1 FIND The FIND statement locates a specified record in a disk file and makes it the Current Record for a GET, UPDATE, or DELETE operation. FIND statements are valid on RMS sequential, relative, indexed, and block I/O files. Examples FIND #4% FIND #1%, RFA Address(5) FIND #4%, RECORD 155%, WAIT 0% FIND #4%, KEY #0% GE "ADAMS" FIND #1%, KEY #0% EQ "JONES", ALLOW READ 2 Syntax FIND chnl-exp [, position-clause ] [, lock-clause ] { RFA rfa-var } position-clause: { RECORD num-exp } { KEY # key-clause } lock-clause: { ALLOW allow-clause [WAIT [int-exp]] } { WAIT int-exp } { REGARDLESS } { NONE } allow-clause: { READ } { MODIFY } { str-exp } key-clause: int-exp1 rel-op { int-exp2 } { decimal-exp } { quadword-exp } { EQ } rel-op: { GE } { GT } { NX } { NXEQ }