1 SPAWN Creates a subprocess of your current local process. This command is identical to the DCL SPAWN command except that there are fewer qualifiers. Continue your remote session by logging out of the subprocess. Format SPAWN [command-string] 2 Parameters command-string Specifies a command string to be executed in the context of the created subprocess. When the command completes, the subprocess terminates and control is returned to the parent process. If you use both the /INPUT qualifier and a command string, commands are obtained from the input file after the specified command string executes. The command string cannot exceed 132 characters. 2 /INPUT /INPUT=filespec Specifies an input file containing one or more DCL commands to be executed by the spawned subprocess. File type defaults to COM and no wildcards are allowed in the file specification. Once processing of the input file is complete, the subprocess is terminated. If both a command string and the /INPUT qualifier are specified, the specified command string executes before additional commands are obtained from the /INPUT qualifier. If neither is specified, SYS$INPUT is assumed (in which case a SPAWN/NOWAIT command is aborted if Ctrl/Y is pressed to abort something running in your parent process). 2 /LOGICAL_NAMES /LOGICAL_NAMES (default) /NOLOGICAL_NAMES Copies process logical names and logical name tables to the subprocess. By default, all process logical names and logical name tables are copied to the subprocess except those explicitly marked CONFINE or created in executive or kernel mode. 2 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=filespec Specifies the output file to which the results of the SPAWN operation are written. No wildcards can be used in the file specification. (Do not specify SYS$COMMAND as a file specification for the /OUTPUT qualifier when using the /NOWAIT qualifier: both parent and subprocess output will be displayed simultaneously on your terminal.) 2 /PROCESS /PROCESS=subprocess-name Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default subprocess name format is username_n. 2 /SYMBOLS /SYMBOLS (default) /NOSYMBOLS Determines whether global and local symbols (except $RESTART, $SEVERITY, and $STATUS) are passed to the subprocess. 2 /WAIT /WAIT (default) /NOWAIT Requires that you wait for the subprocess to terminate before you enter another DCL command. The /NOWAIT qualifier allows you to enter new commands while the subprocess is running. (Use the /OUTPUT qualifier with the /NOWAIT qualifier to avoid displaying both parent and subprocess output on the terminal simultaneously.)