Library /sys$common/syshlp/UAFHELP.HLB  —  MODIFY  /PROXY
    Modifies an entry in the network proxy authorization file to
    specify a different local account as the default proxy account
    for the remote user or to specify no default proxy account for
    the remote user.

    The command modifies an entry in the network proxy authorization
    file NET$PROXY.DAT and, to maintain compatibility with other
    systems, modifies an entry in NETPROXY.DAT.


       You must modify the proxy database from a system running the
       current OpenVMS system.


      MODIFY/PROXY  node::remote-user

1  –  Parameters


    Specifies a node name. If you specify an asterisk wildcard
    character (*),  the specified remote user on all nodes is served
    by the local user.


    Specifies the user name of a user at a remote node. If you
    specify an asterisk wildcard character, all users at the
    specified node are served by the local user.

    For systems that are not OpenVMS systems that implement DECnet,
    specifies the UIC of a user at a remote node. You can specify an
    asterisk wildcard in the group and member fields of the UIC.

2  –  Qualifier

2.1    /DEFAULT


    Designates the default user name on the local node through which
    proxy access from the remote user is directed. If /NODEFAULT is
    specified, removes the default designation.

3  –  Example

  %UAF-I-NAFADDMSG, record successfully modified in NETPROXY.DAT

      The command in this example changes the default proxy account
      for user MARCO on the remote node MISHA to the JOHNSON account.
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