Library /sys$common/syshlp/UAFHELP.HLB  —  LIST  /PROXY
    Creates a listing file of the network proxy database entries from
    the network database file NET$PROXY.DAT.



1  –  Qualifiers

1.1    /OLD

    Directs AUTHORIZE to display information from the NETPROXY.DAT
    file rather than from the default file NET$PROXY.DAT.

    If someone modifies the proxy database on a cluster node that
    is not running the current OpenVMS VAX system, then you can use
    the /OLD qualifier to list the contents of the old database:

2  –  Example

  %UAF-I-LSTMSG1, writing listing file
  %UAF-I-NETLSTMSG, listing file NETPROXY.LIS complete

      The command in this example creates a listing file of all the
      entries in the network proxy database NETPROXY.DAT.
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