Library /sys$common/syshlp/TPUHELP.HLB  —  SET(TIMER)

     Enables or disables display of flashing messages in the prompt area.
     When display of these messages is enabled, the TPU timer displays
     your specified message at one-second intervals.


     SET (TIMER, {OFF | ON}, string)


     OFF        Disables timer messages.

     ON         Enables timer messages.

     string     The text of the timer message, to be displayed in the last
                15 characters of the prompt area.  The maximum length is 15
                characters.  With ON, the default string is "Working..." If
                you specify a string, that string is saved and used as the


     Timed messages are off by default.  The first timed message is
     displayed three seconds after you press a key that executes a slow
     procedure; this prevents displaying unnecessary timed messages while
     executing short procedures.


     SET (TIMER, ON, "Executing...");

     Causes the message "Executing..." to be displayed in the prompt area.
     This is useful when you are executing a lengthy procedure.
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