Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCAC_HELP.HLB  —  pcacui  uidgen MnWind, uidgen MenuBar
  The PCA Collector menu bar contains the following

  o  File - for creating a data file into which to store
     performance or coverage data; to select an existing
     data file into which the collected information is
     to be be placed; to select a user-written sharable
     image on which to collect performance or coverage
     information; and to exit from the Collector.

  o  Options - for naming a specific collection run you
     are performing; to setting collection ranges for
     information; and for modifying the default sampling
     rate for for any of the sampling timers.

  o  Help - for providing topical access to online help.
Additional Information: explode extract
File Cascade Customize Cascade Help Cascade
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