Library /sys$common/syshlp/TPUHELP.HLB  —  SET(CLIENT_MESSAGE)

  Specifies the program or learn sequence TPU should execute whenever it
  receives a client message from another DECwindows application.


     SET (CLIENT_MESSAGE, SCREEN [, {program_source | NONE}])


     SCREEN               A keyword used for compatibility with future
                          versions of TPU.

     program_source       A string, buffer, range, learn sequence, or
                          program specifying the client message routine.  If
                          you do not specify this parameter, TPU deletes
                          the current client message routine; thereafter,
                          your application is not informed when TPU
                          receives a client message from DECwindows.

     NONE                 A keyword instructing TPU to delete the current
                          client message routine.
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