Library /sys$common/syshlp/TPUHELP.HLB  —  SHIFT

  Changes the relative position of text displayed in a window on the screen.
  The character position displayed in column 1 on the screen is shifted to
  right or left -- typically, to view text that is wider than the window.
  The shift applies to any buffer associated with the window specified.
  SHIFT optionally returns an integer (for use with other TPU


     [integer2 :=] SHIFT (window, integer1)


     window     The window in which the shift is to occur.

     integer1   The number of columns to shift the text.  Positive values
                shift from right to left (so you can see text beyond the
                right edge of the window).  Negative values are from left to
                right (so you can can see text beyond the left edge of the
                window).  If you specify 0, no shift takes place and the
                screen is not repainted.  Otherwise, the screen is
                repainted.  If the first character in the line of text is
                already in column 1, using a negative value has no effect.


  1.  SHIFT (main_window, +5);

      Shifts text displayed in main window five columns to the left.

  2.  SHIFT (main_window, -5);

      Shifts text displayed in the main window five columns to the right, as
      long as existing text is beyond column 1.
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