Library /sys$common/syshlp/TPUHELP.HLB  —  GET_INFO(ANY_KEYNAME)

     For an overview of the GET_INFO built-in, see the HELP topic GET_INFO.

     The following strings can be used for parameter2 when parameter1 is a
     TPU keyname:

       Parameter 2       | Return Value (Parameter 1 is a key name)
       "key_modifiers"   | Integer     - A bit-encoded integer indicating
                         |               what key modifier or modifiers have
                         |               been used to create the TPU key
                         |               name specified by the parameter
                         |               "key_name".  The correspondence
                         |               between integers and key modifiers
                         |               is as follows:
                         |                   1 -- SHIFT_MODIFIED
                         |                   2 -- CTRL_MODIFIED
                         |                   4 -- HELP_MODIFIED
                         |                   8 -- ALT_MODIFIED
                         |               If the key has been modified by
                         |               more than one modifier, the integer
                         |               returned is the sum of the values
                         |               associated with the modifier.  For
                         |               more information about this call,
                         |               see the documentation for DECwindows
                         |               TPU.
       "key_type"        | Keyword or  - Returns a keyword describing
                         | 0             the type of key named by
                         |               parameter1.  The keywords
                         |               that can be returned are
                         |               PRINTING, KEYPAD, FUNCTION,
                         |               CONTROL, SHIFT_PRINTING,
                         |               SHIFT_KEYPAD, SHIFT_FUNCTION,
                         |               and SHIFT_CONTROL.
                         |               Returns 0 if parameter1 is not a
                         |               valid keyname.
       "unmodified"      | Keyword     - A keyword for an unmodified key.
                         |               The return value is the key name
                         |               of the specified key, stripped
                         |               of all key modifiers, such as
                         |               SHIFT_MODIFIED.
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