Library /sys$common/syshlp/UAFHELP.HLB  —  GRANT  /IDENTIFIER  Qualifier  /ATTRIBUTES

    Specifies attributes to be associated with the identifier. The
    following are valid keywords:

    DYNAMIC       Allows unprivileged holders of the identifier to
                  remove and to restore the identifier from the
                  process rights list by using the DCL command SET

    HOLDER_       Prevents people from getting a list of users who
    HIDDEN        hold an identifier, unless they own the identifier

    NAME_HIDDEN   Allows holders of an identifier to have it
                  translated, either from binary to ASCII or from
                  ASCII to binary, but prevents unauthorized users
                  from translating the identifier.

    NOACCESS      Makes any access rights of the identifier null
                  and void. If a user is granted an identifier with
                  the No Access attribute, that identifier has no
                  effect on the user's access rights to objects. This
                  attribute is a modifier for an identifier with the
                  Resource or Subsystem attribute.

    RESOURCE      Allows holders of an identifier to charge disk
                  space to the identifier. Used only for file

    SUBSYSTEM     Allows holders of the identifier to create and
                  maintain protected subsystems by assigning the
                  Subsystem ACE to the application images in the
                  subsystem. Used only for file objects.

    To remove an attribute from the identifier, add a NO prefix
    to the attribute keyword. For example, to remove the Resource
    attribute, specify /ATTRIBUTES=NORESOURCE.
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