Library /sys$common/syshlp/TPUHELP.HLB  —  CREATE_WINDOW

  Creates a window -- an area on the screen for displaying data; optionally
  returns a window for use with other TPU procedures.  You specify the
  screen line number at which the window starts and the length of the


     [window :=] CREATE_WINDOW (integer1, integer2, {OFF | ON})


     integer1   The screen line number at which the window starts.

     integer2   The number of rows in the window.

     OFF        To turn off the status line for the window.

     ON         To turn on the status line for the window.


     new_window := CREATE_WINDOW (11, 10, ON);

  Creates a window that starts at screen line number 11 and is 10 rows long,
  and assigns it to the variable NEW_WINDOW.  A status line is displayed,
  appearing as the last row of the window.  To make this window visible, you
  must associate an existing buffer with it and map the window to the screen
  with the following statement:

     MAP (new_window, buffer);

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