Library /sys$common/syshlp/TPUHELP.HLB  —  SET(PRE_KEY_PROCEDURE)

  Specifies a procedure to be executed before execution of the program or
  learn sequence bound to a defined key.


     SET (PRE_KEY_PROCEDURE, keymap_list_name,
          [program | buffer | range | string | learn])


     keymap_list_name     A string specifying the keymap list for which you
                          want the procedure to be called.

     program              The program to be compiled, if necessary, and
                          executed when a define key is pressed.  If you do
                          not specify this parameter, the previously defined
                          program is deleted.

     buffer               The buffer containing TPU statements to be
                          compiled, if necessary, and executed when a
                          defined key is pressed.  If you do not specify
                          this parameter, the previously defined program is

     range                The range containing TPU statements to be
                          compiled, if necessary, and executed when a
                          defined key is pressed.  If you do not specify
                          this parameter, the previously defined program is

     string               The string containing TPU statements to be
                          compiled, if necessary, and executed when a
                          defined key is pressed.  If you do not specify
                          this parameter, the previously defined program is

     learn                The learn sequence to be replayed when an
                          appropriate key is pressed.  If you do not specify
                          this parameter, the previously defined program is


  The following code displays a message before the code bound to a key is

     SET (PRE_KEY_PROCEDURE, "tpu$key_map_list",
         'MESSAGE ("Executing Key " + GET_INFO (LAST_KEY, "name"))');
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