Library /sys$common/syshlp/XFC$SDA.HLB  —  SHOW  FILE
    Displays the contents of one or more cache file blocks (CFB).


      SHOW FILE [address] [/BRIEF] | [/EXTENTS] | [/FULL] | [/STATISTICS]
 			 [/CLOSED] [/CVB=] [/ID=] [/OPEN] [/DISPLAY_NAME]

1  –  Parameter


    The address of the cache file block (CFB).  If no address is specified,
    then all cache file blocks are displayed (subject to selection by the
    /CLOSED, /CVB, /ID, and /OPEN qualifiers) .

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /BRIEF

    Displays summary information for each CFB: CFB address, CVB
    address, access count, active I/O count, and file specification
    or ID*.  The /BRIEF qualifier is incompatible with each of the
    /EXTENTS, /FULL, and /STATISTICS qualifiers.

    *If the file specification is available, via LIB$FID_TO_NAME(),
    it is displayed; otherwise, the FID is displayed.  Note that,
    because the volume is accessed through its logical name, if
    two volumes are mounted that have the same logical name (for
    example, one mounted /SYSTEM and one mounted privately, which
    results in the same logical name in two different access-mode
    logical name tables), the incorrect file specification might
    be displayed.

2.2    /CLOSED

    Displays only CFBs whose access count is zero.

2.3    /CVB


    Displays CFBs whose CVB address matches the specified one.


      /DISPLAY_NAME (default)

      Controls whether the file specification is displayed.

2.5    /EXTENTS


    Displays the cache extents held in cache for any displayed files.
    This shows the primary and secondary cache extents along with their
    data state and VBNs.  Also shows a summary of memory usage (pagelets
    used and pagelets valid) for any displayed files.  The /EXTENTS
    qualifier is incompatible with the /BRIEF qualifier.

2.6    /FULL

    Displays all fields for each Cache File Block except for those
    displayed by the /EXTENTS and the /STATISTICS qualifiers.  This
    is the default.

    If the file specification is available, via LIB$FID_TO_NAME(),
    it is displayed; otherwise, the FID is displayed.  Note that,
    because the volume is accessed through its logical name, if
    two volumes are mounted that have the same logical name (for
    example, one mounted /SYSTEM and one mounted privately, which
    results in the same logical name in two different access-mode
    logical name tables), the incorrect file specification might
    be displayed.

2.7    /ID


    Displays only information about files whose file ID match the one
    specified.  The file id (FID) is the hex file number component in a
    [file number, sequence number, relative volume number]-format file ID.

2.8    /OPEN

    Displays only CFBs whose access count is greater than zero.



    Displays more statistics about the specified file.  The /STATISTICS
    qualifier is incompatible with the /BRIEF qualifier.
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