Library /sys$common/syshlp/UAFHELP.HLB  —  SHOW  Qualifiers  /PAGE
       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the information display on a screen. The following
    keywords are valid:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clear the screen before displaying the next page.
    SCROLL         Display a continuous stream of information.
    SAVE[=n]       Store information and enable the navigational keys
                   listed in Screen Control Keys. By default, the
                   command saves 5 pages. The maximum page width is
                   255 columns.

    Table 1 Screen Control Keys

    Key or Key
    Sequence       Action Taken When Key or Key Sequence Is Pressed

    DOWN ARROW     Scroll the display down one line
    LEFT ARROW     Scroll the display one column to the left
    RIGHT ARROW    Scroll the display one column to the right
    UP ARROW KEY   Scroll the display up one line
    Find (E1)      Search for a new string in the information being
    Insert Here    Move the display to the right by half a screen
    Remove (E3)    Move the display to the left by half a screen
    Select (E4)    Switch from 80-column displays to 132-column
    Prev Screen    Return to the previous page
    Next Screen    Display the next page
    CTRL/Z         Return to the UAF> prompt
    Help           Display AUTHORIZE help text
    F16 (Do)       Switch from the oldest to the newest page
    Ctrl/W         Refresh the display
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