/sys$common/syshlp/TPUHELP.HLB  —  SET(ICON_PIXMAP)

     Determines the pixmap the application uses to create icons for the
     DECwindows environment.


     Choose either of two variants:

     [0 | 1 :=] SET (ICON_PIXMAP, integer, string1  [,widget])


     [0 | 1 :=] SET (ICON_PIXMAP, string2 [,widget])


     integer              The hierarchy identifier returned by the SET (UID)
                          built-in.  This identifier is passed to the
                          Resource Manager, which uses the identifier to
                          find the hierarchy's resource name in the resource

     string1              A case-sensitive string that is the name assigned
                          to the icon in the UIL file defining the icon
                          pixmap.  The icon must be declared EXPORTED in the
                          UIL file.

                          The icon name must match the root name of the
                          three icon names in the UIL file.  The icon names
                          specify the small, medium, and large size icons
                          supported by the Motif window manager.  The names
                          start with the root name, and end with a dimension
                          "_nXn".  For example, EVE's root name is
                          "EVE_ICON".  The three icon names in EVE's UIL
                          file are therefore, "EVE_ICON_32X32",
                          "EVE_ICON_50X50", and "EVE_ICON_75X75".  Note that
                          if you use a window manager that does not support
                          multiple icon sized, you need to specify the exact
                          name of the icon in your UIL file.

     string2              The file specification of a bitmap file.  SET
                          (ICON_PIXMAP) requires these files to be in the
                          format created by the Xlib routine
                          XWriteBitmapFile.  To create a file with the
                          correct format, you can use the program
                          SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$PAINT.EXE (the DECpaint
                          application) or the program
                          DECW$EXAMPLES:BITMAP.EXE.  If you use DECpaint,
                          use the Customize Picture Size option to set the
                          picture size to non-standard.  Use the Zoom option
                          to manipulate this small image.  Choose the X11
                          format when you save the file.

                          Set the height and width to 75 pixels for large
                          icons, 50 pixels for medium icons, and to 32
                          pixels for small icons.

     widget               The widget whose icon pixmap is to be set.  By
                          default, TPU sets the icon pixmap of its
                          top-level widget.


     To specify an icon pixmap defined in a UIL file, use the first syntax
     variant shown in the Syntax section.  To specify an icon created in a
     bitmap file, use the second syntax variant shown in the Syntax section.

     TPU automatically selects the application's largest icon allowed by
     the Motif Window Manager.  TPU does this when the user executes this
     built-in, or changes the window manager icon size and restarts the
     window manager.

     TPU returns a true value if it is successful in creating the icon;
     otherwise a false value.


     The following statement causes the icon pixmap stored in the file
     ICON_FLAMINGO.X11 to be displayed in the application's icon:


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