Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCAC_HELP.HLB  —  pcacui  Overview frame, DisPerInfo frame
  To display the results of the performance data you have
  collected on your application:

  o  Invoke the Analyzer from the main PCA startup window

  o  Select the query category you collected performance
     information on

  o  Select the specific query you chose during the
     collection run

  The Analyzer diplays performance data in one of the
  following types of charts:

  o  Histograms

  o  Tables

  o  Annotated source listings

  o  Call trees

  For more information in displaying performance results,
  refer to:

  o  The online help for the Analyzer

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems
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