Library /sys$common/syshlp/SCA$NEUTRAL_HELP.HLB  —  SHOW  QUERY
    [SCA Command] Displays information about one or more current SCA
    query sessions.


      SHOW QUERY   [query-name,...]

1  –  Qualifiers

1.1    /BRIEF

       /BRIEF (D)

    Indicates how much information you want to be displayed. The
    /BRIEF qualifier causes SCA to display (in tabular format) the
    query name, query expression, and description for the indicated

1.2    /FULL

    Indicates how much information you want to be displayed. The
    /FULL qualifier causes SCA to display all information about the
    indicated query.

2  –  Parameter

    Specifies the name of the query to be displayed. If you specify
    a null query name (""),  SCA assumes you mean the current query.
    If you omit this parameter, SCA assumes you have specified an
    asterisk (*).
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