

  Click on one or more of the Filter buttons to apply the
  filters to the selected file.

  The filters remove run-time variables from the file.

  The buttons of applied filters become active after you
  choose them.  –  t_ftdb_dt

  Where the date form is abbreviated, the Date button
  replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each
  displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for
  each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for each
  displayed number of the year. Where the date form is
  spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month",
  the numeric day is replaced by "day", and the year is
  replaced by "year".

  The following list shows some examples of the date
  filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive.

     17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy
     17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy
     98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd
     10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy
     1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd
     October 17, 1998 with month day, year
     Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year
     17.October.1998 with day.month.year
     98-October-17 with year-month-day  –  t_ftdb_tm

  When enabled, the Time button replaces time stamps with
  the following forms:

     15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx
     15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss
     15:37 with hh:mm
     3:37 PM with hh:mm xm
     15H37m with hhHmmm
     15H37' with hhHmm'
     15.37 h with hh.mm h
     15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s
     15 h 37 min with hh h mm min
     kl 15.37 with kl hh.mm
     h 15.37 with h hh.mm  –  t_ftdb_fn

  When enabled, the File names Button replaces the file
  names with FILENAME.EXT.  –  t_ftdb_dr

  When enabled, the Directory button replaces the
  directory specification field in the file specification
  with DISK:[DIRECTORY]  –  t_ftdb_tk

  When enabled, the Traceback button replaces 32-bit
  memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and 64-bit memory
  addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.  –  t_ftdb_vrs

  When enabled, the Version button replaces file versions
  with VERSION.  –  t_ftdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  t_ftdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

5  –  h_mu

  Use the Help menu for information about using help and
  to access task-oriented help text about DTM.

  The Help menu also gives access to a glossary of DTM

  To view DTM's context-sensitive help, press and hold
  the Help key while clicking on screen objects, such as
  menus, menu items, buttons, and so on.

5.1  –  h_ov

  Choose the Overview menu item to gain access to the
  task-oriented topics of the help system.

  From the Overview help screen, you can double click on
  task-oriented topics.

5.2  –  h_us

  Choose the Using DTM Help menu item to find out how to
  access context-sensitive help.

5.3  –  h_ab

  Choose the About menu item to see copyright and version
  information for DTM and its operating system

5.4  –  h_gl

  Choose the Glossary menu item to view an alphabetized
  glossary of terms specific to DTM.

  These terms are generally cross-referenced to related
  topics in the help system.
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