Library /sys$common/syshlp/SAS_UTIL_HELP.HLB  —  SHOW  UNIT
    Displays the IR volumes configured in the SAS Controller.


      SHOW UNIT  [volume_id]

1  –  Parameters


    Displays information about a specific IR volume.

    If a volume ID is not specified, the SAS utility displays all
    available IR volumes that the SAS Controller finds.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /FULL

    Displays additional information about IR volumes.

3  –  Example


   IR Volume information:

   IR Volume 4
   Volume Type          : RAID 1 (LSI Logic Integrated Mirror)
   Volume State         : Optimal
   Size                 : 69495 MB / 142325760 blocks

   IR Disk 1            Source Disk
      Disk State        : Online
      Slot ID           : 1
      SAS WWID          : 5000C500-0134CB8D

   IR Disk 0            Secondary Disk
      Disk State        : Online
      Slot ID           : 7
      SAS WWID          : 5000C500-0134DBB5

   IR Hot Spare         7
      Hot Spare Status  : Active
      Slot ID           : 6
      SAS WWID          : 12210000-06000000

      This example displays volume information and all physical disks
      corresponding to the IR volume set.
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