Library /sys$common/syshlp/UAFHELP.HLB  —  LIST
    Writes reports for selected UAF records to a listing file,
    SYSUAF.LIS, which is placed in the current default directory.

    In the list of "Additional information available" in online help,
    the first group of qualifiers determines whether a /BRIEF or
    /FULL report is to be written to SYSUAF.LIS.

    Following these qualifiers, after "Examples," are additional
    qualifiers, some of which have their own parameters and

    o  /IDENTIFIER-creates the listing file RIGHTSLIST.LIS

    o  /PROXY-creates a listing file from the network database file,

    o  /RIGHTS-lists identifiers held


      LIST  [user-spec]

1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the user name or UIC of the requested UAF record.
    Without the user-spec parameter, AUTHORIZE lists the user records
    of all users. The asterisk (*) and percent sign (%) wildcards are
    permitted in the user name.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /BRIEF

    Specifies that a brief report be written to SYSUAF.LIS. The
    /BRIEF qualifier is the default qualifier. SYSUAF.LIS is placed
    in the default directory.

2.2    /FULL

    Specifies that a full report be written to SYSUAF.LIS, including
    identifiers held by the user. SYSUAF.LIS is placed in the
    SYS$SYSTEM directory.

    The LIST command creates a listing file of reports for selected
    UAF records. Print the listing file, SYSUAF.LIS, with the DCL
    command PRINT.

    Specification of a user name results in a single-user report.
    Specification of the asterisk wildcard character following
    the LIST command results in reports for all users in ascending
    sequence by user name. Specification of a UIC results in reports
    for all users with that UIC. (VSI recommends that you assign each
    user a unique UIC, but if users share a UIC, the report will
    show all users with that UIC.) You can use the asterisk wildcard
    character to specify the UIC.

    The following table shows how to specify a UIC with the LIST
    command and use the asterisk wildcard character with the UIC
    specification to produce various types of reports:

    Command            Description

    LIST [14,6]        Lists a full report for the user (or users)
                       with member number 6 in group 14.

    LIST [14,*]        Lists a brief report for all users in group
    /BRIEF             14, in ascending sequence by member number.

    LIST [*,6] /BRIEF  Lists a brief report for all users with a
                       member number of 6.

    LIST [*,*] /BRIEF  Lists a brief report for all users, in
                       ascending sequence by UIC.

    Although you must provide separate UICs for each user, the LIST
    command reports users with the same UIC in the order in which
    they were added to the SYSUAF. Full reports list the details of
    the limits, privileges, login flags, and command interpreter.
    Brief reports do not include the limits, login flags, or command
    interpreter, nor do they summarize the privileges. AUTHORIZE
    never displays the password for an account.

    See the SHOW command for examples of brief and full reports.

3  –  Examples

      %UAF-I-LSTMSG1, writing listing file
      %UAF-I-LSTMSG2, listing file SYSUAF.LIS complete

      This command lists a full report for the user record ROBIN.

    2.UAF> LIST *
      %UAF-I-LSTMSG1, writing listing file
      %UAF-I-LSTMSG2, listing file SYSUAF.LIS complete

      This command results in brief reports for all users in
      ascending sequence by user name. Note, however, that this is
      the same result you would produce had you omitted the asterisk

    3.UAF> LIST [300,*]
      %UAF-I-LSTMSG1, writing listing file
      %UAF-I-LSTMSG2, listing file SYSUAF.LIS complete

      This command lists a brief report for all user records with a
      group UIC of 300.


    Creates a listing file (RIGHTSLIST.LIS) in which identifier
    names, attributes, values, and holders are written.


      LIST/IDENTIFIER  [id-name]

4.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies an identifier name. You can specify the asterisk
    wildcard character (*)  to list all identifiers. If you omit the
    identifier name, you must specify /USER or /VALUE.

4.2  –  Qualifiers

4.2.1    /BRIEF

    Specifies a brief listing in which only the identifier name,
    value, and attributes appear.

4.2.2    /FULL

    Specifies a full listing, in which the names of the identifier's
    holders are displayed along with the identifier's name, value,
    and attributes. The /FULL qualifier specifies the default listing

4.2.3    /USER


    Specifies one or more users whose identifiers are to be listed.
    The user-spec can be a user name or UIC. You can use the
    asterisk wildcard character (*) to specify multiple user names
    or UICs. UICs must be in the form [*,*], [n,*], [*,n], or
    [n,n]. A wildcard user name specification (*)  lists identifiers
    alphabetically by user name; a wildcard UIC specification ([*,*])
    lists them numerically by UIC.

4.2.4    /VALUE


    Specifies the value of the identifier to be listed. The following
    formats are valid for the value-specifier:

    IDENTIFIER:n     An integer value in the range 65,536 to
                     268,435,455. You can also specify the value
                     in hexadecimal (precede the value with %X) or
                     octal (precede the value with %O).

                     To differentiate general identifiers from UIC
                     identifiers, %X80000000 is added to the value
                     you specify.

    GID:n            GID is the POSIX group identifier. It is an
                     integer value in the range 0 to 16,777,215
                     (%XFFFFFF). The system will add %XA400.0000
                     to the value you specify and then enter this
                     new value into the system RIGHTSLIST as an

    UIC:uic          A UIC value in the standard UIC format.

4.3  –  Examples

      %UAF-I-LSTMSG1, writing listing file
      %UAF-I-RLSTMSG, listing file RIGHTSLIST.LIS complete

      The command in this example generates a full listing for the
      identifier INVENTORY, including its value (in hexadecimal),
      holders, and attributes.

      %UAF-I-LSTMSG1, writing listing file
      %UAF-I-RLSTMSG, listing file RIGHTSLIST.LIS complete

      This command lists an identifier associated with the user
      ANDERSON, along with its value and attributes. Note, however,
      that this is the same result you would produce had you
      specified ANDERSON's UIC with the following forms of the

        UAF> LIST/IDENTIFIER/USER=[300,015]


5    /PROXY

    Creates a listing file of the network proxy database entries from
    the network database file NET$PROXY.DAT.



5.1  –  Qualifiers

5.1.1    /OLD

    Directs AUTHORIZE to display information from the NETPROXY.DAT
    file rather than from the default file NET$PROXY.DAT.

    If someone modifies the proxy database on a cluster node that
    is not running the current OpenVMS VAX system, then you can use
    the /OLD qualifier to list the contents of the old database:

5.2  –  Example

  %UAF-I-LSTMSG1, writing listing file
  %UAF-I-NETLSTMSG, listing file NETPROXY.LIS complete

      The command in this example creates a listing file of all the
      entries in the network proxy database NETPROXY.DAT.

6    /RIGHTS

    Lists identifiers held by the specified identifier or, if /USER
    is specified, all identifiers held by the specified users.


      LIST/RIGHTS  [id-name]

6.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the identifier associated with the user.
    If you omit the identifier name, you must specify the /USER

6.2  –  Qualifier

6.2.1    /USER


    Specifies a user whose identifiers are to be listed. The user-
    spec can be a user name or UIC. You can use the asterisk wildcard
    character (*) to specify multiple UICs or all user names. UICs
    must be in the form [*,*], [n,*], [*,n], or [n,n]. A wildcard
    user name specification (*)  or wildcard UIC specification
    ([*,*]) lists all identifiers held by users. The wildcard user
    name specification lists holders' user names alphabetically; the
    wildcard UIC specification lists them in the numerical order of
    their UICs.

6.3  –  Example

  %UAF-I-LSTMSG1, writing listing file
  %UAF-I-RLSTMSG, listing file RIGHTSLIST.LIS complete

      The command in this example lists identifiers held by PAYROLL,
      providing PAYROLL is the name of a UIC format identifier.
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