Library /sys$common/syshlp/SAS_UTIL_HELP.HLB  —  SHOW  EXPANDER  Example

  Expander 1
          Physical Port   : 0
          SAS WWID        : 500508B3-00A1396F
          Dev Handle      : 9
          Num PHYs        : 13
          SAS Level       : 1
          Exp Flags       Device has configurable route table.
          Prog Link Rate  Max 3.0Gbps  Min 1.5Gbps
          HW Link Rate    Max 3.0Gbps  Min 1.5Gbps
          PHY Info        Table Routing  3.0Gbps speed
          Att Dev Info    SMP Target   LSI Device

      This example shows information about external SAS Expander 1,
      which is connected to the SAS Controller.
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