Choose the Remark... menu item to add a remark to the library history. The remark is recorded in the library history in the following format: date time username REMARK "remark" The remark is usually used to describe a transaction. You can use any characters; however, the length of the remark cannot exceed 256 characters.
1 – Rk text
You can enter any character string in the Remark field. You usually enter a remark to describe a transaction; remarks are useful in tracking modifications made to elements. The length of the remark cannot exceed 256 characters. All CMS operations that modify the library or its contents allow you to enter a remark, which is recorded in the library history as part of the transaction record.
2 – Rk u
Click on the Mark as unusual event button to specify that the remark string placed in the history file be marked as an unusual occurrence. It appears marked with an asterisk in the history output. To display history output, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Choose the History menu item.
3 – Rk ok
Click on the OK button to include the remark in the library history, optionally mark it as an unusual event, and then remove the dialog box.
4 – Rk cx
Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box without including the remark in the library history.