Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCAC_HELP.HLB  —  pcacui  Overview frame, AdaTskInfo frame
  Collecting Ada Tasking information gives you the
  following tasking information on your Ada application:

  o  What tasks are performing context switching

  o  What Ada tasking names are used

  o  What Ada tasking types are used

  o  What Ada task priorities are used

  To collect Ada Tasking information on your application:

  o  Compile and link your application with the PCA

  o  Run your application. This causes the PCA Collector
     to take control of your application. PCA diplays the
     Collector main window on your screen.

  o  From the File pull-down menu, create a data file
     into which the Collector places performance data.

  o  Choose the Ada Tasking query category.

  o  Click on the query related to the specific tasking
     information you are interested in collecting.

  o  Click on Collect in the Collector main window.

  For information on displaying the results of the Ada
  tasking queries, refer to:

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems

  o  The online help for the PCA Analyzer.
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