1 FIND [SCA Command] Locates occurrences described by the current SCA libraries. For information on the SCA query language, see SCA_Topics in online help. Format FIND query-expression 2 Qualifiers /DESCRIPTION /DESCRIPTION=string Specifies a single line of text that is displayed along with the query name when the query is displayed by issuing the SHOW QUERY command. /DISPLAY /DISPLAY[=(option, . . . )] /DISPLAY=DEFAULT (D) /NODISPLAY Indicates how much information SCA displays concerning query results. Use one or more of the following keywords to request specific information: NAME Symbol name CLASS Class of item LINE_NUMBER Compilation line number MODULE Module name containing a symbol occurrence FILE_SPEC File name and type containing a symbol occurrence FULL_FILE_SPEC Complete file specification containing a symbol occurrence RECORD_NUMBER Record number within a source file RELATIONSHIP Relationship type NUMBER Number of the display line OCCURRENCE_ Type of symbol occurrence (such as declaration, TYPE read, call) ALL All of the previous options DEFAULT Default settings of the display options NONE Nothing (equivalent to the /NODISPLAY qualifier) You can prefix any keyword (except ALL, DEFAULT, and NONE) with NO to request that the information be excluded. The initial default for each type of new query is as follows: DISPLAY=(NAME,CLASS,MODULE,LINE,OCCURRENCE,RELATIONSHIP) /LOG /LOG (D) /NOLOG Indicates whether the count of symbol occurrences will be reported. /MODIFY /MODIFY[=query-name] /NOMODIFY (D) Indicates that an existing query is to be modified. By default, each FIND command creates a new query. The /MODIFY=query-name qualifier indicates that the specified query should be modified according to the specification of the FIND command. The specified query must already exist. By default, the /MODIFY qualifier specifies the current query. /NAME /NAME[=query-name] Specifies the name of the query. If a query with the same name already exists, you must also specify the /REPLACE qualifier. If a query-name is not specified, then SCA assigns a unique name to the query. The query name can be a quoted string. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT[=file-spec] Specifies that command output is to go to a file rather than be displayed on your screen (or go to a batch log file). The default output file specification is SCA.LIS. /REPLACE /REPLACE /NOREPLACE (D) Indicates whether existing queries should be replaced by new queries. By default, a FIND command that creates a query with the same name as an already existing query will fail. /RESULT /RESULT=option /RESULT=DEFAULT (D) /NORESULT Indicates the type of query results displayed. You must specify one of the following keywords: SYMBOLS Only symbols are displayed. OCCURRENCES Symbols and occurrences are displayed. DEFAULT Either symbols or occurrences, or both are displayed. SCA chooses the result type that is most appropriate for the current query. The /NORESULT qualifier specifies that no results should be displayed. This means that no query evaluation is done. If a query result exists because you issued a FIND command, then specifying /NORESULT causes that result to be deleted. /SYNCHRONIZE /SYNCHRONIZE /NOSYNCHRONIZE (D) Indicates that the query result must be synchronized with the current state of the virtual library being queried. By default, /NOSYNCHRONIZE causes SCA to do as little processing as necessary to evaluate the query. This can lead to query results that reflect the state of the virtual library at the time of a previous query. The /SYNCHRONIZE qualifier specifies that the query result must be synchronized with the current virtual library. SCA attempts to minimize the amount of processing, but the result is still synchronized with the virtual library that was in effect at the time the query was evaluated. 2 Parameter query-expression Specifies the set of occurrences to be found.