DFUHLP.HLB  —  DFU  DELETE  Qualifiers


    This qualifier directs DFU to delete the complete contents of the
    specified directory, followed by a delete of the directory file
    See also the /TREE qualifier. The parameter must specify a
    full directory file name. Wildcards may be used. Examples :

    DFU> DELETE mydisk:[000000]gone.dir/DIRECTORY

               gone.dir will be deleted with its contents.

    DFU> DELETE/DIRECTORY mydisk:[maindir.subdir]removethis.dir

               removethis.dir will be deleted with its contents.

2    /FILE


    The full 3 number file-id of the file to be deleted. In combination
    with the required device parameter this results in a unique file.
    To avoid possible errors a full file id is required. Example :

 	DFU> DELETE mydisk/FILE=(234,567,1)

3    /KEEP

     /NOKEEP (default)

    Used with DELETE/DIRECTORY(/TREE). This qualifier directs DFU
    to delete the contents of the directory(tree) but to preserve
    the directory files.

4    /NOLOG

     /LOG (default)

    This qualifier is used only with the /DIRECTORY qualifier. Default DFU
    will report each deleted file. This can be suppressed with /NOLOG.


    /REMOVE (default)

    This qualifier can only be used with /FILE. Default DFU will also
    try to remove the file from the parent directory. For lost or
    marked-for-delete files this is not possible, and the DELETE command
    will probably fail.
    The /NOREMOVE qualifier will override the default behaviour.


    /NOSTATISTICS  (default)

    Controls whether CPU and I/O consumption of the
    command are shown.

7    /TREE

    This qualifier is only used in combination with /DIRECTORY. Starting
    with the specified directory all (sub)directory contents and all
    (sub)directory files will be deleted.
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