1 COLLECT ! Collect information on the current configuration of the network. This will store the information in a configuration data file which may be used as input for a subsequent REPORT command. COLLECT collection-file-name - [ROUTING_TYPE = { ALL | ROUTERS | L1_ROUTERS | L2_ROUTERS }] - [AREAS = { ALL | LOCAL | NODE:node-name }] - [NODES = node-list-file-name] - [STATUS = status-report-count] - [RETRY = connection-retry-count] COLLECT collection-file-name RECOVER The command will dynamically determine what nodes are accessible in the network, using both DECnet-Plus and DECnet Phase IV network management. It will then query each node for the specified information, and write that information to the specified data file. It will also create an "address polling list" file. This file is used by the function to hold the addresses of the nodes to be polled, and is deleted when it is no longer needed. The file name is created by appending "_SEA" to the collection file name extension. Example: COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT ! 2 ROUTING_TYPE ! This optional parameter allows you to specify the routing types of the nodes from which to collect information. ROUTING_TYPE = ALL Routers and end systems ROUTING_TYPE = ROUTERS Only Level 1 and Level 2 routers ROUTING_TYPE = L1_ROUTERS Only Level 1 routers ROUTING_TYPE = L2_ROUTERS Only Level 2 routers If this parameter is not specified, the default is "ALL". Example: COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT ROUTING_TYPE=L2 ! 2 AREAS ! This optional parameter allows you to specify the network area from which to collect information. AREAS = ALL All areas AREAS = LOCAL The local node's area AREAS = NODE:node-name The area containing the specified node If the AREAS=NODE option is used, the full name or the Phase IV synonym for the node must be supplied. The AREAS parameter is mutually exclusive with the NODES parameter. Only one of these may be used. If neither the AREAS nor the NODES parameter is specified, the default is "AREAS=ALL". Example: COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT AREA=LOCAL COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT AREA=NODE:Paris.Hub_Node ! 2 NODES ! This optional parameter allows you to specify a file containing a list of specific nodes from which to collect information. NODES = node-list-file-name If the NODE option is used, the specified file must contain a list of nodes, one node per line in the file. Each node may be specified using either the node's full name, its Phase IV synonym, its network entity title (NET), or its Phase IV address. The disk and directory for the node list file default to the disk and directory specified for the collection file. The file extension defaults to "INP". The NODES parameter is mutually exclusive with the AREAS parameter. Only one of these may be used. If neither the NODES nor the AREAS parameter is specified, the default is "AREAS=ALL". Example: COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT NODES=DECNET_VAX_NODES.INP ! 2 STATUS ! This optional parameter causes a polling status message to be displayed after the specified number of nodes have been polled. This allows you to monitor the progress of the information collection operation. The status message indicates: o The number of nodes polled up to this time. Nodes are polled based on a list of node addresses obtained from one or more network routers. o The number of addresses in the node address list that have been skipped over, because they are equivalent to addresses that have already been polled (DECnet-Plus allows any node to have more than one node address). If not specified, the default is to report the polling status after each node is polled (STATUS=1). If a polling status report is not desired, specify "STATUS=NONE". Example: COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT STATUS=5 COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT STATUS=NO ! 2 RETRY ! This optional parameter causes network connect attempts for any node to continue for the specified number of times, waiting one minute between attempts. If a connection cannot be made within this many attempts, the utility will assume that it cannot connect to the node. This is most useful when nodes might have network resource constraints. A node connection will be retried only for errors that could be transient in nature (such as resource errors). Other errors will result in an immediate connect failure, and this count will be ignored. If not specified, the default is to try two connects to a node before going on to the the next node. If only one connect attempt should be made per node to speed up processing, use "RETRY=NONE". Example: collect config_01_23_90.dat retry=5 collect config_01_23_90.dat retry=no ! 2 RECOVER ! This optional parameter allows the user to specify that the collection operation should pick up from where it was last stopped. The recovery will work only if the collection data file was not left in a corrupted state (this can be detected by the utility). The operation may have stopped due to a system reboot, due to the process being stopped, or due to the user pressing CTRL/C or CTRL/Y. This parameter may not be used in conjunction with any other parameter. Any parameters that were in effect from the original COLLECT command will remain in effect. Example: COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT RECOVER !