This optional parameter causes network connect attempts for any node to
 continue for the specified number of times, waiting one minute between
 attempts.  If a connection cannot be made within this many attempts,
 the utility will assume that it cannot connect to the node.  This is
 most useful when nodes might have network resource constraints.

 A node connection will be retried only for errors that could be transient
 in nature (such as resource errors).  Other errors will result in an
 immediate connect failure, and this count will be ignored.

 If not specified, the default is to try two connects to a node before
 going on to the the next node.  If only one connect attempt should be
 made per node to speed up processing, use "RETRY=NONE".

 Example:  collect config_01_23_90.dat retry=5
           collect config_01_23_90.dat retry=no
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