Library /sys$common/syshlp/UAFHELP.HLB  —  SHOW  /PROXY  Examples
    1.UAF> SHOW/PROXY SAMPLE::[200,100]

       Default proxies are flagged with an *

           MARCO *                              PROXY2

      The command in this example displays all authorized proxy
      access for the user on node SAMPLE with a UIC of [200,100].
      The default proxy account can be changed from MARCO to PROXY2
      or PROXY3 with the MODIFY/PROXY command.

    2.UAF> SHOW/PROXY *::*

       Default proxies are flagged with (D)

          MARTINEZ (D)                        SALES_READER

      UAF> show/proxy/old *::*

       Default proxies are flagged with (D)

          MARTINEZ (D)                        SALES_READER

      The command in this example displays information about local
      authorized proxy access on a system running DECnet-Plus. The
      first command draws information from the file NET$PROXY.DAT.
      By including the /OLD qualifier on the SHOW/PROXY command,
      AUTHORIZE displays information from the file NETPROXY.DAT.
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